who doesn't have a sword

Chapter 294 Gifts

Chapter 294 Gifts
Facts have proved that Shen Guanyu is still too young and naive.

When the news that the Thunder Dragon Stone was found by several monster kings of the demon clan and returned to Jiyuan spread outside Tianwu Mountain, rumors began to spread in the temporary camp that Shen Guanyu exchanged the fairy stone and the fairy valley demon for the Thunder Dragon Stone.

He also said that Shen Guanyu had thousands of fairy stones in his hand.

Almost as soon as she walked into the temporary residence with Zhuifeng in her arms, countless pairs of eyes flicked towards her.

Two people's spiritual consciousness even passed through the aura of body protection unscrupulously, and directly probed into Shen Guanyu's various rings.

Ao Xian, who has been promoted to the seventh level by two levels in a row, yelled in the Qiankun room hanging on her waist: "Damn it."

"Looking for death!" The spiritual senses of Xuan Yunzi and Zhang He twisted towards the probing divine sense at the same time, after a strangling and two screams, no one dared to turn their eyes away.

Xuan Yunzi even flew out of the camp, chasing after the masters of the two divine senses.

Zhang He, who was about to return to his clan, stared at his two juniors as soon as he entered his family's Qianji House: "Who passed it on?"

Shen De and You Sheng looked at each other and said, "It's a Foundation Establishment disciple of Qianye Sect.

Xiaoyu's parents said that there were two Foundation Establishment disciples from Qianye Sect and Xuanyue Sect at the place where they met the big demon.

When they were taken away by the demon king, they forgot about the two demon disciples. "

As soon as the two of them left the secret realm, they gathered around the disciples who had survived from the secret realm. Although there were casualties every time they entered the secret realm, the loss of Taiyizong was a bit big this time.

Among the dozen or so alchemy disciples who went in, Le Shi and Zhan Jiugui, who were the strongest in battle, did not come out.

They were so shocked that they quickly questioned the Changju senior sister who was guarding the sect, and they received a reply letter that the soul fire of the two had not been extinguished except for a flash jump a few days ago, and they learned that someone was privately telling the adventures of the nephew and his party .

Yousheng said: "However, what the Qianyemen disciple said was that Xiaoyu's fairy stone was taken away by the big demon.

But as the word spread, things changed.

It should be Yu Zhuo from the Spirit Demon Sect who contributed to the flames. "

Zhang He took a deep breath, "Now, the deities from the spirit world and the cave world have arrived at the Union Inn in Wuming City.

At this time, it was rumored that Xiaoyu had many fairy stones, and his heart could be punished. "

The monks of several major sects in the Tiannan Realm have also obtained immortal stones from ancient secret realms.

But it has never been more than a hundred. Now that Shen Guanyu has thousands of fairy stones, she immediately becomes the target of some people to kill and seize treasures.

Shen Guanyu also knew that she would be in trouble in the future, but now she cared more about her parents, "Master, where are my parents?"

Shen De said: "They are now with Wulu Zhenjun."

"Can I go and see them?" Shen Guanyu came out and hadn't seen his parents yet.

"No." Zhang He directly vetoed it, "Several wild beasts in Tianwu Mountain have advanced to the tenth level, this place is no longer a good place for us, we must leave immediately."

The monks who entered the Fairy Spirit Valley this time came out, only a few who had established foundations and promoted to pill formation, but none of the monks who had formed pills advanced to Nascent Soul, and no Nascent Soul advanced to Huashen.

Shen De spoke much softer, "It's not that serious.

Xiaoyu, we have reached an agreement with Tianwu Mountain, and we will not interfere with each other in the future.

However, there are too many monks in the camp, and it is best for each family to retreat in an orderly and quick manner. "

"Uncle." Xia Jian's voice came from outside the door.

"Come in."

Xia Jian entered the door with a salute and said, "Zaoyu Zhenjun is in the front hall and said he is looking for three uncles."

Zhang He nodded, and Xia Jian said: "Look at your junior sister."

