Gou raises a boss in the world of immortality

Chapter 85 Xiaoping Peak Was Attacked

Chapter 85 Xiaoping Peak Was Attacked
Wanqing Peak.

Chen Chuangfu and Wu Zhongdao ran to Hong Bingyin's cave early in the morning.

He sipped the spiritual tea in a high position, and said majesticly: "What do you want to report when you come here?"

Chen Chuangfu and Wu Zhongdao quickly saluted, and said in unison: "I am reporting to the Peak Master, it is for the matter of the white 隹 Jinheniao!"

Hong Bingyin raised his bushy eyebrows, put down his teacup and said, "What's wrong with my pet?"

Although there are many spirit beasts in his hands, the white-tailed golden crane bird has pure blood and excellent talent, and he has attached great importance to it since the day he got it.

Chen Chuangfu's expression collapsed, and he knelt down on his knees and wept in mourning: "Master Hong Feng, this disciple is out of kindness, and deliberately took Bai Kai Jinheniao to Xiaoping Peak to relax, but unexpectedly, Senior Sister Qu of Xiaoping Peak came out of closed-door training suddenly and took Bai Kai away. The golden crane bird is held in place, and we are not allowed to bring it back!"

Wu Zhongdao knelt down and echoed, "That's right, the people at Xiaoping Peak are too unreasonable, insisting that we trespassed on Xiaoping Peak and put all the spirit beasts there!"

Hong Bingyin's eyes flashed, and the corner of his mouth curled into a sharp arc, and he sternly shouted: "Mo Qingli is so courageous! How dare he instigate his disciples to do such a thing, where will we put Wanqing Peak? Where is the friendship?"

Chen Chuangfu and Wu Zhongdao were taken aback for a moment. They didn't mention Mo Qingli's name just now.

Hong Bingyin's eyes moved, and there was a trace of tenderness in his stern expression: "I will personally explain this matter to Mo Qingli. If the facts are as you said, Xiaopingfeng will definitely give us Wanqingfeng an explanation!"

Chen Chuangfu and Wu Zhongdao looked at each other, kowtowed again and again: "What this disciple said is absolutely not a half-truth, it must be Master Mo instructing his disciples to do this, otherwise they wouldn't dare to be so bold as to detain Feng Master Hong's spirit beast! "

Hong Bingyin smiled calmly, nodded in satisfaction, and was about to drink the tea.

A beam of colored light knocked on the door, he moved the teacup, and with one hand, the colored light fell into his hand.

"This is... the storage bag that flew from Xiaoping Peak?" Hong Bingyin put down the teacup, and suddenly raised his eyes to the south.

Chen Chuangfu and Wu Zhongdao looked up in surprise.

"I didn't expect Mo Feng to take the initiative so quickly. This must be an apology sent by him, and I want Wan Qingfeng to forgive them!" Chen Chuangfu said proudly.

Wu Zhongdao hurriedly flattered him and said, "They must be scared. Now our Peak Master Hong is the True Monarch Yuanying. How dare Peak Master Mo offend you? He is just a mere fake alchemy cultivator, and his lifespan will soon be exhausted in this life. It's all over, hahaha!"

Hong Bingyin glanced at him sideways.

Wu Zhongdao suddenly stopped laughing in a panic, wanting to kneel down and admit his mistake again in fear.

A gentle breeze lifted him up.

He raised his head for some unknown reason, only to see that the corners of Hong Bingyin's mouth widened slightly, and he suddenly laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, hahaha, Mo Qingli, Mo Qingli, you have today too!"

Wu Zhongdao shook his shoulders in fear, looked at each other with Chen Chuangfu, and then laughed out loud.

Wu Zhongdao saw that his flattery was so loud, he continued to flatter him: "Master Hong Feng, we can't just forgive them like this! What a noble spiritual pet the white-tailed golden crane bird, received by Xiaopingfeng in that place where birds don't shit. Suffering all night, as a disciple of Wanqing Peak, I just can't stand it!"

