Chapter 37
Xiang Hui and Cheng Jinliang were overjoyed, and expressions of admiration appeared on their faces.

That is Lushan Daojun!

Although Lushan Daojun doesn't often appear in front of people, he is the well-deserved leader in the hearts of everyone in Xuyangzong.

This is all right, as long as Lushan Daojun, others will not dare to make mistakes!

But Wanyan Mingshi and several elders sensed Lushan Daojun's powerful spiritual consciousness, and the arrogance on his face was gone. Even Chu Huaiyan lowered his head slightly to welcome the arrival of this Daojun.

Only Wanyanzhi was still trapped in the illusion, without bowing his head.

A powerful aura approached them, and everyone restrained their aura.

One word to describe Lushan Daojun, that is snow white, he is wearing a snow white cassock, his hair is snow white, even his eyelashes and eyebrows are snow white, his pupils are light and clear blue, his eyes are like the cleanest in the world Like something, such a person, standing in front of his face with a slight smile, can't find any words to describe it except white and clear.

The crowd held their breath.

No matter how many times you watch it, you will be shocked by Taoist Lushan.

Lushan Daojun didn't say a word, his eyes turned to Wanyanzhi who was in the illusion.

Cheng Jinliang raised his head cautiously and saw that Lushan Daojun seemed to be paying attention to Wanyan Zhi, and quickly explained: "Daojun, she is from the Wanyan family, and she brought the patriarch and elders of the Wanyan family to meet Dao Jun, you can’t drive away, and you even threatened us, we have no choice but to come to disturb Daojun, and hope that Daojun will calm down!”

Wanyan Mingshi immediately retorted: "If Xiang Hui didn't push us three times and four times to prevent us from entering, and didn't come to meet us, how could we do it?"

"As the suzerain of Xuyang Sect, I put down my body to pick you up, and I won't be afraid of being laughed at if I say it!"

With Lushan Daojun around, Xiang Hui became much tougher in an instant.

Even in the past, he always kept his head low, and every time Wanyan Mingshi and several elders came to greet him personally, but that was his choice due to the situation, but this time it was Wanyan's family who offered to let him come out. Welcome, how can he bear it?

Wanyan Mingshi also knew that this kind of behavior was a bit too much, but when he thought of Wanyan Zhi, he immediately gained confidence.

"Why not? Our ancestors are back, and I think highly of you for letting you come out to greet them!"

"You... are really a joke! A female cultivator in the foundation establishment period can be called an ancestor by you, no wonder your Wanyan family is getting worse and worse!"

"What did you say?"

Hearing these words, Wanyan Mingshi and several elders' complexions darkened, and a terrifying coercion radiated out.

However, at the next moment, they were easily crushed by a stronger coercion, and the consciousness of several people suddenly felt a pain, and they heard Taoist Lushan lightly said with a smile: "Since you are a guest at Xuyangzong, the little friends still have to treat Xu Yangzong people are more polite."

Several people covered their heads, daring to be angry and dare not speak.

Cheng Jinliang admired Lushan Taoist even more, he deserves to be Lushan Taoist!Look at those few people who used to be aloof, but now they keep their heads down and dare not even fart.

The anger and dissatisfaction in his heart disappeared, and his face was full of pride.

But Taoist Lushan's gaze fell on Wanyanzhi again, with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

Suddenly, he stepped towards Wanyanzhi and stretched out his hand.

Seeing this, the members of Wanyan's family and Chu Huaiyan hurriedly stopped them.

"Dao-jun, don't!"

They stopped in front of Taoist Lushan.

As we all know, monks are very fragile when they fall into an illusion. Unless the other party has enough strength, they cannot be easily awakened or attacked. This is why the array is ranked in front of the pill talisman.

A powerful formation mage, as long as he is fully prepared, he will not be afraid of anyone!

"Get out of the way." Daoist Lushan couldn't hear any anger or anger in his voice.

Maybe he won't cause harm to Wanyan Zhi, but Wanyan Mingshi and the others can't afford to gamble. Just now Taoist Lushan attacked their consciousness at will. No matter how powerful the ancestors are, they are only in the foundation building stage now, and they must protect them all. The ancestor of the Yan family!
Seeing that several people refused to give an inch, Lushan Daojun paused.

"If she is trapped in the illusion for too long, it will affect her sanity. I have a way to wake her up."

Wanyan Mingshi hesitated.

He thought, Taoist Lushan would never be able to face their ancestors in front of them. Wanyan's family is indeed going downhill, but it is not possible for Taoist Lushan to bully him alone. Taoist Lushan should not do this .

Just now Chu Huaiyan fell into an illusion, and the ancestors easily awakened Chu Huaiyan. Lushan Daojun has a high level of cultivation, so he should be able to awaken the ancestors.

He leaned aside and moved out of the way.

Seeing this, the other elders also stepped aside.

Only Chu Huaiyan still stood there without moving.

Taoist Lushan looked at Chu Huaiyan.

"You are... Chu Huaiyan from the Chu family?"

Chu Huaiyan nodded.

"I know you, you are the only person in the Siyang Continent who is expected to cultivate to the unity in the past 5000 years."

Chu Huaiyan's expression became colder and colder.

So what about building a fusion?After all, he can't ascend to the sky, can't become a real immortal, and it's just more time to wait for death.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to wake her up."

"Are you really planning to wake her up?" Chu Huaiyan stared at Taoist Lushan.


"I do not believe."

Lushan Daojun still smiled slightly, and was not angry because of Chu Huaiyan's words. He explained very patiently: "This is the questioning array I set up."

Indeed, this is the formation set up by Taoist Lushan. If Taoist Lushan wanted to take the opportunity to hurt Wan Yanzhi, it would be easy, why would he still appear in front of them?

Chu Huaiyan hesitated for a while, but still did not give in.

He confronted Lushan Daojun.

"Sorry, Daojun, she was the one who woke me up just now. I believe it's easy for her to undo the formation. She is still in the illusion. She must have important things to do." After a pause, he continued: "She It is the hope of Liao Cangjie."

What he said was serious, but it made everyone present at a loss.

But it doesn't matter, Chu Huaiyan stared at Taoist Lushan, he believed that Taoist Lushan could understand what he was referring to.

Sure enough, the smile on Taoist Lushan's face gradually disappeared.

"Are you serious?"


Before continuing, a hand was placed on Chu Huaiyan's shoulder.

"Why don't I know when I became the hope to save the Liaocang world, don't put such a heavy burden on me, understand?"

Chu Huaiyan was stunned for a moment, and hesitated, "But you're going to fight the battle ten thousand years ago, and you're gathering other people around Xuanmingzong. Isn't it just that you've found a way to ascend, so you're making preparations?"

"What? What ascension?"

"You found it?!" The excited voice came from Wanyan Mingshi.

Wan Yanzhi raised an eyebrow.

"I checked the battle ten thousand years ago because I wanted to know the final outcome, that's all. As for the others, when did I gather other people around Xuanmingzong?"

"Isn't your series of actions just..."

Before Chu Huaiyan could continue, Wan Yanzhi looked at Taoist Lushan, whistled and smiled.

"Long time no see, male favorite Lulu."

(End of this chapter)

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