Chapter 54
Qing Sui Zhenjun was silent.

Seeing this, Wan Yanzhi didn't say anything, and he wasn't angry either. After all, compared to the previous ones, Qing Sui Zhenjun had no intentions for him, and second, he was considered a normal person, so he refused to recognize her. Being an ancestor is nothing more than a normal thing.

"So, the host thinks Lin Yan and Chu Huaiyan are not normal people?"

"I didn't say anything."

System: "..." Don't you mean that they are not normal people?

But think about it, because it gave the host a 100% credible halo at that time, and the host promised to save Lin Yan, Lin Yan recognized it without hesitation, and after Chu Huaiyan, although there was that iron pillar He admitted the identity of the host, but before that, Chu Huaiyan personally called him the ancestor.

From this point of view, the performance of the two of them in front of the host is indeed not normal.

Seeing Zhenjun Qingsui showing some resistance, Zhenjun Liu Xing asked suspiciously: "Zhenjun Qingsui, what's the matter? Isn't she your ancestor? Even if you lose your temper, you should have a temper. like a child?"

Hearing this, Wan Yanzhi burst out laughing.

Zhenjun Qing Sui was even more speechless, and finally, under Wanyanzhi's teasing gaze and Zhenjun Liuying's bewilderment, he called out in a low voice: "Ancestor."

"What did you call me? The voice was too low for me to hear clearly."


Wanyanzhi was overjoyed, she found that it was so interesting to let those people who refused to call her ancestors reluctantly call her ancestors!
Of course, it would be more interesting to make these people willingly admit that she is an ancestor.

Qing Sui Zhenjun's voice became louder: "Ancestor! Is it alright?"

Only then did Wan Yanzhi nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, that's right, as this Zhenjun said, children can't lose their temper all the time, be good." After finishing speaking, he threw at Zhenjun Liuying A look of admiration, Master Liu Xing responded with a subtle smile.

If it wasn't for this Zhenjun Liuying, she still wouldn't be able to see Zhenjun Qing Sui so depressed.

Qingsui Zhenjun then glanced at Zhenjun Liuying, and found that Zhenjun Liuying had a strange expression, as if he was holding back something.

"Zhenjun Liuying, what's wrong with you?"

"No, nothing."

Qing Sui Zhenjun was suspicious: "Is there really nothing?"

"Well... I just can't bear it."

Seeing Zhenjun Liuying's trembling shoulders, Zhenjun Qingsui immediately realized that it turned out that Zhenjun Liuying had been cooperating with his seniors to play tricks on him just now!
"You guys are doing very well!" He gritted his teeth, only feeling his face turn red and blue, constantly switching between shame and embarrassment, and finally, it turned into a touch of helplessness, unable to laugh or cry.

Of these two people, one is an ancestor who has lived for tens of thousands of years, and the other has lived for thousands of years. He is considered a figure in the Liao Cang world. How can they still act childishly to make fun of others?
"Okay, stop making trouble." Wan Yanzhi said again.

Qing Sui Zhenjun was even more helpless, "Who is making trouble..."

Before he finished speaking, he noticed that many people came out at some point, all from the Sheng family, all of them were in the Golden Core stage, and there were five or six Nascent Soul stages.

He frowned and asked in puzzlement, "How can the Sheng family have so many Nascent Soul True Monarchs?"

Logically speaking, the Sheng family can only be regarded as a medium-sized family, more than the top and more than the bottom. It is not surprising that there are one or two Nascent Soul True Monarchs, but it is really puzzling to see five or six at once.

What made him even more puzzling was that one of them he had seen last time, when he was only at the Golden Core stage, why did he become a Nascent Soul in just one month?
"Strange things can make a monk's cultivation soar in a short period of time." Wan Yanzhi explained lightly.

Neither Qing Sui Zhenjun nor Liu Xing Zhenjun dared to believe it.

"What is that weird thing, where did it come from, and it is so heaven-defying?"

Wan Yanzhi pouted her chin, "That's right."

It was only then that the two noticed the ruins in front of them, and at the moment when their attention was on the ruins, a sigh of pity came from afar, and their expressions were in a trance for an instant.

Qing Sui Zhenjun only felt a hostility rising from the bottom of his heart.

He suddenly remembered the things that he had deliberately forgotten due to the passage of time. His family, everyone, was dead!

Why is fate so unfair!

Even though he hacked his enemies into pieces and returned them all, his family members would never come back again. He really hated those enemies whose scum had been wiped out by him. He was very resentful. People with connections at home refused to help them.

He obviously didn't do anything evil, why did he treat him like this?
Yes, they are all wrong, everyone is wrong, if they don't help him, it is the biggest mistake!

That being the case, then kill all these people who have made mistakes!
"Peng Yufei!" An ice-cold shout sounded like thunder on the ground, and the resentment welling up in his heart was suppressed. Qing Suizhenjun came to his senses, and he gasped for breath.

"What's going on here? What's wrong with me?" He was afraid for a while, the feeling just now was simply too terrifying.

He looked at Zhenjun Liuying again, Zhenjun Liuying's face was sullen, and the expression on his face was not much better than his, but he regained consciousness, but his expression was still a little dazed, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Wan Yanzhi didn't say anything to reprimand, even she was almost taken aback, let alone these two people.

"The closer you are to this thing in front of you, the more it will affect your sanity. If you don't wake up, you will be like these Sheng family members. I will teach you a set of Qingxin formulas, and you can resist it by reciting silently all the time."

After all, there are traces of laws of heaven hidden in the dilapidated walls in front of me, and the ordinary Qingxin formula doesn't have much effect.

The two of them thanked each other, accepted Wan Yanzhi's Qingxin formula, and finally had the time to look around.

There were a lot more people on the ground than when they came in just now, it turned out that when they were unconscious just now, Wan Yanzhi had dealt with the Sheng family who rushed up, and he respected them even more in his heart.

Qing Sui Zhenjun looked at the ruins and said in a deep voice: "Is there a way to completely destroy this thing?"

He could feel that the ruins in front of him were not something he could solve.

"No." Things that contain the rules of heaven cannot be completely destroyed.

"Then what should we do? Do we just let it affect the Sheng family here?"

At this time, Zhenjun Liu Xing suddenly said: "Where is Zhenjun Guangyi?"

At the same time, a group of Sheng family came again from all directions, and this time, besides the Sheng family, there were some other people, and the leader was a male cultivator wearing a light green cassock.

"True Monarch Guangyi!" Zhenjun Liuying was overjoyed, and was about to step forward, but found that there was something wrong with Zhenjun Guangyi.

The male cultivator who attacked her was the True Monarch of the Broad Yi and not the True Monarch of the Broad Yi. His eyes were dull, but his moves were deadly and ruthless. He wanted her dead!

"True Monarch Guangyi, wake up quickly!"

She yelled, but got no response from the other party.

With Wanyan Zhi present, this group of Sheng family members were quickly resolved, leaving only Zhenjun Liuying who was still dealing with Zhenjun Guangyi, and judging from the situation, Zhenjun Liuying was at a disadvantage, and his spiritual power was constantly being consumed. Soon he will be killed by Zhenjun Guangyi.

Wan Yanzhi didn't want to waste time, his eyes sharpened, and the consciousness that had already begun to sting turned into a thin thread, stabbing at the broad sense Zhenjun.

However, before she reached into the sea of ​​consciousness to destroy her consciousness, she saw Zhenjun Liuying standing in front of Zhenjun Guangyi, with a pleading expression on his face: "He is still alive, please don't kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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