Chapter 310 Why

Shen Guanyu yelled Zhang He several times, but not only did she not get a response, she also saw her master make two big circles around the big stone platform.

It feels like the uncle didn't see Ao Xian's appearance either.

"Are there several isolation spaces here?" No wonder there was a lot of movement outside, but Ao Xian didn't make any movement.

Shen Guanyu's formation method is not bad among the same group of disciples, but today in this place, like her master who is so close to the world, she can't find any trace of the formation method.

Not long after night fell, the light of the Big Dipper and the Nine Stars in the sky shone brightly on the dried up pond.

There were several loud bangs, and the pond was lifted from the bottom to the sky, and the dry and broken mud inside hit the ground, forming a pit.

And Shen Guanyu's Ten Thousand Hidden Formation, which was temporarily deployed, also bore the brunt of being hit by the dry mud all over the sky.

After a crackling sound, something exploded with a bang, followed by the sound of running water.

Whether it was the Dashitai where Ao Xian was, or Shen Guanyu's Ten Thousand Hidden Formation, they were instantly swept away by the monstrous flood that emerged from the pond.

This small valley turned into a lake in just a few breaths.

Although the Wanyin Formation was not broken, it was still wobbling like a boat in the sea.

Shen Guanyu quickly adjusted the formation disk, and retracted the formation flags in a planned way, turning it into a small defensive formation supported by nine formation flags.

Finally, I have time to explore my spiritual sense to my uncle and Ao Xian.

But at this time, there was no big stone platform, Shen Guanyu's heart skipped a beat, and his spiritual consciousness wanted to put it into the water to have a look, but it was interrupted as soon as it entered the water.

She immediately called Ao Xian with the spirit of the contract.

In the thousands of miles of blue waves, there are various fish and crabs swimming around. Some of them leisurely forage in groups, some fight with each other, and some desperately rush in the sea in order not to become someone else's food.

Suddenly, huge waves rolled up on the bottom of the sea, "Oh~~"

The clear and slightly immature dragon chant spread throughout the nearby sea area, and many sea beasts speeded up their swims in order to avoid the Dragon King's patrolling.

But what they don't know is that the big and small dragon kings have no intention of going on tour at all.

Little Dragon King was surfing in the sea with Mother Dragon when he suddenly heard someone calling his name.

It wrinkled its long eyes and thought it was so annoying, it disturbed the playing time of itself and mother.

Mother Long touched it with her whiskers, and the dragon claws pushed it and said, "Ao Xian, you should go."

"Mother, this is our home, where should I go?" Ao Xian hugged Mother Long.

But, obviously, he was stroking his mother with the dragon claws before, but suddenly the aura spread out.

"Mother, mother..." The little dragon king couldn't see his mother on the surface of the sea, so he plunged into the sea and flipped around.

There was a low-level sea beast that was wandering, turned over by its continuous high-pitched dragon chant.

"Let's go, let's go." Mother's murmur rang in my ears, but Ao Xian couldn't find it.

Just at this time, the urgent cry of "Ao Xian Ao Xian" sounded in his mind again, the little dragon king was so angry, he rushed out from the bottom of the sea following the thoughts of his soul.

It roared loudly: "Stop barking!"

But the result of its roar was that it rolled off the sleeping stone and fell to the ground.

As it landed, there was an inaudible "boom".

"Ao Xian!" Zhang He, who couldn't find any way out, saw Ao Xian rolling on the ground, looking at the water outside the transparent barrier with confused eyes, and hurriedly called it to confirm.

The Little Dragon King flew up to the stone platform with a whimper, looked at Zhang He with a defensive face and said, "Where is the evildoer?
If you dare to pretend to be the king's uncle, you will die. "

Before the words fell, it spewed out big flames towards Zhang He, and the dragon tail did not forget to sweep a sneak attack.

Zhang He's face was full of black lines, and he put out his precious pill furnace to block it. She hadn't finished testing whether the other side was really Ao Xian, but she was regarded as a fake first.

She held up the alchemy furnace engraved with various fish, insects and spiritual herbs, "Ao Xian, have you grown up? Do you even dare to beat your uncle?"

Ao Xian's fire-breathing action froze, and he took a closer look at the opposite side, ah, ah, it's really an uncle.

How to do how to do?It called Shen Guanyu with its soul, but it was worried or worried that the master would not eat the spirit beast pill as a jelly bean for itself in the future.

The Little Dragon King, who was full of drama in his heart, put away the fire with a solemn expression on his face: "Are you really my uncle Zhang He?"

"Small, pretending to be pretty." Zhang He didn't like it, and grabbed Ao Xian with a big palm of spiritual power.

The accident happened at this moment.

As soon as she jumped onto the big stone platform, the whole space was distorted.

Shen Guanyu was concentrating on calling Ao Xian, when he saw the water column at the location of the big stone platform soaring into the sky.

The next moment, the disappearing stone platform emerged from the bottom of the water that Yue Fei swirled.

Shen Guanyu immediately saw his uncle and the little dragon king.

"Little fish!" Ao Xian also saw her, and asked her for help with eager eyes.

Shen Guanyu understood in seconds, every time it and Zhuifeng were caught secretly eating the elixir made by their master, they would have this expression.

The formation she set up was very close to the stone platform, and the water column was gone at this moment, and the whirling water vortex was just pressed down by the big stone platform.

So when Shen Guanyu mentioned the aura and strengthened his inner strength, he imitated the movements of the elder brother Le Shi, and with the help of the buoyancy of the water surface, he quickly flew into the big stone platform with his toes.

"The disciple has met the uncle." She gave Zhang He a deep bow first.

Zhang He Zhenjun curled his lips, let go of one side of the dragon horn that he was holding in his hand, glanced at Ao Xian and said: "After returning to the sect, go to Lingquan Peak and help me raise the ambergris in the medicine field."

"Ah, this?" Ao Xian really doesn't like to sleep in the medicine field where spirit bees are flying everywhere.

Zhang He would not accept its objection at all, and asked Shen Guanyu, "Why are you two here?"

Shen Guanyu also said at the same time: "Why are you here?"

"Let's go to your formation first." Zhang He was worried that there would be another Yao'e son in Shi Ping.

Sure enough, when the three of them were about to fly away, after the humming sound of the big stone platform, the familiar sense of teleportation appeared again.

This time, Shen Guanyu didn't even have time to transfer items into the Nabao chain, so he landed on the stone platform.

"Hey, this is where we came in at the beginning, and we are back again." Ao Xian jumped off the stone platform first.

With a sweep of his consciousness, he said with certainty: "It is the place we entered before, and ten miles further forward, it is the protruding stone that hangs on you."

Shen Guanyu was puzzled: "Why did you send us back again?"

The most important thing is that her Wanyin Array Banner also landed on the big stone platform at some point and came out.

Zhang He's spiritual sense is farther than Ao Xian can see, and the three hundred miles of spiritual sense can climb over the mountain in front of him.

She said: "There is an enchantment behind the mountain, I can't tell where it is."

Shen Guanyu said: "It should still be in Jiyuan. A few days ago, I saw the starlight cast by the nine stars in the sky, focusing on Jiyuan.

And here, from the time when the starlight was at its strongest in Zishi, there are nine star rays shooting into the place where we came out just now. "

Zhang He frowned: "I actually teleported directly from the wind spar mine to Jiyuan in the far west?"

"Aeolian stone mine?" When Shen Guanyu asked, another strange and hoarse voice asked at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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