Chen Chuangfu echoed with a sad face: "Yes, yes, where is Xiaoping Peak? The most shabby mountain with the weakest aura in the Tianyan Sect, the white 隹 Jinhe bird is the favorite spiritual pet of our Master Hong. Follow their lowly cultivators to suffer!"

Even if the two of them don't know what kind of quarrel Hong Bingyin and Mo Qingli have at this time, just looking at Hong Bingyin's performance, they can understand his dislike for Xiao Pingfeng.

These words seemed to have reached Hong Bingyin's heart.

There was a trace of melancholy between his brows, and he said: "You are right. The white 隹 Jinhe has never eaten such rubbish weeds by my side. It must have been bored after staying all night last night!"

"The people from Xiaoping Peak are so cruel!" Wu Zhongdao cried out in pain.

Chen Chuangfu was taken aback by his performance.

This kid is really exaggerating!
It's as if the white 隹 Jinhe bird is dead!
His heartbroken words seemed to be very useful to Hong Bingyin.

Hong Bingyin laughed loudly, lowered his head and unfolded the storage bag in his palm with disdain.

"Let's see what gift he has prepared for Wan Qingfeng first."

"Could it be that all the mountain products of Xiaoping Peak have been taken out and put into it?" Wu Zhongdao laughed unceremoniously.

The poverty of Xiaopingfeng is well known.

Hong Bingyin sneered a few times, and shook out the contents of the storage bag.

"Haha..." Before Chen Chuangfu had time to laugh out loud, he froze in place when he saw the things that fell out of the storage bag.

"Hahaha, hahaha..." Wu Zhongdao raised his head and laughed loudly. When he realized that the atmosphere around him was not right, it was already too late.

Hong Bingyin was staring at him with red eyes full of murderous intent, and the veins on both sides of his forehead were bulging, terrifying.

"Peak Master..." Before Wu Zhongdao realized what happened, he was kicked hundreds of feet away, flew out from the entrance of the cave, and hit a small mountain bag heavily, buried in the shattered rock, bleeding from all seven orifices. Provincial personnel.

Seeing this, Chen Chuangfu's legs were trembling, and he was sweating wildly. He wanted to escape, but there was no strength in his body.

Hong Bingyin stared at the four skeletons in front of him with eyes wide open, his teeth were chattering, and his wriggling veins seemed about to explode uncontrollably.

"Okay, okay! Mo Qingli, is this the challenge you made to me after hundreds of years?"

Chen Chuangfu swallowed a terrifying amount of saliva, and a palm of fresh air flew towards him. He was broken out of the wall without any surprise, his limbs were all severed, and his eyes were bleeding.

A ball of light flew out of the cave very quickly, vaguely showing Hong Bingyin's extremely angry face.


Zhou Chen, who was practicing in the cabin, was awakened by the sound of the explosion.

"Junior Brother Zhou, what's the matter? What happened to Xiaoping Peak?" Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan ran over in a hurry, fearing that they would be affected by the attack from outside.

Zhou Chen's face suddenly turned pale, and he quickly pushed them away and ran out, saying, "You guys do your own thing well, and don't inquire about the rest!"

Zhao Wen stood there, looking at the back of Zhou Chen hurriedly running out, and suddenly said with a smile: "Xiaoping Peak is going to end! Zhou Chen is deliberately covering up!"

Huang Lan opened the defensive shield as if facing a big enemy, and said in a panic, "We are still here, so we won't be implicated, right?"


"Senior Sister Qu, Senior Brother Mu!" Zhou Chen galloped with all his strength, and finally saw them on the mountainside.

Qu Yiqiu supported him and said: "Don't worry, the sixth-rank defensive formation cannot be broken in a short time."

Zhou Chen panted and looked at Qu Yiqiu, really not understanding why she was so calm and calm.

As for Mu Yunjin who was also calm next to him, he knew that he was just plain confused and ignorant.

(End of this chapter)

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