Chapter 85

"Xuanyangzong?" Wan Yanzhi asked with a half-smile.

"Yes." The disciple smiled shyly, "Senior, can you give me some advice?"

Wan Yanzhi looked pondering: "It's not impossible, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that you do this, does Xuan Yangzong know? Does your master know?"

The disciple froze for a moment, then shook his head.

"I advise you to tell them."

"Why." He looked puzzled. As far as I know, Xu Shu who played didn't seem to tell his master and sect, right?

"That's different."

"What's different?"

Wan Yanzhi sighed helplessly, "Do you want me to explain clearly?"

The disciple was even more confused: "What?"

"It means that I am familiar with Cheng Yangzong, so when Xu Shu came to me, I can agree, and I believe that Taoist Lord Suwei will not say anything, but I am not familiar with Xuanyangzong, and I even disagree with Taoist Lord Chenghan." too close..."

When everyone heard this, they gasped.

What did they hear?
This Wan Yanzhi actually said in public that he was at odds with Daoist Cheng Han!

Isn't she afraid that Cheng Han Daojun will not like it?Besides, most people don't say these things, do they?It's just that there are some disagreements, and everyone will not say it so blatantly, otherwise the two will become more tit-for-tat and more disagreeable.

How dare Wan Yanzhi? !
That disciple didn't seem to have expected Wanyanzhi to say that, he was at a loss, but the token had already been given, and he couldn't go back on his word. He didn't get many tokens, so he gave all his The tokens are handed over.

"Then... what should I do?"

"What else can I do, try normally."

Thus, a group arena match ended in less than an instant, and the disciple was directly kicked off the arena.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Hahahahahahahahaha... Interesting, so interesting!" Daoist Su Zhi laughed, especially when he saw Daoist Chenghan's livid face, he wanted to laugh even more.

The depression just now was swept away, and now he just wants to praise that disciple named Xu Shu. If Xu Shu hadn't gone to Wanyan Zhi for advice first, how could the disciples of Xuanyangzong follow suit, leading to this scene.

But what he wants to praise more is actually Wan Yanzhi, no matter whose ancestor Wan Yanzhi is, just what she said today is enough for him to make her a guest of Cheng Yangzong!
"It's just a small foundation building period, so loud. If she teaches my sect's disciples, she might not be able to teach anything."

Cheng Han Daojun said these words with a sullen face, but who would think that she really thought so?

She looked at Wanyan Zhi with a bit of cruelty in her eyes, how dare she look down on Xuan Yangzong like this, Wanyan Zhi, you wait for me!

Daoist Suwei is not a person who is unreasonable. Seeing that Daoist Chenghan didn't say anything, he didn't continue to mock.

The appearance of Wan Yanzhi discouraged those who wanted to ask her for advice.

Before challenging her, he had to think about whether his relationship with her was good or not, and those who wanted to test things out would just take out a token in an attempt to get Wanyanzhi's advice.

Wan Yanzhi just smiled slightly at this, and kicked him off the ring mercilessly.

Of course there are others, such as the Chu family, the Wanyan family, and Xuan Mingzong. These three came to ask her for advice. If she was in a good mood, she would just give pointers. If she was in a bad mood, she would not even give her a token.

Soon, her combat power on the combat power list reached two thousand and three, and this was only the result of today's battle.

Those who clamored that they would surpass her before also shut their mouths, and no one mentioned this again.

Today the ring ended, Wan Yanzhi returned to the island, more people came to her than before, and their attitudes were more enthusiastic and respectful, even the members of Lian's family put away their arrogant appearance, and respectfully invited her .

Wan Yanzhi still refused all of them.

Back in the yard, seeing Lin Yan who was in a daze, he couldn't help frowning, and then said in a deep voice, "I shouldn't have stopped you when you wanted to die."

Lin Yan came back to his senses and quickly explained: "Old Ancestor, I'm not thinking wildly, I'm just envious of those people who competed with you today."

"What do you envy them for? Are they cultivated?"

"Yes and no, I just envy them that they can get your advice. I think, it would be great if I could get your advice too."

"If you ask me, I will naturally guide you. You don't need to compete with me in the ring."

Lin Yan smiled and shook his head: "My spiritual veins have been damaged, so asking you this is not asking for advice, but troublesome."

Wan Yanzhi couldn't listen to Lin Yan's words, and knew that no matter what she said, Lin Yan probably wouldn't change her mind. This appearance gave her the most headache and also made her a little annoyed.

If it weren't for the fact that the damage to Lin Yan's spiritual veins had a lot to do with her, she would never persuade him with his current appearance of giving up even himself.

His eyes turned around Lin Yan, and then he noticed something was wrong.

"Where's your token?"

Lin Yan was puzzled: "Token? I won't participate in this competition, so how can I get any token?"

Hearing this, Wan Yanzhi's heart sank.

She stepped forward, and her spiritual power penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness. Lin Yan noticed that without any struggle, he let Wanyanzhi investigate.

After a while, Wan Yanzhi withdrew his spiritual power, his face was ugly.

A small part of Lin Yan's memory has been erased. If she expected correctly, the erased memory should be related to the token.

Who will take the token?

Impossible for a monk, if a monk belongs to a sect family, he will naturally have a token to participate in the competition, and a casual cultivator will also get a token after checking and confirming his identity in Daoming.

Therefore, it is not a person who takes the token.

So what's the use of that thing taking the token away?
"Grandpa, what's the problem?"

Wan Yanzhi came back to his senses and asked Lin Yan: "In the past few months, have you encountered any weird people or things?"

Lin Yan thought for a long time, shook his head, and was about to say no, when he suddenly remembered something, and said, "I remember! Not long ago, I met a very strange senior sister in the sect."


"Yes, I went back to get the soul jade that day. On the way back to Hanyu Peak, I met that senior sister who blocked my way, but she didn't speak. I asked for a long time before she pointed to the soul jade and wanted me Give her the soul jade, but I refuse."

As Lin Yan said, he took out the soul jade and handed it to Wan Yanzhi.

Wan Yanzhi took a look.

It is an ordinary soul jade that can warm and nourish the soul. This kind of soul jade is not very rare. Even take away the soul jade?
Unless for "it", the token has a greater effect on "it", and soul jade is useless in comparison.

So what does "it" do with the token?

Just as I was thinking, a voice sounded from outside the courtyard: "Master, can I come in?"

(End of this chapter)

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