Chapter 35 Goal
Wanyan Mingshi was furious: "You..."

Before he could speak, Wanyanzhi stopped him. Wanyanzhi's expression looked extremely calm, without any trace of anger.

"Okay, then you lead the way, first go to see Taoist Lushan."

"Lushan Daojun is retreating."

"Take me to see you." She stared at Xiang Hui and said word by word, "Maybe you want to try the consequences of refusing."

Without waiting for her order, Chu Huaiyan and several elders exuded a powerful coercion.

Although Xiang Hui was also a Nascent Soul, he couldn't compare with these elders who had reached the Nascent Soul in terms of strength or consciousness, and his forehead was sweating.

However, he could barely hold on to these people, and the only person in front of him who made him fear was the woman in front of him who was regarded as the ancestor by the Chu family and Wanyan family in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

He felt the coercion of a divine consciousness that was even more terrifying than Lushan Zhenjun. This divine consciousness was only a thin strand, but it stayed at his temple, and could penetrate at any time. He had a hunch that as long as this divine consciousness If his consciousness stabbed in, his consciousness would suffer severe damage, but he still couldn't move.

What a terrifying power this is!

He had doubts about this person's identity before, but now, Xiang Hui has no doubts at all!
Even if this is not the ancestor of the Chu family and the Wanyan family, he is still an extremely powerful expert!

"Host, didn't you say it all! It's best not to use divine consciousness before transforming into a god! If you abuse it like this, this body won't last long!"

The corner of Wan Yanzhi's mouth hooked into a smile, the smile didn't hit his eyes.

"If I can't do what I want, then I don't need this body."

She will never be bound by anything or anyone, even for a while.

The system is really in a hurry.

I haven't found a suitable body for Wan Yanzhi yet, and now this pair is about to be scrapped, but this is still a very human ancestor, no matter how much he persuades him, he can only pray that the suzerain of the Xuyang sect can understand current affairs and be a hero.

"I, I, I... I'll take you there!" Xiang Hui immediately turned around without much hesitation.

Wan Yanzhi withdrew his consciousness.

Her consciousness didn't feel tingling, because she just emitted a ray of consciousness, not spreading it all out like before, and the damage she suffered was naturally negligible.

The system noticed it and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, it seems that the host still has a sense of proportion.

Soon, they came to Yeyu Peak where Taoist Lord Lushan was. Compared with Hanyu Peak in Chu Huaiyan, Yeyu Peak didn't look special, it was just a very ordinary mountain.

Xiang Hui led everyone to the steps at the foot of Yeyufeng Mountain.

"Lushan Daojun is on this peak. He has set up a restriction. Without his permission, we can't go in."

Chu Huaiyan stepped forward, and as soon as he took half a step, the scene around him changed to the scene when he entered Xuanmingzong and knocked on the mountain gate. He looked down and saw that his body had also changed into the scene when he was only ten years old. body of.

The memory belonging to Master Guangye in his mind gradually blurred.

Chu Huaiyan blinked, thinking that he should not be a child, and he didn't know why he had such an idea.

A vast and ethereal voice came from the mountain.

"Those who climb up the steps can become disciples of Xuanmingzong. The top ten will be directly promoted to inner disciples of Xuanmingzong. No. 1 will have the opportunity to become the direct disciple of each peak master."

Hearing this, the little carrot heads around him ran up the mountain one after another.

In fact, as the key disciple of the Chu family, he is also a mutated ice spirit root. The family has already greeted Xuan Mingzong, and he will definitely become a direct disciple. Now it is just a formality.

"Brother Huaiyan, don't worry, you will definitely be able to climb up!" The sweet and clear voice of the little girl came from beside her.

Chu Huaiyan looked over, she was a cute little girl with big eyes.

"who are you?"

"I'm Shi Jia's younger sister." The little girl pursed her lips, as if she was about to cry, "Brother Huaiyan, why don't you know me?"

Chu Huaiyan was at a loss.

He doesn't remember such a person in his memory.

"I do not know you."

After that, his eyes became firm, and he walked up step by step, gradually throwing away the little girl calling him behind him. His steps were not fast, but steady, and slowly passed the children in front of him one by one, far surpassing No. .2.

He became the first person to climb the mountain gate.

The peak masters of Xuanmingzong were all vying for him. He chose Chengyuan Zhenjun. There was no other reason for choosing Chengyuan Zhenjun, just because he was a true monarch who was indifferent to any disciples. Stocking state, he doesn't need anyone to teach him.

But what he didn't expect was that Cheng Yuan Zhenjun changed his attitude and stayed with him all the time, asking for his health, pampering him very much, treating him like his own child, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

"Master, don't worry, it's fine for me to come by myself, and I can do it by myself." But five-year-old Chu Huaiyan finally couldn't take it anymore and said with a stern face.

Cheng Yuan Zhenjun had a doting smile on his face.

"Our little Yanyan is only five years old, and we are still at an age where elders need to take care of us. How can I rest assured?"

"No need to take care of it." He said without thinking.

Although he is only five years old, he already has his own goal, which is to soar to the Tao with all his heart. His parents have fallen since he was born, and he grew up to be eight years old when his clansman added a pair of bowls and chopsticks and no longer cared about other things. He didn't mind, since he was emotionally indifferent anyway.

Until he was found to be Bing Lingen when he was tested for Lingen, the treatment was very different. He was taken to the patriarch's house, and there were many servants, but he still preferred to be alone.

In this way, when he was ten years old, he knocked on the mountain gate, and he chose Chengyuan Zhenjun on purpose, because he knew that Chengyuan Zhenjun was indifferent to his personal disciples.

Why is Cheng Yuan Zhenjun different from what he heard?
Could it be that those people lied to him?
But what's the point of those people lying to him, Chu Huaiyan felt weird, but couldn't find the weird point for a while.

Cheng Yuan Zhenjun cared for him meticulously as always.

In the end, Chu Huaiyan couldn't take it anymore, so he went back to the Chu family and discussed with the patriarch to change him to a master. As a key member of the clan, the patriarch naturally agreed.

He got his wish and changed his master. The new master didn't care as much as Cheng Yuan Zhenjun, but he didn't let him go.

Chu Huaiyan still doesn't like the care of others, but he has already changed a master and cannot change again.

He devoted himself to cultivation, and he practiced nothing but cultivation, and his cultivation was advancing by thousands of miles day by day.

Soon the baby was born, Xuan Mingzong and the Chu family held a baby ceremony, he didn't like the lively atmosphere, so he went out to show his face and left.

He thought of his parents who died not long after he was born, and his expression was in a trance.

"Go and see..."

He muttered, returned to the Chu family, and came to the Pagoda of Heroes, but he didn't expect that someone was already there at the top of the Pagoda of Heroes, and it turned out to be the patriarch, who concealed his aura.

The patriarch's trembling voice came.

"My ancestors, my ancestors, please show me and tell me what I should do."

no respond.

Chu Huaiyan was about to show up, but heard the patriarch shouting in dismay: "Why! If it wasn't for the great war ten thousand years ago, how could the Liaocang world be in such a state!"

(End of this chapter)

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