Said I am your ancestor

Chapter 55 That's all you have!

Chapter 55 That's all you have!

"Get out of the way." Wan Yanzhi remained unmoved.

Zhenjun Liuying shook his head: "He's still alive." As soon as the words finished, Zhenjun Guangyi came to her behind him, Zhenjun Liuying didn't dodge, and suffered the blow, he let out a muffled groan, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Wan Yanzhi sneered: "Is this what you said he is still alive?"

While resisting Zhenjun Guangyi's attack, Zhenjun Liuying explained: "He is indeed Zhenjun Guangyi, and he is indeed still alive. His mind is only affected. As long as he can wake up, he will definitely not hurt anyone again. .”

This is something everyone knows, but the question is, how can we wake up Zhenjun Guangyi.

Wan Yanzhi watched Zhenjun Liuying dodge the attack of Zhenjun Guangyi with cold eyes, but she did not hurt the opponent with heavy hands, but she was already at a disadvantage, and she was still unwilling to hurt the opponent. Consumed to death by Zhenjun Guangyi, he asked in a cold voice, "Who is he to you? A lover?"

"How is it possible!" Zhenjun Liu Xing blurted out, "I have changed to the Ruthless Dao, so how could it be possible to become a Taoist partner with him!"

Qing Sui Zhenjun also looked curious: "Then why are you doing this?"

"When I found out that scumbag Feiyang betrayed me, I almost fell into a demon. He appeared in time to save me and caused him to be seriously injured. How can I abandon him now? Moreover, he is also the true king of Cheng Yangzong. If Yangzong loses a true monarch, his status will definitely decline."

"Aren't you a ruthless Taoist?" Qing Suizhen Jun looked puzzled.

In his heart, the ruthless way is heartless, ruthless, cold-blooded and ruthless, but Zhenjun Liu Xing's behavior does not look like a ruthless person.

Zhenjun Liuying was trying to resist, not to mention that the Tao could not be explained clearly in one or two sentences, and it was a coincidence that she entered the Ruthless Tao, so she didn't respond anymore.

Seeing that Zhenjun Liu Xing's spiritual power was rapidly depleting and getting worse, she glanced at Wanyan Zhi, and found that the latter still hadn't moved at all, just watching so coldly, she knew that Wanyan Zhi was planning to wait for her After he died, he would deal with Zhenjun Guangyi.

Obviously just now, she and the other party worked together to figure out Sui Zhenjun, talking and laughing, but at this moment the other party could watch her being killed without blinking.

At this moment, she felt that Wanyanzhi was more suitable for Wuqing Dao than her.

It doesn't matter whether she dies or not, but Zhenjun Guangyi saved her, she wanted to repay this kindness, gritted her teeth, and shouted: "As long as senior is willing to save Zhenjun Guangyi, I can do anything!"

Wan Yanzhi was unmoved.

Compared to such a troublesome matter as saving Zhenjun Guangyi, the benefits promised by Zhenjun Liuying did not make her feel any excitement, and the sacrifice was not directly proportional to the reward, so she was naturally unwilling.

Only Zhenjun Liuying said again: "The Luoyang sect owes me a favor, as long as senior is willing to save Zhenjun Guangyi, both Chengyang sect and Luoyang sect can do one thing for senior!"

As soon as the words fell, a whip struck.

As if he had eyes, he tied Zhenjun Guangyi tightly in two or three strokes, making him unable to struggle.

"Can you really command Yangzong and Luoyangzong?"

Zhenjun Liu Xing hesitated, then nodded: "As long as it doesn't touch the bottom line."

At the beginning, Feiyang's miscellaneous things almost made her go mad. If she hadn't said later that she let go, her father would never let it go. Therefore, Luoyangzong owed her a huge favor. As for Chengyangzong, his father was Chengyangzong. The suzerain loves her very much, so he can do it naturally.

