Chapter 86 Implicated
Without waiting for him to ask, Qu Yiqiu answered with a smile.

"Do you still remember the last time there was a civil strife in Qunan City, and the head of Luo promised extra rewards?"

Zhou Chen was taken aback for a moment, then he came to his senses and said, "Are you going to use this promise to protect Xiaoping Peak?"

"Guanquan?" Qu Yiqiu raised his eyebrows, and said with an unclear smile: "Forget it, now we Xiaopingfeng want to weaken him by a point!"

one cent?
Zhou Chen sniffed, the difference was more than one point...

During the conversation between the two, they habitually ignored Mu Yunjin next to them.

Mu Yunjin raised her head slightly, her jaw line was beautiful and delicate, and a ray of red and hostility flashed across her star-like eyes very quickly.

He fluttered his thick and curly eyelashes, turned into a confused look, and asked: "What is Senior Sister Qu talking to Junior Brother Zhou? Who is destroying our formation?"

Qu Yiqiu lifted his scallion-white jade finger, lifted his broken hair and put it behind his ears, and said solemnly: "It doesn't matter what we said, what matters is what I said to you yesterday, don't let What do they see."

Zhou Chen stood next to the two of them in confusion, with a puzzled look on his face, but he felt that this was not something he could ask.

The warm fingertips brushed against his ear, which immediately made him tremble, and his whole body was tense like an arrow string that was about to be triggered, as if the jade hand stayed for a while, and he would be uncontrollable and fly happily. Go out in general.

Mu Yunjin's cheeks were flushed red, and there was a light in her eyes that she didn't understand.

Qu Yiqiu froze for a moment, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "Junior Brother, don't be nervous, with Senior Sister here, all this will pass quickly."

She understood that it was really not easy for Mu Yunjin to lie for the first time, and to face old foxes like Luo Tangyu.

However, the cultivation base in the early stage of foundation establishment is really amazing.

If you don't cover it up, Mu Yunjin's identity as a dragon cannot be hidden.

This is the apprentice Mo Qingli rescued, the junior under her care, and other members of the Tian Yan Sect must not be allowed to get involved at will.

Before Mu Yunjin answered, Zhou Chen immediately diverted their attention.

"Senior Sister Qu, Senior Brother Mu, look, it's Sect Master Luo coming!!" Zhou Chen was so excited that he almost fell down.

Qu Yiqiu looked up, and Luo Tangyu was standing opposite Hong Bingyin, seeming to be talking.

Seeing this, Qu Yiqiu flicked his sleeves to open the channel of the formation, and flew to their side in the ice-coloured jade silk.

Just a few breaths of work.

Zhou Chen saw Qu Yiqiu standing next to them, and his jaw almost dropped in shock.

"Qu, Qu, how did Senior Sister Qu go?" Zhou Chen stammered, pointing at Qu Yiqiu's figure.

However, no one answered him.

Hong Bingyin looked at the slim Qu Yiqiu who hadn't seen him for several years and shouted: "Get off, this is not a place for you to stand!"

Luo Tangyu's face darkened, and he said with a straight face: "I asked her to come up, this is Xiaoping Peak, why can't she stand?"

Normally, Luo Tangyu would not dare to be so rude to Hong Bingyin.

But he made too much trouble today, and the fact that Mo Qingli is not at Xiaoping Peak cannot be spread.

Hong Bingyin squinted his eyes, stared at Luo Tangyu with unclear meanings and said, "To this day, the head of Luo hasn't recognized the situation of Tianyan Sect?"

His words were, as always, tinged with threats.

A look of embarrassment flashed across Luo Tangyu's face, and he forced himself to be calm and said, "Master Hong, it is precisely because I have seen clearly what Xiaopingfeng has done in recent years that I came here to prevent you from making a move!"

Before Hong Bingyin understood what he meant, he heard Qu Yiqiu unceremoniously interjected: "Sect Master Luo, this disciple requests to follow the rules. All losses caused by Master Hong in Xiaoping Peak should be interrogated in the main hall of the sect."

"There's no place for you to speak here, call out that trash Mo Qingli!" Hong Bingyin flicked his voluminous sleeve robe, and was about to knock Qu Yiqiu down.

A gloomy look flashed across Luo Tangyu's face, and he cast a spell on his cold face to block her.

"Master Hong, isn't it enough to let so many disciples see the joke? Do you still want to kill the first disciple of Master Mo in front of the master?"

Hong Bingyin suddenly withdrew his hands, glanced at Luo Tangyu with a sneer, and said, "Master Luo is so capable, he dared to protect the people of Xiaoping Peak. Since you want me to go to the main hall to discuss matters, then let's go there together!"

He turned into a light and disappeared.

Luo Tangyu's face was ugly, and with an imaginary spiritual hand, he grabbed Mu Yunjin, Zhou Chen, Zhao Wen, and Huang Lan, and brought Qu Yiqiu all over.

In the main hall, Hong Bingyin sat carelessly on the right seat, not paying attention to Luo Tangyu at all.

Luo Tangyu's face was a bit ugly, with his hands behind his back, ignoring Hong Bingyin, he stepped up to the central throne with dignity.

"Tell me, what happened to make you fight like this?"

"Hehehe..." Hong Bingyin laughed from the side, but his eyes were as cold as ice: "Where's Mo Qingli? If he doesn't come out, is he trying to use these little trash to get rid of me?"

Zhao Wen and Huang Lan blushed when they heard the words.

As the elite disciples of Nine Sword Peak, when were they called trash?

There was a fire in their stomachs, and when they met Hong Bingyin's face, they were too scared to speak, they just turned their heads and knelt down towards Luo Tangyu and said, "Sect Leader Mingjian! We didn't do anything, we weren't at all Disciple of Xiaoping Peak!"

What kind of misfortune happened to them, and Xiao Pingfeng was also responsible for this?
Huang Lan complained secretly, she said that she would be dragged down by Xiaopingfeng, Zhao Wen still didn't believe it, if she had listened to her and ran away earlier, now she wouldn't be kneeling here and being insulted like a little trash!

"Hmph, you guys are so ashamed to say that you are disciples of Jiu Jianfeng. When did Su Xichen raise a waste like you to serve as Xiaopingfeng's slaves?"

Hong Bingyin glanced at them with disdain, and the sneer at the corner of his mouth was extremely dazzling.

Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan's complexion was sallow, as if she had been bullied, her chest heaved and fluctuated.

Huang Lan couldn't bear it anymore, and subconsciously resisted: "We are not slaves of Xiaoping Peak, we are just apprentices as handymen for a few months!"

"Hahaha, hahaha!" Hong Bingyin raised his head and laughed loudly: "The disciple raised by Su Xichen actually went to work as a handyman on Xiaoping Peak? Are they brothers and sisters reconciled as before regardless of the past?"

When it came to the relationship between Su Xichen and Mo Qingli, the faces of everyone present changed.

The atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Luo Tangyu hastily changed the subject and said: "This time, the master is asking about the grievances between Xiaopingfeng and Wanqingfeng. Zhao Wen and Huanglan, shut up! Qu Yiqiu, tell me what you Xiaopingfeng did , made Master Hong so angry?"

Zhao Wen and Huang Lan were scolded for no reason, and their nose was ashamed, so they could only shrink away with a sullen face.

"Sect Master, Hong Feng's master's aura was not caused by our Xiaoping Peak." Qu Yiqiu replied in a clear voice neither humble nor overbearing.

This attitude seems to have earned Luo Tangyu a little face, his eyes flashed with relief, and his words were still majestic: "This is not caused by Xiaoping Peak, who caused it?"

(End of this chapter)

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