Chapter 35
The cloud brocade feels soft to the touch and looks like a five-pointed star. Once it is injected with spiritual power, it immediately flies into the air, and a light blue light spreads from the central point, forming a complicated and complicated formation to block in front of it.

"Junior Sister, did you see that the formation of this top-grade magic weapon is missing a corner!" Luo Yingying immediately pointed to the defect in the lower left corner of Yunzhi Brocade.

Shopkeeper Qian was ashamed, Luo Yingying was too young, she couldn't concentrate, it was too deliberate.

He was worried that Qu Yiqiu saw something unusual, so he hurriedly answered: "Yes, yes, fellow Daoist Luo looked carefully, my magic weapon is indeed missing a part of the formation, and its power is not as good as before, so I can only give it as a lottery gift. I hope fellow Daoists don’t feel disgusted.”

Qu Yiqiu glanced at the two of them calmly, and said with a smile: "Although this cloud brocade formation is missing a corner, its defensive ability is comparable to that of a high-grade magic weapon. It's not a bad idea to let shopkeeper Qian give it to me for nothing. Sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as Daoist friends like it, you will often visit my Duobao Pavilion in the future. This broken top-grade magic weapon is nothing! It's a business, and the purpose is for a long time!" Qian's smile narrowed his eyes. a line.

Luo Yingying thought about Chi Yushu's purpose, and cooperated: "Junior Sister, don't worry, Shopkeeper Qian will definitely not suffer a loss. Broken top-grade magical artifacts are not easy to sell. Junior Sister, it's just a coincidence!"

"Yes, yes, I hope that the two fellow daoists will visit the shop more often in the future! Like the master who makes alchemy in the Daoist Association, our Duobao Pavilion welcomes you very much!" Shopkeeper Qian's round fleshy face trembled with a smile Trembling.

Qu Yiqiu pursed her lips and smiled: "Thank you, shopkeeper Qian, please calculate the total number of spirit stones from the five bottles of Bingcai Yuling, Buling Pill, Peiyuan Pill, and Guben Pill!"

"Okay! I'll settle it right away!" Shopkeeper Qian took out a light purple jade bead abacus from his pocket, flicked it with a smile, and immediately got the result.

"The three kinds of pills cost 8 low-grade spirit stones in total. The price of the ice-coloured jade silk is 18 low-grade spirit stones, which adds up to 26 low-grade spirit stones. How are you going to pay?"

Shopkeeper Qian finished speaking in one breath, and looked at her enthusiastically.

When Luo Yingying heard the total number of spirit stones, she smacked silently, then secretly glanced at Shopkeeper Qian, and pressed down on him with her right hand hidden in her sleeve robe.

Her intention was obvious, and she wanted Shopkeeper Qian to quote a lower price.

Shopkeeper Qian glanced away from the corner of his eye and remained silent.

This price is already extremely low if you add a damaged top-grade defensive magic weapon.

If it goes any lower, even a fool would have to suspect that there is something wrong with the two of them!

Seeing that shopkeeper Qian ignored her, Luo Yingying felt anxious, and blurted out: "Shopkeeper, please lower your price! I have to keep some of my younger sister's Condensing Yuan Pill. How can there be so many spirit stones to buy... buy it!" ..."

Qu Yiqiu smiled and shook her head slightly at Luo Yingying, stopping her from bargaining.

"Senior Sister Luo, apart from the thirty-odd bottles of Condensing Yuan Pill, I still have Master's Unfinished Condensing Yin Grass in my hand. After I go back, I can ask Master to refine a few more furnaces. Before I leave tomorrow, the pill in my hand Will be able to prepare enough.

The price given by Shopkeeper Qian is very affordable. I am very grateful to my senior sister for bringing me here. I will use these condensed essence pills and some spirit stones to pay for the pills! "

When Shopkeeper Qian heard this, he was overjoyed.

I thought she was a poor fairy who relied on connections, and didn't have any spirit stones to decorate her appearance!

Looking at it now, this fairy's wealth is just like her appearance, noble and unfathomable!
"Thank you fellow daoist for your patronage! If fellow daoists need it again in the future, or if you have a panacea for sale, you can come to my Duobao Pavilion and report Qian Taiduo's name! The shop assistant will give you benefits as usual!"