After they went to meet the guests and left, Shen Guanyu congratulated Xia Jian: "Congratulations, Senior Sister, for becoming the real person of Danjie."

Ao Xian also came out to congratulate her with Zhuifeng.

Xia Jian raised her eyebrows: "Just congratulate with your mouth?"

After brushing and brushing, Shen Guanyu took out three jade boxes: "Gifts."

Xia Jian opened it and closed it immediately, "Crazy, you dare to give me the top-quality spirit stone?"

"Senior sister, it's reciprocal, and I've also formed a pill." Ao Xian stretched out his dragon claws.

Xia Jian stroked her forehead: "You don't suffer."

Several people laughed, but some people couldn't laugh.

Seeing the injuries all over Ming Xin's body, Master Miaoyu asked coldly, "Does anyone know that you gave people the soul control pill?"

Ming Xin shook her head quickly: "No, when I was caught by them, I asked Senior Jimo to destroy all the Soul Control Pills."

"What about others?"

"Seal it in the soul ring according to the secret method you taught." Ming Xin handed over the soul ring, bit her lips and asked, "Master, do we really want to help the Jimo family?"

The punch line: "We are the descendants of the Jimo family."

Ming Xin shook his head: "But Master and I don't have demon blood.

On the contrary, among the few disciples of the Taoist sect, they have the blood of the demon race. "

The punch line: "The Jimo family has more than that half-demon bloodline.

In the ancient times of our clan, we practiced the authentic Demon Sect Kung Fu. "

In fact, Taoism and magic skills are all summed up by the long-term practice of ancient sages and sages, and those who practice the orthodox skills can ascend to the fairy world.

Such as corpse immortals and ghost immortals, there were not no such things in ancient times.

"Then why do you want to assassinate the disciples of various sects who entered the Fairy Spirit Valley?

Today, Tiannan Realm is about to return to Qiyao.

Master, I want to practice hard, and if possible in the future, I will also want to visit the fairy world. "Ming Xin has always been favored, so he will talk to Master when he has something to say, "Master thinks, can the three surnames of Tang Yao return to Tiannan to dominate?"
And even if they succeed, what good will it do us?
You are already the head elder of Yuanying, the second largest magic sect in Tiannan. "

Since Miaoyan passed away, Miaoyu was promoted to the first position naturally.

Qiao Yu closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time before saying: "Whether they succeed or not, it is of no benefit to us.

Because, since the day we were born, we have been planted with the soul control cup. "

"What?" Ming Xin stood up abruptly, causing the wound on his body to bleed profusely.

Qiao Yu hurriedly stopped the bleeding and pain for her, and said, "Do you know why your senior sister died in the training room a few months ago?"

"Killed by them?"

"Well, although your senior sister is a descendant of Jimo with demonic bones, and she also practiced charm, she was born in Baihua City.

He grew up listening to the sages of Baihua City fight desperately against Tang Yao's invasion since he was a child.

As soon as they learned the true identities of the two ghost cultivators, they had to report to the Cultivation Alliance, and as a result," the witty voice said angrily, "with just one cup control technique, she was gnawed by the bone-eating worms in her body, leaving nothing left. "

"Master, do we want to be restrained by them for the rest of our lives?" Ming Xin trembled when he thought of pushing open the door of his senior sister, only to see the hairpin ring and a French skirt falling on the ground.

The witty words gave her a wave of spiritual power to comfort her: "Master will find a way, there will always be people who don't want to be coerced just like us."

Ming Xin's face turned pale: "There are many more?"

"Not many, but there are a few high-level ones." The quip smiled: "Don't be afraid, there is a master."


"Master!" Shen Guanyu did not expect that Master would come back while he was drinking with Senior Sister Xia, "You came back so soon?"

Ao Xian and Zhuifeng have already thrown themselves into Chen Shui's arms.

"Master, I'll make you some spirit tea." Xia Jian said goodbye with a wink.

"Master, master, we have been greatly wronged." The little dragon king began to complain.

Chen Shui said with a smile: "Come on, talk to Master, Master will avenge you."

(End of this chapter)

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