Chapter 309

Shen Guanyu was dizzy for a while, and took out several pill bottles with great effort and passed them into the Nabao chain. With one hand, she held Ao Xian's dragon horn firmly in her hand, and at the same time called out the Thunder Dragon Spear.

Thanks to the shield given by the master, she and Ao Xian were able to stabilize their figures and not be hurt by the transmitted streamer.

In the past, too much experience told her that if the world of cultivating immortals encounters accidental teleportation, it is likely to be teleported to a land of no spirit or absolute spirit.

However, this time they were very lucky, as soon as the teleportation stopped, they were in a spiritual valley.

"Where is King Qing? I just saw that it has also come in." Ao Xian's spiritual consciousness is no longer two or three miles before, but has reached the hundred miles in the late stage of alchemy.

However, it turned around the entire valley with its consciousness, but it didn't see Qing Gai, and it was so tired that it was dizzy.

Shen Guanyu on the side was worse than it, it didn't fall to the ground, but hung upside down between two protruding stone walls.

With the tip of the Thunder Dragon Spear in her hand, she touched Shi Bi, and she quickly turned over and flew down. The body of the spear also changed into the size of a log, and brought her to the ground slowly.

I have to say that the fully sacrificial talisman is very easy to use. She tried the flying speed before, and it was very fast, comparable to Poyunzhou.

Ao Xian didn't fly up to pick her up when Luogu left because he saw that she was not too important.

Shen Guanyu's spiritual consciousness is a little more than that in the early stage of foundation establishment, but it is not more than three miles away, and he can't see the green cover.

She looked around, and the valley was completely dead silent, except for stones and stones, and there was no dead grass, "Ao Xian, how big is it here?"

"The radius is only eighty or ninety miles." Ao Xian took out the sound transmission pendant, and thought that Zhuifeng would not be able to receive it in the big demon's space.

"Xiaoyu, do you have the sound transmission talisman of King Qing?"

"No." Shen Guanyu shook his head, Qing Gai couldn't speak yet, and usually didn't like to communicate with them through voice transmission with his spiritual sense.

The last time I gave it a communication talisman to ask it to leave a mark of spiritual consciousness, but it accepted it, but it still hasn't returned it to her.

"However, the communication talisman with the imprint of my spiritual consciousness was given to it." Shen Guanyu said while trying to send a sound transmission talisman to Ao Xian.

As a result, the talisman fell to the ground before it even flew up, "It seems that the communication tool doesn't work here.

It's not a big place, let's find them. "

But the two of them were only ten miles away from the place where they fell, and there was another burst of space distortion and teleportation.

It was a coincidence that Shen Guanyu fell into the pond this time, but the pond was full of mud, she used her spiritual power or internal power a few times, but she was firmly sucked and could not fly out.

Ao Xian did not fall into the pond, but it landed on a very flat stone platform, and made a snoring sound, falling asleep.

Shen Guanyu yelled several times but failed to wake up the dragon, so he had to pull his legs out of the quagmire by himself.

Wheezing and wheezing, I worked hard for half an hour and was still four feet away from the ground.

After pulling out my legs several times, I couldn't stand still and fell into the mud. After I got up, I was really embarrassed.

She had no choice but to try her best, but she only advanced a foot to the ground.

What's even more frightening is that when she managed to come to a distance of three feet from the edge of the pond, with a swish, a monster one foot long and half a foot thick flew out of the pond mud.

The mud beast flicked its tail, but the mud all over its body was thrown onto Shen Guanyu's face.

Shen Guanyu directly stabbed the mud beast with Thunder Dragon Spear.

This time, the thunder arc pierced through the body of the mud beast with thorns.

The next moment, Shen Guanyu saw the beast bang open, and instantly turned into mud in the pond again.

But as soon as she walked forward, another mud beast emerged from the bottom of the pond, and when it came up, it opened its mouth wide, ready to swallow a living person.

How could Shen Guanyu let it succeed? Although the person was swallowed without a hand, he used a shield to protect himself as soon as it entered its belly, and threw out a thunder talisman to shatter the mud.

I don't know if the Thunder Talisman exploded too hard, or the second mud beast touched the switch.

The whole pond shook like a sieve bucket, and the pond mud was shaken up to the sky, and without giving Shen Guanyu any time to wrap her in the mud, she was thrown far away.

Crack, when Shen Guan fell upside down, he stabbed the ground with the spear point three times in a row, shaking all the mud on his body to pieces.

At the same time, she also summoned the fire in the dantian to dry the mud until it could no longer turn into a mud beast.

Looking as far as she could, there was no more mud in the pond just now.

As soon as she turned around and came towards Shi Ping, giggling, she heard a strange voice coming from behind, and she didn't bother to use her spiritual sense to look around.

Shen Guanyu squatted down and slipped, and when he got up again, he saw more than a dozen mechanism puppets blocking him in a fan-shaped step.

The thought of fighting against him flashed in his mind, and he threw out several Thunder Talismans and Fire Talismans with both hands without delay.


boom boom boom

A bunch of organ beasts were blown to pieces, not a few had their tails and claws broken.

Seeing the tarnished stones falling out of the broken animal shape, Shen Guanyu sucked two of them and looked carefully, "It turns out that they are soul stones that are almost out of energy."

Even though the soul stone was dim, Shen Guanyu was reluctant to take it, and she even put the broken puppets into the space together.

At this time, there were no more strange movements around.

Shen Guanyu seized the time to clean himself up with several cleaning techniques, and then quickly rushed to the big stone platform where Ao Xian was.

Shen Guanyu was bounced away by the stone platform even though neither his spiritual sense nor his naked eyes saw any obstacles, and even with the Thunder Dragon Spear or Immortal Sword, he couldn't split the invisible barrier.

Ao Xian on the stone platform was not affected at all, and his saliva still slipped when he snored.

Shen Guanyu could see very clearly that after the little dragon king's head flickered a few times, several spiritual grasses emerged from his dragon's mouth.

No matter how much Ao Xian drools, it was snatched away by these grasses.

"So it's ambergris." Shen Guanyu secretly let go of his worries, and carefully observed here.

There are faint dark patterns on the stone platform, and with Ao Xian's every breath, dragon patterns emerge.

She thought, could it be the relic of a dragon king?The little dragon king slept quite comfortably, and it could be seen that spiritual energy was constantly flying into his body.

Can you still practice?Shen Guanyu decided to look at the environment first before talking about anything else.

Anyway, the place is not big, it's all within the scope of her spiritual consciousness, and occasionally there are places that she can't see, Shen Guanyu will use the Thunder Dragon Spear to fly closer to have a look.

After being tired for a long time, Shen Guanyu, who didn't see any movement, set up a formation to take a rest and replenish his strength.

So as soon as the Wanyin Formation was formed, she took out the fire spirit charcoal and the red clay stove to cook.

First, I made a rice wine poached egg with purple rice wine, and stewed the big bones of the fifth-grade fat cow with the packed pig and duck.

After eating a bowl of rice wine, Shen Guanyu increased the firepower to cook the soup, and soon the aroma wafted far away.

When she poured out some noodles, she heard the sound of thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, from under the stone platform where Ao Xian was sleeping in the dark.

She grabbed the barrel of the gun and went out, ready to try to pierce the invisible barrier again, but when she had just stuck the gun and was bounced off, a hole was opened on the side of the big stone platform.

A familiar figure came out from inside, and Shen Guanyu was pleasantly surprised: "Uncle Zhang He!"

(End of this chapter)

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