Said I am your ancestor

Chapter 83 Absolute Strength

Chapter 83 Absolute Strength

"What's next?"

"There will be hundreds of arenas going on at the same time in the group arena. Those who bring the token can participate, and the token goes to the winner. In addition, there is no limit to the number of times, so as long as you have the token, you can always participate."

Wan Yanzhi said oh, with a look of lack of interest, she is too familiar with the group arena, it is not very interesting.

Lin Yan boasted: "Even if the ancestor does not participate in this level, he will be the first in the combat power list."

More than 700 combat power, and No.2's [-] combat power is nearly [-] combat power, that is to say, you have to win at least [-] in the group arena to surpass Wanyanzhi.

So even if Wan Yanzhi does not participate, he still sits firmly at No.1.

Wanyan Miao shook her head when she heard this.

"That's not true."

Lin Yan was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"The top ten are all Siyang. If they put all their combat power on one person, it would be easy for them to surpass Zhizhi. They haven't done so now, because they think that with their own strength, they can surpass Zhizhi in the arena. .”

Wan Yanzhi suddenly became interested: "Oh? How do you say this?"

"There is another rule of this group arena competition, that is, if both parties agree, tokens can be added, and the tokens will eventually belong to the winner. Moreover, the group arena competition does not distinguish between cultivation levels, that is to say, Qi refining can be given to the winner. Foundation Establishment challenges, and Jindan can also challenge Foundation Establishment."

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be easy for everyone to challenge those with low cultivation bases to win tokens? This would be unfair."

"If a low-cultivation person challenges a high-cultivation person, he only needs one token. A high-cultivation person cannot refuse, and at least ten tokens are required. A high-cultivation person challenges a low-cultivation person. At least 20 yuan tokens, those with low cultivation can refuse, and only one token is needed to agree."

"It's okay." Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that those Jindan real people would challenge the old ancestor one after another when they saw such a high combat power of the old ancestor. Although he believed in the strength of the old ancestor, he still couldn't help worrying.

Wan Yanzhi was thoughtful: "Can I challenge Yuanying Zhenjun or Huashendao Lord?"

Wan Yanmiao was surprised, and immediately replied: "Accordingly, it is possible, but Zhenjun and Daojun did not participate in the competition, and they do not have tokens, even if you challenge them, they do not have tokens, so they cannot Enter the ring."

Wan Yanzhi nodded, already completely interested.

The tokens are simple, and her so many tokens are not for decoration.

She also wanted to see where the upper limit was based on her current cultivation in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

"Speaking of which, at that time, the Immortal Sovereign ascended, Zhizhi, where did you go? Why did you disappear as soon as I turned my head?"

"I'm going crazy."

Wanyan Miao's eyes widened: "Are you going to Huoji?" Then he waved his hand and snorted, "How could you go to Huoji? Patriarchs and elders, others cannot enter at all."

Seeing this, Wanyan Zhi didn't explain too much, and Wanyan Miao didn't ask any more questions.

It has to be said that Wanyan Miao has a certain amount of advance and retreat. In terms of grasping the scale, Wan Yanzhi did not feel displeased. Therefore, even though Wanyan Miao followed her cheekily during this period of time, she did not feel that bother.

In her opinion, Wanyan Miao was just a little girl, with a pretty appearance and a naive temperament. Not only did she not look discordant in her red dress, but it made her look like a warm and lovely little fireball.

In short, it was still to her liking, and it belonged to Wanyan's family, so she let her follow, even calling her Zhizhi didn't correct her.

But when Wanyanmiao mentioned Huoji, she couldn't help but think of that day, after she made two choices, to her surprise, Xianjun didn't choose to die, nor did he agree to the second one, he just said to think about it, Give her an answer before the competition ends.

To be honest, it doesn't make any difference to her whether Shuran Xianjun wants to join or not.

What she needs is the Xuanyang Sect behind Shuran Xianjun. If Zhenjun Liuying convinces Chengyang Sect and Luoyang Sect, then she needs to convince the remaining two. Xuyang Sect is simple, but Xuanyang Sect On the other hand, we have to start with Shuran Xianjun...

At this time, a voice came from outside.

"Wan Yanzhi, Elder Lian Patriarch invited you over, he said he has something important to discuss with you."

"Tsk, why are you here again!" Wan Yanmiao looked dissatisfied, "Why is the family so cheeky, rejecting them, and they keep coming to the door again and again!"

The people from the Lian family are not only thick-skinned, but also have a very high posture, as if the Lian family invited Wan Yanzhi to come over, and she must be grateful to Dade, with an appearance of being kind.

