Said I am your ancestor

Chapter 36 Ask the Heart Formation

Chapter 36 Ask the Heart Formation

The war of ten thousand years ago?

Chu Huaiyan was stunned for a moment, and some scattered memories flashed in his mind, for example, when the patriarch and the elders had a dispute, they always brought up some kind of big war, or when the clan made a mistake, as if they suddenly changed their person, They also refer to ten thousand years ago.

It seems that everything today is caused by the great war ten thousand years ago.

Hearing this, Chu Huaiyan didn't move any more, held his breath and continued to listen.


After the roar, the patriarch's voice dropped again, but Chu Huaiyan was already a Nascent Soul, so he could hear it no matter how soft it was.

"Why can't I ascend..."

Like thunder on the ground, Chu Huaiyan suddenly appeared and came to the patriarch.

"What do you mean you can't ascend?"

Although he knew that the patriarch might be talking about himself or only a small group of people. After all, the patriarch didn't say that everyone couldn't ascend, but he just felt that there shouldn't be only some people who could make the patriarch collapse like this.

The patriarch is no more than a golden core, and his aptitude can only be regarded as upper-middle. If he is lucky, he may be able to become a nascent soul or even transform into a god, but that's it, he is doomed not to be able to ascend.

Otherwise, he would not become the patriarch and not focus on cultivation.

Therefore, it is definitely not a trivial matter to make the patriarch collapse, and he still has a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.

The patriarch didn't expect to be heard, he was stunned for a moment, and asked uncertainly after a while, "You, you... Chu Huaiyan?"

"What do you mean by not being able to ascend?"

"No, nothing."

The patriarch subconsciously escaped, his face turned pale. When he took over the position of patriarch, he swore a demon oath and would never tell anyone other than the next patriarch.

Now that Chu Huaiyan knows about it, then he...

Next, no matter how Chu Huaiyan asked, the patriarch refused to reveal a word, so Chu Huaiyan believed that his guess was correct.

It is not a small number of people who cannot ascend, not just the Siyang Continent, but the monks in the entire Liaocang Realm, who cannot ascend.

The reason for this was the great war ten thousand years ago.

What happened in the great war thousands of years ago?
As if he had been severely injured, Chu Huaiyan was no longer the same as before. Apart from practicing, he still practiced. He searched through the classics of the clan, and there were only a few records on them.

But through these few strokes and his own guesses, he pieced together an uncertain truth.

Thousands of years ago, several monks who were about to ascend did evil, entangled in karma, and angered Heavenly Dao. In a fit of anger, Heavenly Dao cut off their ascension to immortality. Destroy the way of heaven.

No one knows what happened later, because none of the monks who participated in that battle survived.

But the consequence of this great war is that no monk has been able to ascend for thousands of years, and the aura is gradually drying up. Liao Cangjie seems to be exiled and forgotten.

Chu Huaiyan was hit hard, and even his cultivation base declined.

His goal was to ascend, but now he was told that he could not ascend, and in the hopelessness day after day, he almost had a demon in his heart.

But why didn't he breed demons?
It seems that it was because he met a woman who claimed to be her ancestor, and there was something hidden in the sea of ​​knowledge that did not belong to the Liao Cang Realm.

Who is that woman...

"Chu Huaiyan! Wake up!"

With a "slap", a solid slap slapped him across the face, Chu Huaiyan woke up suddenly, and saw Wanyanzhi standing in front of him.

Wan Yanzhi withdrew his hand, and said in disgust: "A small formation can trap you, such a waste, did your Nascent Soul cultivation base come from knocking out pills?"

Chu Huaiyan: "...I have never eaten a panacea until now."

"Then why are you still such a waste?"


"Okay, okay, don't act like a dead person, it's really an eyesore." Wan Yanzhi rolled his eyes and turned his head.

Seeing that she was about to go, Wanyan Mingshi and several elders hurriedly said: "Old ancestor, let us come!"

"Let you waste your time?"

Everyone was silent again.

As patriarchs and elders, they have not been so disgusted by others for a long time.

Wan Yanzhi ignored it and went straight up the stairs.

Although she said that Chu Huaiyan's cultivation was obtained by taking elixir, she knew that if Chu Huaiyan were to fight against the elders of Wanyan's family, it would be impossible to know who would win. Chu Huaiyan did have strength .

But no matter how powerful it is, it is only Yuanying, and this formation was set up by that Lushan Daojun, so it is normal to be almost trapped in it.

Wan Yanzhi said that he just couldn't get used to his stern and unpleasant appearance.

The scene changed instantly.

The moment he stepped into the formation, Wan Yanzhi felt familiar.

"Is this... the Asking Heart Formation?"

Asking Heart Formation is not a rare formation for cultivators. The reason why Wan Yanzhi is familiar with this formation is because the setting method of this formation has his own shadow.

She felt that the memory belonging to this body in her mind, that is, the memory of Lianzhi, was gradually blurring.

The general questioning formation is just a simple questioning of the heart, Wan Yanzhi was already distracted at that time, and had already stood above most of the monks in the entire world of cultivating immortals, the pace of practice and experience gradually slowed down, and he began to study the formation.

It just so happened that Wanyan's family was about to hold a grand competition every five years, so she asked her to set up a questioning array.

She is a master of formations, Wenxin formation is too simple for her.

There was nothing wrong with it, so I thought about it, changed a few of the rules, made the people who entered the battle lose their memory, and repeated one thing that affected the mind the most since birth.

Later, this formation was known by other sect families, and they came to seek advice one after another.

But now this array, the familiarity made her know clearly that this was what she designed in the first place, and the owner of the array was either someone she knew or a descendant of someone she knew.

Either way, it's a good thing for her.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he looked at the scene in front of him. On the Liaocang Sea, countless monks gathered. In the center, the six monks at the fusion stage formed a circle, holding up the things in their hands. In the center of them, there was a person standing, also like this Array of array eyes.

Without this person, their formation would not be complete!

Wan Yanzhi, who was the eye of the formation, twitched the corners of his mouth.

It turned out to be here.

All the monks surrounding them sent their spiritual power to them. There were 10,000+ people, each of them was very particular about their positions. Looking closely, it turned out that 10,000+ people formed an incomparably huge formation!
This is a formation that has never been seen before, and the purpose of this formation is to communicate with the heavens.

Wan Yanzhi only glanced at it, then looked away.

Knowing what was going on, she couldn't arouse her interest at all.

She was thinking about this questioning formation. She had never tried to enter the formation by herself before, but after entering the formation now, she discovered that there are many loopholes in the formation, especially the vague memory of the body itself.

In other words, if someone seizes the house and enters this formation, it will have no effect at all.

How to change it?

Wan Yanzhi fell into deep thought.

"What's going on? It's been half an hour, why hasn't the ancestor broken the formation yet?"

Wanyan Mingshi and several elders panicked.

Maybe the old ancestor once stood on the top of all immortal cultivators, but now the old ancestor is only in the foundation building stage!

At this moment, a powerful spiritual consciousness covered him.

"It's Lushan Daojun!"

(End of this chapter)

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