Said I am your ancestor

Chapter 100 Starting the Guardian Program

Chapter 100 Starting the Guardian Program
The blood mist bloomed in the air like fireworks, and the water in Liaocanghai was dyed red.

And the things recorded by the Photo Stone stopped abruptly here, but just such a small record is enough for people to know how heroic and tragic the war ten thousand years ago was!
Chu Huaiyan was stunned for a long time without recovering.

The truth and the ending shocked him.

"I thought that, as the patriarch said, it was the six merging phase immortals who angered Tiandao, that's why Tiandao didn't let them ascend, and they united with all the monks to resist Tiandao in order to ascend."

Unexpectedly, the way of heaven was disqualified...

If so, then everything makes sense, but why didn't Wan Yanzhi explain it at that time?He couldn't help looking at Wan Yanzhi.

After knowing the specific truth and the ending, Taoist Su Wei was also shocked. He suddenly remembered what his apprentice Liu Xing had told him when she and Wan Yanzhi were in the Sheng family.

At that time, Wanyanzhi was very disgusted with the pile of ruins that contained the rules of heaven.

It's just that it's nothing, but she seems to be very familiar with that Tiandao, and even knows how to resist the influence of Tiandao's rules on sanity, and restore Guangyi's sanity.

At that time, he only thought that Wanyan Zhi might be a powerful descendant from ten thousand years ago. Later, when he learned that she was the ancestor of Wanyan's family, he just thought that the other party might have participated in the great war ten thousand years ago, but he couldn't think of it at all. Wanyanzhi played such an important role in that battle!

He subconsciously looked at Wan Yanzhi.

At this moment, all the people looked at Wanyan Zhi in unison with a tacit understanding, but at this moment, Wan Yanzhi suddenly shouted: "Ahhhhhh!"

That is, the cry of blood and wailing that life would be worse than death.

Wan Yanzhi only felt that her consciousness was pulled into the great war ten thousand years ago, the wailing hit her ears, and the smell of blood filled her nostrils.

Those sounds and smells seemed very close to her.

She saw her cousin Wanyan Xiao at a glance. Wanyan Xiao's body was covered with blood, and she couldn't tell if it was hers or someone else's. Her eyes were full of despair looking at the blurred face in the center of the formation.

"Don't..." Wan Yanzhi shook his head and muttered.

But Wanyan Xiao couldn't hear her words, her expression became resolute, and she rushed towards the formation.

"do not want!"

With a "bang", the blood mist filled the air, and the fishy smell rushed into her mouth and nose. As a monk, these things were not unusual for her, but for some reason, Wan Yanzhi couldn't hold back, and retched.

Then, she heard the elders of Wanyan's family shouting: "For Wanyan's family, for Liao Cangjie, for Miss Zhi, go!"

They regard death as home, and they follow one after another!
"Come on!"

"don't want……"

But no one heard it, and she could only watch helplessly as the people who were once alive turned into blood mist and gradually collapsed.

why why!
Why did they do this to her, why did they do this to Wanyan's family, why did they do this to Liao Cang Jie, what did they do wrong!
Why is everyone dead and only she is alive?

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Wan Yanzhi suddenly knelt down, hugged his head, and howled in pain.

At that moment, the coercion of the divine consciousness belonging to the fusion period was completely released due to the emotional breakdown.


Several Taoist monarchs in the transformation stage couldn't bear the coercion of the divine consciousness in the fusion stage, and they covered their heads in pain. The other disciples on the island also bled to death from the seven orifices because of the too terrifying coercion. However, Xianjun quickly released his divine sense to fight against Wanyanzhi's, which gave several people and other people on the island a chance to breathe.

"Host! Host, please wake up!" The system is in a hurry, such unrestrained release of consciousness will only make the body unbearable!
If it continues, this body will be completely useless!
And looking at this situation, Wanyanzhi's own consciousness will also be greatly affected!

But Wan Yanzhi couldn't hear it, and she fell into an extreme state of pain and despair. Seeing this, the system didn't dare to let Wan Yanzhi continue like this.

"Ding, start the guardian program... I found that the host is in chaos and collapse. If you don't stop it, you will be out of your wits. After five seconds, the host will be forced to enter a deep sleep. Five, four, three, two, one... start to execute!"

After an unknown period of time, everyone discovered that the terrifying coercion of spiritual consciousness had finally faded away.

Everyone covered their heads with a splitting headache, stood up, and looked at Wanyanzhi. Wanyanzhi had already passed out, and Lushan Daojun's expression was complicated. They didn't expect Wanyanzhi to have such power with only a wisp of remnant soul left. , if it wasn't for Shuran Xianjun's action, if this spiritual coercion lasted longer, everyone present would be severely injured.

"I'll take Miss Zhi to rest first, you can do what you want."

However, Xianjun took Wan Yanzhi and turned around to leave. Chu Huaiyan stumbled behind enduring the headache and stumbled behind. Taoist Lushan glanced at the others and left the island without saying anything.

He put the person on the bed and checked the situation, but Xianjun's face was heavy.

"How?" Chu Huaiyan asked.

"She was just a remnant soul, and excessive release of divine consciousness would only burden her body and soul, and it lasted so long just now... In short, the situation is not good."

Chu Huaiyan's heart sank: "Then what should I do?"

"Her body and soul need to be warmed up." After a pause, he looked at Chu Huaiyan, "I remember that when Miss Zhi woke up, she stayed in a soul jade for a while, right?"

"Yes." Chu Huaiyan nodded.

Wan Yanzhi didn't hide this kind of thing, and he could find out if he wanted to.

"Can you bring that soul jade? Although that soul jade is common, it has nourished Miss Zhi's soul after all."

As we all know, although the soul jade is not rare, it is a suitable soul jade. In other words, there is a degree of compatibility between the soul and the soul jade. The compatibility is high, and the soul is warmed up to get twice the result with half the effort.

That soul jade can be selected by Wan Yanzhi, which means that the degree of fit is high enough.

"I'll go get it."

Chu Huaiyan turned around and left the room.

However, Xianjun looked at Wanyanzhi who fell into a deep sleep, and a trace of puzzlement flashed across his eyes.

In such a situation just now, if no one stops it, there is only one result, that is, the body will eventually collapse due to unbearable, and the remnant soul will also collapse.

But Wan Yanzhi's consciousness was in the fusion stage, at that time no one but him could stop her, but she stopped abruptly and fell into a coma.

Someone stopped her.

And during the whole process, he didn't feel anything!

No, there is still a feeling, but that strange feeling is fleeting, too fast, he has no time to feel it, and that unusual aura fluctuation seems to come from Wanyanzhi's sea of ​​consciousness.

However, Xianjun squinted his eyes.

Immediately, he separated a ray of consciousness and probed towards Wanyanzhi Sea of ​​Consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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