Chapter 99
At that time in the Liaocang world, the immortals in the fusion period could more or less sense the future.

It is not difficult for them to deduce the future.

One of the six celestial beings used Tianyanyun to calculate the future, and what he got was a future in which the Liaocang world completely ceased to exist. The way of heaven was polluted and could not be eliminated.

But he saw a glimmer of life in it.

The destruction of heaven may allow Liaocang Realm to survive.

Therefore, for the future of the Liao Cang Realm, and for their own future, the monks in the entire Liao Cang Realm worked together to find a way to destroy the way of heaven in the ancient literature.

They made six instruments, and let the six fit-level immortals hold one each. With them as the center, they surrounded the Wanyanzhi in the formation, with Wanyanzhi as the eye of the formation, and 10,000+ monks as the formation. Communicate with the way of heaven, draw out the consciousness of the way of heaven, and then destroy the way of heaven according to the situation.

And Wan Yanzhi is not only the person who set up the formation, but also the eye of the formation, and even the person who communicates with the way of heaven.

But there is no record on the scroll, only know that after Wanyan Zhi communicated with Tiandao, his face was extremely cold, and he activated the second formation of the big formation.

"What did Tiandao say?" Xiuqing Daojun looked at Wanyanzhi curiously, and everyone also looked at Wanyanzhi.

But seeing the latter's expressionless face, he shuddered at the same time.

Obviously without the coercion of divine sense, they could feel an extremely powerful aura.

Just when everyone thought that Wanyanzhi would not say anything, Wanyanzhi said coldly: "He said that he would destroy the Liaocang Realm."

"Why?" Chu Huaiyan was puzzled, and couldn't help asking: "He is the way of heaven in the Liaocang world. If the Liaocang world is destroyed, will He not exist?"

The consciousness of the way of heaven is conceived from a world. If this world is gone, the consciousness of the way of heaven will be gone, but if the consciousness of the way of heaven is gone, this world may be hit hard, but it will not disappear.

Of course, before the new consciousness of the Dao of Heaven is bred in the world, this world still cannot ascend, and without rules, this world will be extremely chaotic.

Only when the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven exists, can one ascend, without rules, one cannot achieve anything.

This is also the reason why Wan Yanzhi wanted to know the ending ten thousand years ago, because she was not sure whether the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven was destroyed or not.

And the ruins of the Sheng family that contain the rules of heaven and earth can't explain anything.

"I don't know, but He did say that at the time. He was polluted, and he was no longer a qualified Heavenly Dao. It is not surprising to make any decision."

Because of this, Wanyanzhi activated the second magic circle.

The magic circle is guided by the spiritual power and vitality of 10,000+ monks, supplemented by six magic tools, to draw the consciousness of heaven out of the form, trying to destroy it.

But that is the way of heaven, one thought can instantly kill all the ways of heaven in the Liaocang world, their resistance is like ants shaking an elephant, and for some reason, the way of heaven does not kill them all with a single thought, but instead plays with them and plays with them .

It's called playing, but it's actually killing.

All the monks didn't know what was going on, and started to attack their own people. Their minds were affected and they killed each other.

And the immortals who barely kept their sanity had to start to stop this cannibalism.

Seeing this, Wan Yanzhi's expression became serious.

She was deceived to the Forbidden Spirit Cliff after the monks started killing each other. She didn't know what happened after that, so she continued to look down.

This battle lasted for a whole month.

In the end, with the joint efforts of the six immortals in the fusion stage, the influence of the Dao of Heaven on all the monks was suppressed, and the monks recovered their sanity one after another. At this time, the person standing in the eyes of the formation had long since changed from Wanyanzhi to a transformed figure. Heaven.

His face is blurred, and everyone can't see it clearly, but it really exists, and it is indeed the way of heaven.

Some monks regained their sanity and found that they had killed the person they loved the most. They couldn't accept it and blew themselves up. They were full of resentment towards the Heavenly Dao, and they didn't know which nerve touched them, so they blew themselves up towards the Heavenly Dao.

But they blew themselves up and posed no threat to Heaven.

The six immortal monarchs at the fusion stage looked at each other, seeing the determination in each other's eyes from their eyes, they surrounded Tiandao and resolutely blew themselves up.

Tiandao finally panicked.

But it was too late. In the end, with the self-destruct of all the monks, the Heavenly Dao fell into a deep sleep for 2 years.

The scroll ends here.

Everyone was silent.

In fact, it's not that they didn't think about how those ancestors who didn't survive died, but they never thought that they blew themselves up to death!

Wan Yanzhi was also silent.

She didn't expect them to be such a choice.

No wonder...

She closed her eyes, feeling as if something heavy was pressing on her heart, making her unable to breathe.

In the end of this battle, there was no loss, but it was not a win either.

I don't know how long it took before someone said in a low voice: "Since none of the monks who participated in that battle survived, what's going on with this ending?"

If none of the monks who participated in the battle survived, no one should know the outcome. Even if there were survivors, the outcome would not be easy to know!

Everyone is not stupid, so they naturally thought of this level.

Chu Huaiyan glanced at Immortal Shuran and said nothing.

At this time, Wan Yanzhi slowly opened his eyes, and his voice was steady: "It's Chen who went to Master, he made a divination before the battle, and gave the content of the divination to his apprentice, saying that if he doesn't come back from this battle, he will open it." .”

"So that's how it is..." Chu Huaiyan nodded thoughtfully, "That Master Chen Qu is..."


After Wan Yanzhi finished speaking, he took out another item from the pecking jade bracelet.

Chu Huaiyan recognized it at a glance. It was the broken picture stone that Wan Yanzhi had taken away from the Chu family's Heroic Spirit Pagoda before, and it was repaired so quickly.

As he thought about it, he couldn't help but startled.

This is a relic of the ancestors. It was looted from the battlefield at that time. If this photo stone has been used, then the content of the photo stone is probably...

For some reason, he felt inexplicably worried.

"Why don't we watch it later?" He couldn't help but make a sound.

Wan Yanzhi looked over, expressionless: "Why did it take a while?"

Chu Huaiyan was silent, Wan Yanzhi withdrew his gaze, poured spiritual power into it, the photo stone lit up, and the image appeared in midair, and everyone looked over at the same time.

Noisy, wailing, and the bombardment of various spells and instruments came instantly.

"I fought with you!"

"do not want!"

"Come on! For Liao Cangjie!"

Everyone saw the figures one by one, their expressions were determined, they did not flinch in the slightest, and they blew themselves up one after another.

Those patches of blood mist made people's hearts tremble uncontrollably.

In the end, the six immortals at the fusion stage also blew themselves up.

The mountains and rivers are broken, the waves are rolling, and the clouds are dense. All creatures seem to be aware of it, and they cry at the same time. At that moment, they seem to be deaf. They can't hear anything, and it seems to be suspended.

It seems like a long time and it seems like just a short moment.

(End of this chapter)

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