Said I am your ancestor

Chapter 19 Don't Call Me Lianzhi

Chapter 19 Don't Call Me Lianzhi
Chu Huaiyan was still struggling a bit at first, but after hearing this, Wan Yanzhi stopped struggling, but now Wan Yanzhi stopped laughing, and also stopped his hands, curling his lips bored, as if the laughter just now was just an illusion.

"This is my punishment?" Chu Huaiyan couldn't believe it.

"Hey, you think it's beautiful."

"...Then how do you plan to punish me?"

"Will it be easy?"

"Yes, but it's only useful for people below the Nascent Soul, and those above the Nascent Soul can see their true colors."

"That's enough." Wan Yanzhi said, took out the service bag of Xuan Mingzong's inner disciples in the storage bag, and handed it to Chu Huaiyan, "Here, put it on."

Chu Huaiyan suspected that he had heard wrong.

"I wear?"

"You don't wear such ugly clothes, do I wear them?"

"..." Chu Huaiyan changed in silence, and the inner disciple's service would change according to the disciple's height and weight to make it more suitable.

After putting it on, he looked at Wan Yanzhi.

"Well, when you change your appearance into a woman, by the way, you should be careful when changing your appearance. You can't be too different from your current appearance. It must be at least five points, and it must be good-looking."

Hearing Wan Yanzhi's order, Chu Huaiyan became more and more puzzled, but he still didn't move.


"I'm a man."

"A man can't disguise himself as a woman? Speed!"

Chu Huaiyan still did not move.

Because he really couldn't do it, even if Wan Yanzhi asked him to go to the most dangerous place and let him be punished with discipline, he would not hesitate to make him look like a woman.

"Can you change the punishment?"

Wan Yanzhi sneered: "What do you think?"

Obviously, there was no possibility of bargaining at all, Wan Yanzhi didn't have much patience, seeing that Chu Huaiyan hadn't moved, he stood up and was about to leave.

Just a few steps away.

"Is this... doable?"

Wan Yanzhi turned around, and a female cultivator dressed as an inner disciple of Xuanmingzong appeared in front of her eyes. The female cultivator was tall and thin, with a clear and indifferent expression, but the redness on her cheeks and ear tips matched her Incomparably touching.

Raising his eyebrows and whistling, he saw that Chu Huaiyan's earlobes became redder and a blush appeared on his cheeks. Simply put, it was very exciting, even a male cultivator would be moved.

"Yes, very good."

Chu Huaiyan heaved a sigh of relief, and was about to change back when he heard Wan Yanzhi say: "Okay, let's keep this appearance and walk around the sect." The whole person froze instantly.

For a long time, he didn't come back to his senses.


"This is punishment."

"..." The fists beside him loosened and clenched, and in the end, Chu Huaiyan still chose to compromise.

As soon as he descended from Hanyu Peak, a group of inner sect disciples came towards him. Their eyes lit up when they saw Chu Huaiyan.

"How can there be such a beautiful junior sister! Why have I never seen it before!"

"It's really pretty, even better than Senior Sister Lianqiao!"

"Hurry up, go up and ask."

A group of people gathered in front of Chu Huaiyan, showing great hospitality.

"Hi, junior sister. I don't know which elder my junior sister studied under and which peak she was in. I don't know anything about my junior sister's cultivation. If you don't understand something, you can come and ask my senior brother. The senior brother is..."

"Get up, I'm coming, junior sister, my name is Liang Fan, I'm the disciple of Master Mu Zifeng Mu Zi, if you need anything, just call me, I'm sure..."

"Me, me, me! And me, junior sister, me..."

It was the first time for Chu Huaiyan to be surrounded by so many people at such a close distance, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

Wan Yanzhi hid behind and watched, laughing happily.

"Host, you are too bad, to let True Monarch Tangtang do this."

"Who made him look dead all day, it makes me upset!" Just like this, she didn't think it was too embarrassing for him. If it was in the past, not only would she have to do this, but she would also have to spread the word so that everyone Knowing that he is the real Lord Guangye.

