Chapter 87
Qu Yiqiu looked at Hong Bingyin coldly, and said in a calm manner: "This is caused by Chen Chuangfu and Wu Zhongdao of Wanqing Peak! So if Master Hong wants to vent his anger, he should go to one of his disciples. Chen Chuangfu and Wu Zhongdao are right!"

The teacups in Hong Bingyin's hand shattered and turned into powder.

His veins bulged, and the corners of his mouth smiled cruelly: "The people of Xiaoping Peak have no respect for their elders. They ate my spiritual bird, the white 隹, the golden crane bird, and the three iron buffaloes into skeletons, and they have to blame Chen Chuangfu and the other two." Body? Did Mo Qingli teach you to do this?"

At the end, his voice suddenly expanded, shaking several people's ears deaf.

"Oh!" Mu Yunjin covered her ears in fright, and looked at Hong Bingyin and Luo Tangyu innocently.

"This child is..." Luo Tangyu suddenly stood up.

He stared at Mu Yunjin without moving an inch, as if he wanted to see through him.

"Who are you? You are only twelve years old, and your cultivation has reached the twelfth level of Qi training?" Hong Bingyin was the first to say the words Luo Tangyu rolled into his mouth in surprise.

All the eyes on the scene shifted to Mu Yunjin.

Qu Yiqiu secretly winked at him, telling him not to panic.

Mu Yunjin took a light breath, and replied obediently: "The disciple is the apprentice Mo Fengzhu accepted some time ago. The master saw that I have good aptitude, so he specially fed me the blood of the nine-colored deer, allowing me to break through to Qi training. Twelve floors."

"Nine-colored deer blood essence?" Luo Tangyu couldn't help being surprised.

Although the nine-colored deer's blood essence is extremely precious, it cannot be refined and fused by ordinary monks.

What kind of talent is this kid?
Dangerous light flashed across Hong Bingyin's eyes, and he moved to Mu Yunjin like lightning, and grabbed his wrist.

"It's actually the body of myriad beasts, or a pure single fire root!"

Hong Bingyin's eyes showed amazement, and a sense of domination gradually arose in his heart.

Luo Tangyu rushed to his side, interrupting his thoughts: "You are Mu Yunjin? I have heard about Peak Master Mo, but I never thought that you have such peerless talents!!"

Mu Yunjin blinked in confusion, as if she didn't quite understand what they were talking about.

Qu Yiqiu couldn't help being surprised too.

After Mu Yunjin drank the nine-colored deer blood, he suddenly showed the aptitude of the fire spirit root, which was unexpected to her.

As a result, when Hong Bingyin checked this time, he actually saw the body of Wanshou Yanjiang.

Today, my junior brother is going to be more in the limelight than what she planned!
When Hong Bingyin saw the talent, he said domineeringly: "Mu Yunjin? You are so confused! Becoming under Mo Qingli's sect is completely self-destructive. I am willing to accept you as an apprentice today and teach you the exercises personally. Don't stay in Xiaoping Feng is wasting your talent!"

Qu Yiqiu's expression was serious, and he glanced at Hong Bingyin coldly.

Sensing her unhappiness, Mu Yunjin stepped back a few steps, walked to Qu Yiqiu's side, and said loudly, "Without Master Mo's teaching, I would not be where I am today. Xiaopingfeng's strength is not what Hongfeng said on the surface As you can see! Master is very powerful!"

Hong Bingyin dismissed it as if he had never heard of it, "You are still young, it is normal to be deceived by Mo Qingli and this beautiful senior sister for a while, as long as you follow me to Wanqing Peak, you will know how boring Xiaoping Peak is. , what waste these two are, they are not worthy of you at all!"

Luo Tangyu put away his excited expression, and said seriously: "Master Hong, since Mu Yunjin has already worshiped Master Mo as his teacher, there is no reason to change masters at will!"

Hong Bingyin swept over him domineeringly, and said to Luo Tangyu: "Master Luo must protect Mo Qingli today?"

Don't think he doesn't know, Mo Qingli had kindness to him back then.

Luo Tangyu was horrified, he had completely offended Hong Bingyin by now.

My own master, what I did was really useless...

"Master Hong Feng, the head of the sect is only following the rules." Luo Tangyu suppressed the fear in his heart, and responded bravely.

Hong Bingyin patted him on the shoulder with a half-smile, and said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, okay! Master Luo is indeed an upright person!"

Luo Tangyu coughed lightly, ignored the pain in his shoulder, and said calmly: "Qu Yiqiu, you just said that Chen Chuangfu and Wu Zhongdao were also involved in this matter?"

Qu Yiqiu swept Hong Bingyin's hand, and said: "Yes, this matter is all caused by a misunderstanding caused by Chen Chuangfu and Chen Chuangfu of Wanqing Peak who brought Hongfeng Lord's spirit beast to the boundary of Xiaoping Peak without permission."

"Misunderstanding? What is a misunderstanding?" Luo Tangyu asked without changing his expression.

Hong Bingyin turned around and sat back on the wooden chair, looking at her contemptuously.

Qu Yiqiu said calmly: "Master Hong said that his spirit beast was eaten, this is a misunderstanding."

Luo Tangyu looked at the two of them in surprise: "Master Hong's spirit beast is still alive?"

"Fart!" Hong Bingyin couldn't help cursing.

Several people in the hall were taken aback.

Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan looked at Qu Yiqiu in disbelief, she actually ate Hong Fengzhu's spirit beast? !

Zhou Chen was not good at lying by nature, since he entered the main hall, he kept his head down and dared not look at people.

Luo Tangyu touched his nose, and said awkwardly: "Qu Yiqiu, continue to talk, what happened to Master Hong's spirit beast?"

Qu Yiqiu said indifferently: "Dead."

"But it was because of Chen Chuangfu and Wu Zhongdao that they died."

"Troublesome, clever talk! Master Luo, how long are you going to waste with her?" Hong Bingyin's eyes were blazing, his face full of impatience.

Before Luo Tangyu could reply, Qu Yiqiu answered seriously: "This is the truth. When Chen Chuangfu and his two spirit beasts entered Xiaoping Peak privately, we didn't even know that it was the spirit beast of Master Hong. The two of them were killed by us. After finding out, I hurriedly left the spirit beasts and fled, fearing that I would report their affairs to the sect and be punished. Therefore, these unexplained spirit beasts were considered by us as enemy monsters who wantonly destroyed Xiaoping Peak, and they were punished on the spot Already!"

"The actions of the disciples are completely in accordance with the rules of the sect. Foreigners who trespass on the sect without authorization shall be punished for their crimes!"

After Qu Yiqiu's righteous and stern words fell, all the people in the main hall were stunned.

Can there be an explanation for this?
Looking at Hong Bingyin's gritted teeth angrily, Zhao Wenwen and Huang Lan suddenly felt that they were not wronged by her cheating.

This woman even dared to lie to Yuanying Zhenjun of Wanqing Peak!
"Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense!!" Hong Bingyin has a bad temper and has never been a person who can speak well.

At this moment, Qu Yiqiu said something back, and there was no way to justify it for a while.

I had no choice but to curse angrily to vent my aggrieved heart!
Luo Tangyu's eyes showed undisguised admiration.

Even though this girl has poor qualifications, she has a very good heart, and she might be able to walk out of her own world in the future!
But compliments are praises, and what should be done must not be sloppy at all, and others will be caught.

Luo Tangyu said solemnly: "Master Hong, since you think what she said is unreasonable, then let's summon Chen Chuangfu and the other two to confront each other."

(End of this chapter)

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