Chapter 20
The last time Wanyanzhi went with him, Fu Hui thought that Wanyanzhi probably didn't reject sect missions or was interested in the airspace forest.

So after learning about it this time, I thought about coming to inform, but I was a little hesitant because of what happened half a month ago.

"What mission?"

"Exploring the abnormality of the airspace forest was released half a month ago."

"Abnormal?" Wan Yanzhi thought of something, "The monster is restless?"

Fu Hui was extremely surprised: "How do you know?"

"Just guess." She was not stupid.

Fu Hui lowered her voice: "However, there is one more thing that you must not know." Before Wan Yanzhi could ask, Fu Hui said, "I heard that something similar to the Kongyu Forest happened in Siyang Continent. I don't know what's going on, the sect's family is organizing disciples to investigate the nearest place."

Wan Yanzhi was thoughtful: "Have you found anything?"

"No, I don't know why, the monster is suddenly restless, and we can't find out the reason, but Senior Sister Zhizhi can rest assured, even if nothing is found in the Kongyu Forest this time, the sect will still count the points."

"I see, when are we going?"

"Tomorrow! When the time comes, I will come to see Senior Sister Zhizhi!"

Wan Yanzhi responded, waved his hand, and Fu Hui left happily.

Soon the next day arrived, and when Fu Hui came over, Wan Yanzhi had just left the cave, and the two of them headed to Xuying Square all the way.

There are already many people standing in the square, most of them are Foundation Establishment Stage disciples, and there is even a Jindan Daoist among them.

The sect has not seen such a large-scale dispatch for a long time.

Everyone chattered and chatted, very lively.

"Brother!" Fu Hui beckoned to Xu Haoming, and when the person approached, Xu Haoming smiled stiffly as a greeting, and then stopped talking to Wan Yanzhi, no matter how Fu Hui gave him winks, he didn't say a word talk.

Fu Hui explained embarrassingly: "Senior sister Zhizhi, don't mind, brother, he just..."

"It doesn't matter to me what happens to him." Wan Yanzhi looked indifferent, Fu Hui was even more embarrassed, and fell into an embarrassing silence, Xu Haoming also lowered his head and did not speak.

Wan Yanzhi didn't care. He glanced at the disciples who participated in this mission. Most of them were in the early stage of foundation establishment, some of them were not yet stable, and those in the middle stage of foundation establishment were just average. Among them, only Xu Haoming and Lian Qiao were not bad.

Looking at Lian Qiao surrounded by everyone, even though so many disciples complimented her, she didn't show any complacent expression.

Sensing Wan Yanzhi's gaze, Lian Qiao looked over.

The eyes of the two met, Wan Yanzhi raised his eyebrows provocatively, Lian Qiao's expression turned cold, but he did nothing and looked away.

"It's boring, I thought I was going to rush up like last time."

"Senior, what did you say?"

"It's nothing."

Soon, the disciples who participated in this mission were gathered.

There was one Daoist Jindan, and 38 disciples in the Foundation Establishment Stage. When everyone was there, the Daoist Jindan who looked like a middle-aged man coughed.

"Okay, let's go."

Wan Yanzhi's expression froze.

"Senior Sister Zhizhi, what's wrong?"

"He didn't say anything?" It was Jindan Daoist who said.

Ten thousand years ago, for any slightly larger mission, the monk leading the team would at least ask to be careful, not to mention that this mission was not considered a small mission for Xuan Mingzong.

It's fine if the suzerain is not present, and the monks who lead the team didn't even ask for a word.

Fu Hui was stunned for a moment before realizing it, and then smiled and said: "Everyone knows the mission of the sect, so there is no need to say more, not to mention that Master Muzi is strong, so nothing will happen, Senior Sister Zhizhi, don't worry!"

Wan Yanzhi was also taken aback for a while before he came back to his senses, didn't say anything else, and boarded the cloud boat together with the large army.

Along the way, everyone was chattering, without the slightest sense of tension, and no one discussed the abnormality of the airspace forest.