The others didn't send anyone over after Wan Yanzhi refused, only the Chu family came twice more, and then they didn't come again for some reason, but this Lian family came every other half a day, which was annoying to death up!
"I'm going to send them away!"

Originally Wanyan Zhi planned to clean up the people himself, but when he heard Wanyan Miao's words, he didn't move.

After Wanyan Miao finished speaking, she rolled up her sleeves and went out, only to hear a series of wailing sounds, and after a while, Wanyan Miao came back.

She let out a breath: "Sweet! Zhizhi, you don't know, they have three or four late stage foundation builders, but they are not my opponents at all, and they were directly beaten by me, begging for mercy!"

Thinking of the scene just now, Wanyan Miao laughed out of joy.

"Good beating!" Wan Yanzhi praised.

Being praised, Wanyan Miao was instantly pleased, but also a little embarrassed, and smiled.

Lin Yan watched silently from the side, with a look of envy in his eyes.

It's great, someone can help her solve this kind of trivial matter without the help of the old ancestor. Unlike him, even if he knows that the old ancestor doesn't like the people in the Lian family, he can't do anything. If only he could help the old ancestor like this up.

There was a voice in his heart bewitching him: Then be enchanted, everything will be fine if you become enchanted, you can kill whoever you want...

Lin Yan was in a daze, then shook his head.

No, the ancestor hates the demon cultivator, and he will never become the person the ancestor hates, so even if he becomes a demon cultivator and can practice again, he will not become a demon cultivator.

"Lin Yan."

Lin Yan came back to his senses: "What's wrong, old ancestor?"

Wan Yanzhi looked at Lin Yan's gloomy brows, which showed faint signs of obsession, frowned and said coldly: "I said before, don't be impatient, there is a solution."

Lin Yan froze, his eyes turned red.

It turned out that the ancestors did not give up on him, nor did they forget him.

"I, I know, old ancestor, I'm not in a hurry, don't be angry, I just like to think wildly sometimes, but don't worry, I will never become a demon cultivator!" He explained helplessly.

Seeing the demonic energy between Lin Yan's brows fade away, Wan Yanzhi's face softened slightly.


Three days later, the second stage of the competition officially began.

Wan Yanzhi was still considering who to challenge, and thirty monks who had entered the ring challenged her at the same time!
Chapter 83

Among the thirty arenas, there is one Qi Refining Stage, six Foundation Establishment Stages, and the remaining 23 are Golden Core Stages, and nearly one-third of the 23 Golden Core Stages are Xuan Yangzong's.

Wan Yanzhi smiled playfully.

It seems that someone is very dissatisfied with her.

She didn't know what she was dissatisfied with, wasn't she being called Miss Zhi by Qin Shu?

At the beginning, Qin Shuer did work as a thug in his Wanyan family to earn resources. At that time, as Wanyan Zhi, everyone in the clan knew her, except for the elders, whoever saw her would call her Miss Zhi?

She clicked her tongue, looked far away, and exchanged a glance with Daoist Cheng Han who was high above, she smiled, Daoist Cheng Han was expressionless, but exuded a low air pressure that was not easy to mess with.

The other Taoists who didn't know why looked at each other and said nothing.

They didn't know when Wanyan Zhi had an enmity with Daoist Cheng Han, and he was not young, but they didn't care about Xuanyangzong's affairs, not to mention they also wanted to know what level Wanyan Zhi was.

Withdrawing his gaze, Wanyanzhi looked at the only Qi Refining Period who challenged her.

It was a girl in a sky-blue shirt, and she looked about fourteen or fifteen years old.

Then let's see what this young girl in the Qi refining period who dared to challenge her is capable of.

Wan Yanzhi took out ten tokens, handed them to the referee, and entered the ring.

"Sanxiu Luo Xiaoye is in the middle stage of Qi refining and Xuanmingzong Wanyanzhi is in the late stage of foundation building. The competition begins!"

Luo Xiao didn't rush forward, but her expression was serious, and it was obvious that she was very nervous.

"Can I ask, how did you get more than 700 tokens, and what did you do with them?" Luo Xiao also asked.

Wan Yanzhi was surprised, could it be that Luo Xiao also challenged her just to ask her this question?

Don't say it, it's true.

Because there are too many people who want to see her, those who are famous may even have disciples to report, but for those small sects and casual cultivators like Luo Xiaoye, it is impossible to see her.

After thinking about it, Luo Xiao also decided to use this method.

Because she wanted to know so much.

"That's all."

"That's how you got it? How did you get it?" Luo Xiao didn't understand.

She felt that Wanyanzhi was able to obtain so many tokens, although there were also reasons for his strength, but as far as she knew, there were not many Xuanmingzong in the secret realm at that time, so it was basically confirmed that Wanyanzhi did it alone. But how can one person get so much, almost everything!

