Chapter 169 Flirtatious
Shengfu back door
Sheng Baodai took the maid and quietly left Sheng's mansion through the back door, looked around, saw no one, then heaved a sigh of relief, and swaggered towards the street with peace of mind.

The maid on the side snickered, "Second Miss, why is she acting like a thief?"

Sheng Baodai curled her lips, picked up the pearl hairpin from the vendor, looked down at the pearl hairpin in her hand, and muttered, "I'd rather be a thief when I meet Qi Jun."

"There's him everywhere, he's really haunted."

The servant girl laughed again, "But the servant girl is obviously happy every time she sees the young master of the Qi family, why does she despise him now?"

Before the Qi family proposed marriage in the Sheng Mansion, the girl was very happy to see the young master of the Qi family, and sometimes she even dressed up carefully.

After the son of the Qi family came to propose marriage, the girl seemed to be a different person.

However, Sheng Baodai snorted twice, obviously not wanting to see him, "He is now a popular figure in the eyes of the government, and if he harms my sister, he will naturally have a part in it, so why am I happy?"

The servant girl looked at her daughter's stubborn appearance, and really didn't know how to persuade her.

The eldest girl has already left, this Qi family is indeed a good marriage, and His Royal Highness King Jing is now a saint, this is something that no one expected, the Qi family may not be involved in it.

Since the Shengqi family didn't have a falling out, why should the second girl be so concerned and never accept such a marriage.

If you miss this one, it will be difficult to think about finding a suitable one later that is both pleasing to you.

At this moment, a cool voice sounded from behind the two.
"But I see that the second lady of the Sheng family is also happy to watch it now."

Sheng Baodai's movements froze, and when she turned her head to look, she saw Qi Jun's gentle smiling face.

She immediately put down the pearl hairpin in her hand, ignored Qi Jun, and left with her maid.

But Qi Jun was not in a hurry or panic, took out his silver, bought the pearl hairpin, and followed after carrying the pearl hairpin, "Second Lady Sheng, walk slowly."

However, Sheng Baodai seemed to have been personally taught by Pei Wande, speaking of which, she was not forgiving at all.

"If Mr. Qi is old and his feet are slow, don't follow him. If you twist your head or get sprained, I can't afford it."

The way she spoke this way was not inferior to Pei Wan's.

Even the maid couldn't help sighing a few words in her heart, the girl is really more and more able to speak, she is really close to Zhu Zhechi.

With just such a mouth, from now on in the mansion, there will be no one who doesn't have eyesight to dare to provoke the girl's displeasure.

Qi Jun, on the other hand, is not "conscious" of getting old at all. With a pearl hairpin in his pocket, he caught up with Sheng Baodai in a few strides, and put the pearl hairpin in front of Sheng Baodai, "Why is Second Lady Sheng looking so angry today?" Great, how about drinking two bowls of herbal tea at the teahouse in front to clear away the heat?"

Obviously, the pearl hairpin is what Sheng Baodai wanted, but Qi Jun's words were obviously scolding.

But Sheng Baodai didn't glance at the pearl hairpin, "Although I'm not older than Master Qi, I also know that herbal tea is harmful to my body, I can't compare with Master Qi, a man is brave and resourceful, if you want to drink herbal tea, you should find your elder brother .”

Qi Jun knew clearly that he still called Second Lady Sheng in the past, but since he came to propose marriage, he always only called Second Lady Sheng.

In the words of the servant girl, Master Qi didn't want to call Sheng Er Niangzi, it was as if he had removed the word "Sheng Er" and just called that lady.

Rao Qijun was also anxious at the moment, "You little girl won't believe anything, I really don't know anything about the Empress Dowager, if I knew, your Sheng family would never associate with my Qi family again. , your elder brother loves your elder sister so much, why would he call me brother and brother again?"

Sheng Baodai glanced at Qi Jun, "Brother doesn't call you brother right now either."

Yesterday, the concierge took a broom and drove people out.

Qi Jun suddenly choked, he was really unreasonable to think about other girls, but this is not something he can control, is it?

This girl from the Sheng family has a pretty face and a pretty face, and her temperament is also very attractive to him. After getting along with her a few times, she feels close again.

Anyway, the two families are friends, so instead of entrusting Miss Sheng with someone who doesn't know her background, it's better to let him come, knowing her background, and the two families are close. When does Sheng Gong want to see his sister, just go to Qi's mansion Just come.

What's more, he always looked at him when he saw that the little girl was busy or not, and sometimes there was a three-point smile on her brows, like the spring spirit, which made people's hearts flutter.

He thought, this girl from the Sheng family should also never tire of herself.

In this way, if you make a blog, with a sincere heart, you can always embrace the beauty.

But who knows, this little girl looks soft and weak, and when she cries, the pear blossoms bring rain and make people hurt, but when she becomes stubborn, ten cows can't pull her.

It was easy to say, it was delicious, and everything was coaxed in front of her, and she was not moved at all.

He also knew that Sheng Baodai's heart knot was the late Queen Mother.

But there was nothing he could do about it. He had always only helped deal with the affairs behind King Jing, and he only knew that Sheng Baoling and Pei Ci had been secretly planning to help King Jing.

But why did Sheng Baoling die? Was it really at the hands of King Jing? He wasn't there that day, so he didn't know what happened.

It's really dumb to eat coptis, and I can't explain the suffering.

He had never hated the current Holy Majesty so much as he did at this moment.

It's not that Sheng Baodai doesn't believe Qi Jun's words, it's just that there is a hurdle in her heart, she can't get over it no matter what, as long as she thinks that King Jing killed sister, she still admired King Jing so much in the past, it makes her feel uncomfortable.

This Qi Jun is also the elder brother of the Queen, and is also heavily used by King Jing, how could she not mind it.

As long as the truth about the cause of Sister's death remains unknown, she cannot talk about her marriage with peace of mind.

"Lord Qi, don't follow me any more. If you follow me again, I won't leave the house anymore."

When Sheng Baodai said this, Qi Jun was really anxious.

Now he can't enter the Sheng Mansion, if Sheng Baodai can't come out, then he really can't see his sweetheart again.

"Ms. Sheng, don't think so. I don't want to be with you any more. You just have to let me see you twice. Otherwise, you will always miss people when you see pictures, and you will easily get lovesick." Qi Jun sighed.

These shameless words made Sheng Baodai blush, and immediately became annoyed, "Master Qi is really shameless!"

"Such words can be spoken!"

As if he really had something to do with him.

Sheng Baodai was so annoyed that she directly ignored Qi Jun, turned her head and left, even the servant girl was ignored.

The servant girl snickered behind her.

Sure enough, the girl is interested in Master Qi, otherwise it would be light to scold a disciple and slap her twice.

Qi Jun was stunned and didn't hear it, thinking that Sheng Baodai was really angry, and secretly scolded himself a few words in his heart, blaming himself for not keeping his mouth shut and being so frivolous.

(End of this chapter)

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