Fu Hui saw Wan Yanzhi's mood was not good, and said, "Senior Sister Zhizhi, I heard something very interesting before!"

Wan Yanzhi looked over.

"I heard that half a month ago, a tall and beautiful junior sister appeared in the inner sect of Xuanmingzong. The junior sister seemed to be somewhat similar to Guangye Zhenjun. Everyone was wondering if that junior sister might be the daughter of Guangye Zhenjun. That’s Masamune Koya! Even Taoist companions don’t have a daughter from anywhere?”

Hearing this, Wan Yanzhi recalled Chu Huaiyan's embarrassed appearance before, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

The trace in my heart dissipated unexpectedly.

Yeah, what is she upset about?Even if everyone here is dead, what does it matter to her?They are not worried, what is she worried about?
It's just that she is used to taking opponents and all tasks seriously every time, so she feels uneasy when seeing these Xuanmingzong disciples laughing and laughing.

Now it is not ten thousand years ago, and it is not people from Wanyan family who follow her, but Xuan Mingzong disciples who have nothing to do with her.

"Oh?" Wan Yanzhi raised an eyebrow, "Maybe it's him?"

"Myself?" Fu Huishun thought about it for a while, and Zhenjun Guangye walked around the sect pretending to be a female disciple, and then burst out laughing: "Puhahahaha! Senior Sister Zhizhi, you dare to think too much, how could it be Guang?" Also Zhenjun himself hahaha..."

Not to mention Fu Hui, even Xu Haoming, who had been expressionless all the time, couldn't help it, his shoulders trembled.

Amidst all the noise, Yunchuan soon arrived at the Kongyu Forest.

After a while, Master Muzi said: "Spread out and investigate, don't go too far, gather in a quarter of an hour."

The crowd dispersed in a swarm,

Seeing this, Wan Yanzhi went directly into the airspace forest, and walked all the way in, Fu Hui followed Wan Yanzhi, Xu Haoming hesitated and followed behind.

In fact, there is nothing abnormal in the outskirts of the airspace forest, except that occasionally, high-level monsters will come out agitatedly and injure the monks.

Wanyanzhi's spiritual consciousness spread out, and went all the way in.

The further you go in, the more you can feel that these monsters are abnormally restless, and they look very restless. The monsters are tearing each other even more. The strange thing is that the cultivation bases of these monsters are all building up. Mid to late stage!
She remembered that when she came last time, there were only a few monsters in the early stage of foundation establishment, and only a few in the middle stage of foundation establishment. That's why the monsters in the late stage of foundation establishment made Fu Hui and the others so panic-stricken. It was several times more than last time.

There must be something affecting the monster.

Just as he was about to continue going in, his consciousness stabbed, and Wanyanzhi withdrew his consciousness.

Spiritual consciousness still cannot be overused, this body cannot bear her spiritual consciousness too much, frequent use will only cause damage to this body.

Stepping in, I suddenly heard the voice of Master Mu Zi.

"Xuan Mingzong disciples gather."

Seeing that Wanyan Zhi wanted to go in alone, Fu Hui hurriedly said: "Senior Sister Zhizhi, let's go in with Master Mu Zi, it's safer that way."

In no hurry, Wan Yanzhi gathered with Fu Hui and Xu Haoming.

Master Mu Zi counted the number of people, there were 38 people, no more, no less, then he asked, "Did you find anything unusual?"

The crowd shook their heads.

"Then look inside again."

So Master Muzi took 38 foundation-building stage disciples to the depths of the airspace forest. The further they went, the lower the visibility. Fortunately, everyone's cultivation base was above the foundation-building stage, and they could use their divine sense, which would not affect them.

But the spiritual consciousness can't be used too much, so everyone takes turns.

During the period, some extremely violent monsters were dealt with, and nothing abnormal was found.

After an unknown amount of time, a sharp bird cry was heard, and a large flock of colorful birds attacked everyone.

"Weeping bird!"

"Each one is actually in the early stage of foundation establishment!"

"Ahhh! Help!"

It was almost a face-to-face meeting, Xuan Mingzong was defeated and fled in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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