Wan Yanzhi must have paid a lot, maybe all his savings were used to get so many tokens.

Even so, many people want to know what she did and how.

Almost most of their eyes fell on Wanyanzhi's arena. They could hear what was said on the arena, and they were equally curious.

"With absolute strength, it's too easy to do this kind of thing. If it weren't for some people leaving the secret realm so quickly, I would have gotten more than one thousand and seven tokens."

Everyone gasped.

How dare she say such a thing!
So arrogant!

Luo Xiao was also startled, and then murmured: "With absolute strength..."

After a while, she raised her head with a determined expression: "I know that I may be a little overwhelmed in challenging senior during the Qi refining period, but I still want to do it."

Wan Yanzhi nodded: "Come on."

Luo Xiao also drew out her sword and rushed towards Wanyanzhi. Her sword was just a very common one, the lowest level sword can be seen everywhere, but she didn't have the slightest fear. She didn't feel that she would lose, as long as she could survive three moves, She doesn't count as a loser!

"Bang!" "Ah!"

Almost in the blink of an eye, Luo Xiao was kicked off the ring by Wan Yanzhi.

Luo Xiao also endured the severe pain and got up, looking up at Wanyanzhi on the ring.

"Keep working hard, although no matter how hard you try, you can't defeat me." Luo Xiao was also in a daze, clenched his hands into fists, not only did not get discouraged by these words, but his eyes were brighter than before.

"I will definitely defeat you!"

Wan Yanzhi pursed her lips. Although this idea was a bit whimsical, she didn't dislike it: "I'll wait."

A ring that was doomed to end did not arouse everyone's enthusiasm, but because one of them was the most eye-catching Wan Yanzhi in this competition, this extremely mysterious figure, everyone cheered up.

Soon, the second game started.

He is a monk in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and also a casual cultivator.

Wan Yanzhi took a look, and knew that this person had been in the foundation building stage for a long time, and he had a strong breath. He believed that both the spells and experience of the battle were extremely rich. If he faced someone with the same cultivation level, he would have a great chance of winning.

This person cupped his fists and saluted Wan Yanzhi.

"Watching the Taoists in the lower ground, the combat power of fellow Taoist One Thousand Seven really makes all of us look sideways. I also want to see where the gap between me and fellow Taoist is, so I will go all out. If I offend Dao later Friends, I hope fellow Taoists will understand.”

He seemed quite confident and looked down on Wanyanzhi.

That is to say, he thought from the bottom of his heart that Wanyanzhi was able to get so many combat power tokens because Wanyanzhi was lucky. If he had entered the Snow Extreme Secret Realm, he might be even more powerful than Wanyanzhi.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he can defeat Wan Yanzhi, he will prove himself.

Those who challenged Wanyanzhi during the foundation building period all came with this idea in mind. If they defeated Wanyanzhi, they would be the ones who received attention!
Wan Yanzhi still had a relaxed look, she hummed, and didn't pay attention to Taoist Earth Watcher at all: "Let's go."

Seeing this, Taoist Taoist's eyes glided with a hint of ruthlessness, and he dared to underestimate him, so let her see how powerful he is!
The competition begins!
I saw a burst of sand rising up, covering everyone's sight, and when the sand fell to the ground, the Taoist priest also disappeared.

"Come on!"

"The earth-drilling technique of Taoist Earth Viewer! The Taoist Earth Viewer cast such a powerful spell as soon as he came up!"

Some monks who had an understanding of Taoists on the earth suddenly regained their energy.

The earth-drilling technique of this Taoist of Earth Watch is very powerful. He can drill into the soil, making his existence invisible. He can also emerge from any ground. If you fight against him, you will have to score [-] points Spirit, otherwise it is easy to be overwhelmed by him.

"Hey, why is Wan Yanzhi still not moving, did she give up?"

"Give up now? I don't think she's doing well. The one thousand seven token is probably her luck..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Taoist Diguan suddenly jumping out from behind Wanyanzhi, and a cold light suddenly appeared, but Wanyanzhi didn't seem to notice it.

Everyone watched, and there was only one thought in their minds: Wanyanzhi was finished.

The next moment, Wanyan Zhi suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Taoist Di Guan's wrist. The Taoist Di Guan thought that something was wrong and was about to break free, but Wanyan Zhi directly pulled him out of the soil.

Then, he just grabbed the wrist of Taoist Earth Watch, and threw Taoist Earth Watch back and forth on the ground.

When she finally stopped, Taoist Diguan was thrown and passed out!
"Small tricks." Wan Yanzhi said disdainfully: "How dare you show such a trick in front of me, you don't know how to live or die."

The audience was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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