However, seeing Wanyan Zhi like this, there should indeed be something for Cheng Yang and Luo Yang to do, she asked aloud: "I don't know what senior wants Cheng Yang and Luo Yang to do?"

"No hurry, let's solve his problem first."

Wan Yanzhi walked towards Zhenjun Guangyi, and probed towards the other party's sea of ​​consciousness with a tiny piece of consciousness. It was different from before, just now he was thinking of destroying it, but this time, it was with the intention of probing, so Zhenjun Liuying was nervous Next, he didn't make a move to stop him.

Without consent, unless one's consciousness is at least three levels higher, there is no way to break into one's sea of ​​consciousness.

But if the sea of ​​consciousness is polluted, it can be easily entered.

Wanyanzhi's spiritual consciousness probed into the sea of ​​consciousness of Zhenjun Guangyi. The sea of ​​consciousness of Zhenjun Guangyi was originally a lush forest, but now the leaves have withered and yellowed, and the trunks have begun to die, showing a decayed and withered appearance.

But fortunately, before the time of hopelessness, if these trees are completely withered and the vitality is cut off, then the broad sense Zhenjun is really hopeless.

She breathed a sigh of relief, then withdrew her spiritual consciousness, penetrated into the meridians with spiritual power, and followed the spiritual veins in Zhenjun Guangyi's body directly to the dantian.

Finally, at the dantian, I saw a nearly transparent baby sitting on top of the air. The baby closed its eyes, looked painful, frowned, and struggled a little. Feelings will be truthfully fed back to Nascent Soul.

In other words, Zhenjun Guangyi feels pain now and cannot wake up, but he is still struggling to wake up.

Wanyanzhi touched the Yuanying of the Guangyi Zhenjun with spiritual power.

As soon as she touched it, the sigh of pity came towards her continuously like pollution, Wan Yanzhi withdrew her spiritual power suddenly, only felt that the sigh was getting closer to her.

He shook his head, frowning tightly.

No wonder Guangyi Zhenjun came in for such a short time, and his mind was completely polluted. It turned out that the sigh was not only affecting the mind, but also the Nascent Soul. It hit the dantian directly, so it was unpleasant.

"Senior, how are you?" Zhenjun Liu Xing asked hastily.

The two looked at her worriedly.

"It's okay." Wanyan Zhi said in a deep voice, then looked up at the sky, and smiled coldly, "That's all you have!"

"Who?" The two didn't know why.

Qing Sui Zhenjun had some vague guesses, but he didn't dare to really guess in that respect. This is indeed a senior from ten thousand years ago. It's true that he is very powerful, but that's the way of heaven!

No matter how powerful a person is, can he compete with the Dao of Heaven?

No, absolutely not.

So what the predecessors said should not be the case.

Just as he was thinking about it, he felt that he couldn't feel anything because of his innocence. It was pitch black in front of his eyes, he couldn't hear, see, or smell, and he was a little flustered.

"Senior? True Monarch Liu Xing?"

No one responded to him.

After an unknown period of time, the five senses finally recovered. He blinked his eyes and found that Zhenjun Guangyi, who had been struggling since just now, closed his eyes at some point, but his breath was still there, which meant that Zhenjun Guangyi was not dead.

At this time, Zhenjun Liu Xing looked at Wan Yanzhi, who had pale lips and an ugly face, and asked tentatively: "Senior, Zhenjun Guangyi..."

"Just wait until he wakes up. I put something in his dantian, and I will come to pick it up a month after he wakes up."

Zhenjun Liu Xing was overjoyed: "Thank you, senior!"

"No, go out first."

"Yes, yes, you can't stay here anymore!"

Said, was about to leave.

Qing Sui Zhenjun hurriedly said: "Senior, what about the members of the Sheng family? Since you can save Zhen Jun Guangyi, you must be able to save the Sheng family, right?"

 Stomach ache, it's late, sorry

(End of this chapter)

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