Chapter 84
It is also in the late stage of foundation establishment, and this Taoist Taoist can tell at a glance that he still has some strength.

They felt that even if they couldn't win against Yan Zhi, they could at least make two moves against him, so that they could see the strength of this mysterious figure from Xuan Mingzong, right?

That's good, one move failed.

Someone shook his head: "How dare you challenge Wan Yanzhi with such little strength? Do you really think her [-]-seven battle strength is just for show?"

"That's right, to be able to surpass Siyang and other big families to climb to the first place, how could the strength be poor, and it is ridiculous to try to reach the sky in one step!"

"If you ask me, this casual cultivator is just a casual cultivator. There are no good resources, and it can't be compared with the disciples of the sect's aristocratic family!"

"It's a joke! A group of people who only know how to rely on the sect's aristocratic family, how much strength do they really think they have?"

The other casual cultivators were immediately dissatisfied when they heard this.

These words belittled all their casual cultivators, how could they bear it?

"Am I wrong? It's also in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. What kind of Taoist Guan lost a move in the hands of Wan Yanzhi? Isn't it lack of strength?"

The facts are right in front of you and cannot be refuted.

The rogue cultivators glared angrily, but because of the sect's family behind them, they didn't make a move. At this moment, one of the rogue cultivators said coldly: "Since you think you are worse than our rogue cultivators, why don't you come and have a competition!"

"Okay! Just compare, who is afraid of whom!"

Everyone didn't expect that the disciples of the sect's aristocratic family would quarrel with Sanxiu in just a competition, but it was not a big deal, so everyone ignored it.

Wan Yanzhi stepped down from the stage, the disciples of Xuan Mingzong had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing her, they all surrounded her.

"Senior Sister Zhi, you are too powerful!"

"That's right, with the same level of cultivation, you can take down people so easily, it's really amazing!"

They praised Wanyanzhi, noticed the gazes of the people around them, and the discussion about their sect, all of them were red-faced, a little excited in their hearts, they had never received such attention!
"What's so great about this." Wan Yanzhi looked disapproving.

If she can't even subdue a Taoist Taoist of the same level of cultivation, then she is too bad.

"Senior is really powerful." Lian Qiao sincerely praised, then smiled helplessly: "At first I wanted to see the strength of senior, but I didn't expect that person to be able to survive a single move in the hands of senior."

"Speaking of which, didn't Senior Sister Lian Qiao compare with Senior Sister Zhi once? Could it be that Senior Sister Lian Qiao doesn't know the strength of Senior Sister Zhi?"

One of the disciples of Xuanmingzong asked curiously, he went late that day, and the competition was over when he passed, all he knew was that Senior Sister Zhi won.

Someone winked at him, really, how could such a thing be asked in front of Senior Sister Lian Qiao!
After all, Senior Sister Lian Qiao was too embarrassed that day, and Senior Sister Lian Qiao definitely doesn't want to think about the embarrassment of that day again.

Lian Qiao didn't mind, and said truthfully, "I don't know, because I also lost in one move."

Later, when she wanted to kill herself, she was interrupted by Wan Yanzhi. Although the attack was heavy, she thanked Wan Yanzhi from the bottom of her heart, so even if Wanyanzhi was the source of her and Master's current situation, she didn't blame him anymore. over each other.

Because she knew that even without Wan Yanzhi, she would have discovered all of this, but it was only a matter of time.

Wan Yanzhi glanced at the absent-minded Lian Qiao, and asked her, "How much strength do you have now?"

"120." Lian Qiao's strength is there, and the disciples of Xuan Mingzong who got the tokens all kept only a few yuan for themselves, and gave the rest to Lian Qiao, so the tokens on Lian Qiao It is quite a lot.

This is not bad among all the people who participated in the big competition.

Wan Yanzhi nodded and said nothing.

Soon, her third group arena match began.

This person is a disciple of Chengyang Sect, his face looks familiar, but Wan Yanzhi didn't remember it for a while.

Before she could ask, this person took the initiative to explain: "Presumably, senior doesn't remember me very much. We met outside Sheng's house before. My name is Xu Shu."

Wan Yanzhi suddenly remembered that the disciples of Chengyang Sect didn't allow them to enter Sheng's house at that time, if Xu Shu hadn't guaranteed to let them in, they probably wouldn't have been able to enter so quickly.

"It is you."

"It's me, I didn't expect senior to remember me." Xu Shu scratched his head with a shy expression, "I've heard what they said, if senior hadn't entered the forbidden area to rescue the two True Monarchs, all the disciples of Chengyang Sect would have known me." It’s folded inside, so I want to say thank you to Senior.”

Wan Yanzhi raised his eyebrows: "So you used this method to give me a token?"

Xu Shu nodded embarrassingly: "Yes, by the way... also want to get advice from senior."

At that time, Wanyan Zhi taught Wanyan Miao how to use the whip in the Snow Extreme Secret Realm, and he watched it all. Although he didn't know the specific content of Wanyan Zhi's teaching, he could see that Wanyan Miao's use of the whip was on the rise visible to the naked eye .

He was moved right then.

Although he is an inner disciple of Chengyang Sect, he is not personally taught. There are people in the sect who teach him, but most of the time he still has to comprehend it by himself. His aptitude is acceptable, but he is a bit weak in the use of magic weapons.

So when he saw that Wanyan Miao was more comfortable using the magic weapon after being taught by Wanyanzhi, he started to think about it.

His expression was a little apprehensive, with a hint of embarrassment: "I don't know if you will teach me."

He also thought that Wanyan Zhi was willing to teach Wanyan Miao. First, Wanyan Miao helped her get ahead, and second, he was also a member of Wanyan's family. He, but he's been stuck in his current situation for a long time.

"I'm not that busy." When he heard Wan Yanzhi say this, his eyes darkened, "It's okay, senior won't..."

"But for the sake of your sincerity, I will forcefully teach you."

After all, Xu Shu bet 24 tokens in this arena, which is all his tokens.

Xu Shu's eyes lit up: "Thank you senior!"

In the distance, Daoist Cheng Han sneered and said, "Su Wei, what's the matter with you, Cheng Yang Sect, your disciples even ask the disciples of other sects for advice, you are not afraid of being laughed at!"

Su Wei was embarrassed, and secretly scolded which peak's disciples were so ignorant. Isn't this behavior telling everyone that they have no skills in Cheng Yangzong, and even require outsiders to teach the use of a magic weapon?

Later, when Cheng Yangzong recruited people, maybe after they knew about this, they would not come.

But on the surface, he still smiled and replied: "It's okay, as long as my disciples can become stronger, it's fine to ask others for advice."

Daoist Cheng Han snorted coldly, and said sarcastically: "Chengyangzong disciples ask outsiders for advice, I think your Chengyangzong is getting worse and worse! Simply, replace this Chengyangzong with Xuanmingzong, what do you think?"

Daoist Suwei smiled and said: "Daoist Chenghan is joking."

While talking, the group arena match was over, Xu Shu was kicked off the ring, got up happily, and thanked Wan Yanzhi who also got off the ring, and Taoist Su Rong couldn't get angry when he saw it.

Not long after, Wan Yanzhi entered the ring again.

But this time, it was Xuan Yangzong's disciples who were competing with her. Taoist Cheng Han looked at it, and felt a bad premonition in her heart. She didn't arrange for the disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage to challenge Wanyan Zhi.

Sure enough, the disciple said shyly, "Can you please give me some advice, senior?"

(End of this chapter)

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