Shopkeeper Qian smiled brightly like a flower.

Seeing that Qu Yiqiu looked normal, Luo Yingying didn't ask Shopkeeper Qian to lower the price.

The three of them doubled it together, and since the Condensing Yuan Pill that Qu Yiqiu took out was the top grade of Erdaowen, the purchase given by the shopkeeper Qian was higher than the ordinary Erdaowen.

Qu Yiqiu took out 39 bottles of Condensing Yuan Pills, plus 500 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, and bought two top-quality magic tools and a three-way grain elixir.

Shopkeeper Qian didn't check the quality of the medicinal pills in the porcelain bottle one by one. After a quick glance and put them away, he escorted the two of them downstairs.

Watching Qu Yiqiu and Luo Yingying leave their graceful figures.

Shopkeeper Qian and the waiter both showed obsessed expressions.

"You Daoyou Chi (senior) really didn't talk nonsense, you can recognize who she is in the crowd at a glance! She's so beautiful! She's so immortal! It's so fascinating!"


Qu Yiqiu and Luo Yingying walked and chatted, and returned to Tianyanzong,

At this time, the red sun has already set in the west, leaving only a faint rouge color in the sky.

"Junior Sister Qu, I dare not tell you in Duobao Pavilion just now, there is actually nothing wrong with this cloud brocade!"

When walking quickly to Xiaoping Peak, Luo Yingying hesitated and turned her head and spoke to her.

Qu Yiqiu pretended to be surprised and said: "Why did Senior Sister say that? When we were in Duobao Pavilion, didn't Yun Zhijin's formation lack a corner?"

Luo Yingying quickly glanced at the sunset sky with a guilty conscience, took out a roll of array map from the storage bag, and said with a smile: "For those who don't understand this array method, they will think that the cloud brocade is broken.

In fact, this is not the case. I happen to have such a similar formation in my hand. As long as my junior sister can remember the direction of the formation, I can restore the cloud brocade to a complete state. "

After speaking, she unfolded the array.

Qu Yiqiu just scanned it briefly, and knew that the array patterns on it were exactly the same as the cloud brocade.

"Hey... hey... Junior Sister, take the formation map back, repair it tonight, and bring it to the battlefield tomorrow!" Luo Yingying rolled up the formation map with a dry smile and handed it to her.

Qu Yiqiu didn't take it in a hurry, but looked at her calmly and said, "Senior Sister Luo, did Senior Brother Chi ask you to do this?"

Luo Yingying paused, and said with a suffocated expression: " know??"

Qu Yiqiu said helplessly: "Senior sister, you are not suitable for lying." It can even be said to be full of loopholes.

Luo Yingying touched her nose in embarrassment, and said apologetically, "Junior Sister, Brother Chi just wanted to make up for you by doing this.

The last mission to get rid of evil spirits was completed by my junior sister alone, risking her own life. All the sect rewards our team got should belong to my junior sister.

But you rejected the team reward, and were forced to participate in the Five Sect Grand Competition by the Xuanyi Sect.

Considering your safety and the mistakes we made, Senior Brother Chi deliberately took out the brocade of clouds, wanting to protect you and help you... I don't want to lie to you..."

"I know, senior sister has worked hard, and I have gained a lot from this trip. Now that I have accepted the brocade of clouds, the last mission is nothing to worry about.

After the two are cleared up, please tell Senior Brother Chi that there is no need to keep thinking about that matter. "

Qu Yiqiu finished speaking very calmly, and then took the formation map in her hand.

Luo Yingying looked at the firm look in her eyes, nodded and said: "Senior sister knows, I will tell Senior Brother Chi."

"Okay, Xiaoping Peak has arrived, Junior Sister will not send Senior Sister Luo off!" Qu Yiqiu smiled calmly, turned around and went up the mountain.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, junior sister..." Luo Yingying looked at her graceful figure sadly, and let out a long sigh.

Next time she will never do such a thing again!
 Thank you Wan, Pangpang, Huang Yifan, and Luoxue for your votes~~~Thank you for watching, supporting, and commenting~~~

(End of this chapter)

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