She wants to see if he can still put on that superior look after going through this experience.

In this way, Chu Huaiyan walked around the sect, and when he returned to Hanyu Peak, he felt as if he had experienced some kind of war, and he was in a state of embarrassment.

Wan Yanzhi asked with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"...Does this count as the completion of the punishment?"

"Let's say you're done."


"As for what that thing is in my sea of ​​consciousness, I'll talk about it when I'm in a good mood."

Chu Huaiyan was not dissatisfied at this time, the experience just now made him physically and mentally exhausted, and he couldn't even care about his dissatisfaction, he just wanted to meditate and adjust his breath.

Wan Yanzhi didn't make things difficult for Chu Huaiyan any more, and returned to the residence he had just chosen in Han Yufeng.

Put a small spirit gathering array in the cave, and sit cross-legged on the ground.

The original body's previous skills were too poor, with poor aptitude and poor skills, and he was unwilling to work hard. He still relied on the magic pill to reach the ninth level of Qi refining. After being abandoned by the Lian family, he spent a whole year on the ninth level of Qi refining None of them advanced until Wan Yanzhi possessed him.

This will not work.

Even if it's just a temporary body, she is not willing to bear a cultivation base so low that anyone can look down on her.

Now she has the tenth level of Qi Refining, no matter what, she has to reach the Foundation Establishment Stage first, although in her eyes there is no difference between Qi Refining and Foundation Establishment, but there is more spiritual power available, and more spells that can be used .

After a little recall, I found a suitable exercise and closed my eyes.

This practice lasted for half a month.

At the foot of Hanyu Peak, Fu Hui looked hesitant. She looked at Hanyu Peak for a while, and planned to go up. She didn't take two steps, and then retreated. She scratched her hair and sighed. Just as she was about to go up, she suddenly felt the spirits around her. The force converged towards the top of Hanyu Peak in a vortex.

"Someone is advancing!" She widened her eyes.

There are only two people in Han Yufeng, Zhenjun Guangye and Junior Sister Lianzhi. If Zhenjun Guangye advances, it is impossible for the movement to be so small, but if Junior Sister Lianzhi advances, the movement is too big!

what happened?

Without thinking too much, Fu Hui flew towards the top of Hanyu Peak.

In the cave, Wanyanzhi closed her eyes, rich aura rushed towards her from all directions, and her aura and cultivation were constantly rising.

The eleventh level of gas refining, the peak of gas refining, foundation building, the early stage of foundation building, the middle stage of foundation building...

She opened her eyes and checked her cultivation base.

In the middle stage of foundation establishment, it is barely strong, after all, the spiritual energy is thin, and the aptitude of this body is too poor, even if the best kung fu is used, it is just a change of soup but not medicine.

Sensing someone coming from outside the cave, Wan Yanzhi got up and walked out of the cave.

"Master Lianzhi, Master, Senior Sister?"

Fu Hui was dumbfounded.

Half a month!
In just half a month, why did she go from the tenth level of Qi Refining to Foundation Establishment, and she still couldn't detect the opponent's cultivation level, which meant that the opponent's cultivation base was higher than hers!

What kind of training speed is this!

Wan Yanzhi frowned.

"Don't call me Lianzhi."

"What's that called?"

"Wan Yanzhi."

"Then... Senior Sister Zhizhi?" Fu Hui called out tentatively. Seeing the other party looking over, she shrank her neck in fright, thinking about what else to say.

"what ever."

Fu Hui's eyes lit up, and she immediately became happy again.

Even Zhenjun Guangye wants to call someone who is the ancestor, and she is called Senior Sister. Doesn't it mean that her seniority is high?As soon as I was happy, the awkwardness and discomfort in my heart were thrown aside.

"By the way, Senior Sister Zhizhi, the sect has a mission to go to Kongyu Forest, are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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