After being a widow, the empress dowager was favored by the powerful ministers

Chapter 168 Why Are You Still Wearing Women's Clothes

Chapter 168 Why Are You Still Wearing Women's Clothes
The winter snow was fluttering, and Pei Ci stood in the pavilion, watching the flying snow all over the sky, and it remained in his mind, but it was always the snow before he died.

He knows in his heart that this place is not where he was originally. It stands to reason that everyone is dead and there is no more memory, but here now, many things are beyond his original cognition.

The changes around him were also too great, completely different from what he knew before.

for example
A heavy cloak was placed on his shoulders, and the warm cloak was draped over his body, carrying a familiar fragrance. Pei Ci was slightly startled, and turned around to look, only to see Sheng Baoling standing on tiptoe, putting the cloak on on himself.

The corners of Sheng Baoling's mouth curled up slightly, and he looked into Pei Ci's eyes without any concealment, "It's cold, your body is just right, so pay attention."

If it is cold again, and if one gets sick, it will be difficult to find a miracle doctor.

Sheng Baoling's tenderness was what Pei Ci had been asking for since her last life. Since she ascended to the lower position, she has never treated herself with the same warmth as when she was in Sheng's mansion.

But this warmth, at this moment, when he thought he had lost everything, appeared before his eyes again.

Pei Ci didn't react for a long time, only to see Sheng Baoling's hand reaching for his forehead, and finally landed on his forehead.

Sheng Baoling frowned slightly, "It seems a little hot, shall we go back?"

As she said that, she looked at Pei Ci, but saw that Pei Ci just kept looking at her without saying anything, thinking of what Pei Wan said, he must have forgotten something, and it seemed that he hadn't forgotten much.

But after getting along with her for the past few days, she could clearly sense that Pei Ci should have forgotten all about the past two years.

Sheng Baoling couldn't help feeling a little depressed, but after a while, the depression dissipated in an instant.

It doesn't matter, forget it and forget it, the days to come are more important.

Sheng Baoling gently pulled Peici's sleeve with his fingertips, the corners of his mouth slightly curved, and he smiled lightly, "Brother, go back?"

Pei Cizheng stopped, and his eyes fell on the hand that was holding her cuff, which was soft and tender, and especially on the address she had not seen for many years.

"what happened to you?"

He didn't know how to react for a moment, and after a while, he could only ask this question.

Sheng Baoling's closeness caused him to be in a trance, and he was happy in his heart, but he couldn't help this joy, maybe it was just an illusory dream, and when he woke up from the dream, everything would be empty.

But Sheng Baoling didn't know Pei Ci's entanglement, and thought that he just forgot about it, so he alienated him.

However, to her, it doesn't matter.

Since that day in the palace, when King Jing entered the palace, she already had the answer in her heart, what she wanted and what she didn't want, was clear.

Now, it is just that he has forgotten, but the past has shown that perhaps it is better for him to forget.

The life and death that he has experienced, little by little, are like wounds one after another.

It's not that she doesn't want Pei Ci to remember herself, but rather than watching him endure so much of the past, she hopes that Pei Ci can only live in the present instead of being stuck in the past.

Thinking about this point clearly, Sheng Baoling was fearless, instead of grabbing Pei Ci's sleeve, he put his hand into his palm, and was surprised to find that the palm that was always cold before was really warm at this moment.

Pei Ci was even more shocked by her action, and subconsciously wanted to pull away, but was held tightly by Sheng Baoling.

The corner of Sheng Baoling's mouth curled up, "It's a bit cold, I'll lend you your hand to warm it up."

Pei Ci's body was stiff, and he felt that the whole hand didn't look like his own, and he didn't listen to it at all.

Sheng Baoling said again, "I used to prepare a lot of Mrs. Tang's hand warmers for you, but now that I'm not in the palace, I have nothing left. You won't even borrow these?"

As she spoke, she pretended to be sad.

No one has the heart to see the person he likes feel sad, even though he knows it's all an act, he still can't help but feel soft-hearted.

This nonsense made Pei Ci startled when he heard it, but he still thought it was very reasonable.

"It's not impossible." In the end, Pei Ci still didn't say anything to refuse.

Sheng Baoling was already happy, "That's good."

She slowly tightened the hand holding Pei Ci, pulled him, and walked out of the hall. With the other hand, she picked up the paper umbrella leaning against the corner, opened it, and held it high above Pei Ci's head.

The two walked side by side, but Sheng Baoling was obviously struggling, but she was happy in her heart.

Pei Ci frowned, moved his fingertips slightly, took the umbrella from Sheng Baoling's hand, and held it up modestly, "I'll do it."

Sheng Baoling was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

The two walked through the snow with an umbrella. This scene fell into the eyes of people not far away, and they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

"I used to think that it was Sheng Lang who kept in touch with my brother."

When Pei Wan thought about this, she felt very strange in her heart, she always felt that she was not stupid, how could she be led astray like that.

When Sheng Gong heard this, his forehead twitched, Sheng Lang was a man.

Miss Pei is really outrageous.

At this moment, another voice sounded behind him, "Hey, isn't that kid Sheng Lang? Why is he still wearing women's clothing!"

Shen Cong'an rubbed his eyes, looked at the scene in front of him, "Not bad! This kid is good-looking, and he looks good in women's clothing, just like his sister!"

For a moment, two eyes looking at the fool fell on him.

Sheng Gong shook his head, and took a look at Pei Wan. These two were well matched.

He turned around and left, it was safer for Sese to stay in Pei's mansion, and it was better than going back to the wolf's den in Sheng's mansion.

Knowing Sheng Baoling's death, although the second and third bedrooms didn't show it on the surface, but in secret they were so proud of themselves, and it really wasted the help of the big house for so many years.

I don't know how much money was posted on the two houses, but a bunch of white-eyed wolves were raised.

It seems that the only one who is really sad is Sheng Baodai.

Mr. Sheng locked himself in the study for a few days, and when he came out again, his hair became much grayer. On the second day, he entered the palace, bringing Sheng Baoling's bones with him to return home.

The new emperor is also generous and has given everything that should be given.

For a moment, no one knew what the father was thinking, maybe he felt a little guilty after his daughter really left.

Sheng Gong also didn't want to tell the people in the Sheng Mansion that Sheng Baoling was still alive. For Sheng Baoling's safety, the fewer people who knew, the better.

As for Shen Cong'an, who is thick-skinned and not smart enough, even if he knows it, Pei Wan is still in charge.

Pei Wan touched Fu's forehead with her fingertips. At this time, the Shen family members have all come to Pei's residence today, apparently for the marriage of the two families, and it is estimated that a date will be fixed.

Thinking of this, Pei Wan had a headache, and seeing Shen Cong'an's appearance again, she had a headache, turned around and left.

When Shen Cong'an saw it, he became anxious, and hurriedly followed, "Sister Wan'er, wait for me! Today is the day for us to set a good date."

Pei Wan paused, but she didn't turn her head, "Wan'er's life is hard and she can't live a good life, brother Yuanrang should go there by himself."

(End of this chapter)

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