Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 101 The Most Photogenic Beauty Contest

Chapter 101 The Most Photogenic Beauty Contest
When the yacht was about to leave, the three women who were late arrived late.

Su Wei took a special look. The woman Li Ziwei introduced to him before was indeed very good-looking. She had a small face, big eyes, and a high nose bridge, and her appearance was even higher than that of Shishi.

Since she didn't cheat, Su Wei let all three of them board the boat. If she cheated, then these three women would come and go back together.

After Su Wei waited for Li Ziwei to chat with her, he went over to inquire. The one with the most handsome face was called Tutu. other than normal.

Tutu's other best friend has a better figure, although her face value is only 85 points, but I don't know if she has had breast augmentation, and she has a D+ scale.

This is Su Wei's first time on a yacht. Fortunately, he doesn't get seasick, but it may also be because the boat that Su Wei rented is big enough, so it doesn't shake so much.

"Boss, you still take the speedboat out to sea, so can we play surfing later?" Several new women surrounded Su Wei on the sofa in the living room.

Shishi and the others didn't cling to Su Wei this time, not because there was a new girl, so they were angry.

It's because after boarding the ship, they and Li Ziwei connected to the ship's WiFi early, and now they are preparing to start the live broadcast there. After all, today they add four female anchors, and there are a total of about [-] beauties in swimsuits. And the appearance is not low.

In the programs broadcast by many TV stations, there may not be so many beauties appearing at one time. Compared with the live broadcast platform, it is even a big program. It would be a pity not to broadcast live.

"Okay, after the ship stops, you can ask the captain what games you can play, you just go and play." Su Wei found that the women who were called this time were much more clingy than Shishi and the others. , Su Wei never had less than 5 women around him.

"Boss, you are too grand, boss, how much did you rent this boat this time?" These women have played on yachts that are less than 100 feet before when they go to sea. Small cruise ships are about as big as that.

"Fortunately, it's only a few hundred thousand and, by the way, don't you all change your swimsuits?" Su Wei discovered at this time that most of the people hadn't changed their swimsuits yet.

"Boss, you haven't changed yet. Aren't we waiting for you to change first?" The girls wanted to change their swimsuits a long time ago, but they didn't change them because they wanted to accompany Su Wei.

"There are so many people today, I thought of a show, Lao Li, come here." Su Wei called Li Ziwei over.

"What's the matter?" Li Ziwei was chatting with a girl who had changed clothes on the deck when he heard Su Wei calling him.

"How about we put together a show? There are so many girls today. Let's judge a swimsuit for the most photogenic award and choose three people. I will give her 1 for the No. 3, and 2 for the No. 3. No.[-] I transfer [-], the right to choose, I leave it to the water friends in the live broadcast room to decide, how about it?" Su Wei saw Li Ziwei's live broadcast, and thought of a way for the water friends in the live broadcast room to have a sense of participation programme.

"This show is okay. Ours is a simple version of a beauty pageant." Li Ziwei knew that this show had something to do when he heard Su Wei's simple words.

When the girls heard that the most photogenic swimsuit No.1 would be rewarded with a reward of 3 yuan, they immediately went to their bags to find their sexiest swimsuits and planned to change into them.

Su Wei saw that all the girls had gone to change into their swimsuits, so he also went back to the master bedroom on the first floor of the boat, planning to change into a pair of swimming trunks.

"Ah, go out, we are changing clothes." In the master bedroom, Tutu and her two girlfriends were changing their swimsuits when they suddenly saw Su Wei coming in.

"You're all dressed up, let's see what's the matter." Su Wei ignored them, first went to find the swimming trunks in the bag, saw that they hadn't planned to leave, and changed the swimming trunks in front of them up.

"Wow" Su Wei saw Tutu and her best friend squatting down and covering their chests, and then swallowed hard.

"Okay now, I've looked at you, and you've looked at me too, so it's a tie." Su Wei is so generous, he doesn't take the matter of being seen and being seen as a thing at all, and he successfully makes the Tutu and the others felt that they were exaggerating just now.

Su Wei came out wearing swimming trunks, and more than a dozen girls in the living room had already changed into swimsuits and came out.

A few girls were broadcasting live with their mobile phones in their hands. Su Wei took a closer look. It turned out that it was Shishi and the others' live broadcast room. Shishi and the others were going to change clothes, and these girls were helping to broadcast.

"Brother He, you're dishonest, you're padding something." When Li Ziwei saw Su Wei's swimming trunks, he didn't believe it was real.

"It's fake, fake"

“There must be something in there”

"I believe in Brother He, he is not such a person." In Li Ziwei's live broadcast room, most of the bullet screens did not believe that Su Wei didn't put anything on.

"Fuck, you don't believe me, do you? I have witnesses

Tutu, come here and prove that I have nothing inside." Su Wei heard that Li Ziwei didn't believe it. She pulled over.

Now the only people who can come over to prove it are Tutu and her girlfriends. Shishi and the other female anchors must not be able to prove it.

"I accidentally saw something just now, and it's true, Brother He didn't put anything in it." Tutu saw so many people in the live broadcast room, so he only said that he saw it accidentally.

"Something's wrong, there's something wrong with you two." Li Ziwei began to take the rhythm.

"No, I saw it by accident. Brother He was changing clothes just now, and I accidentally opened the door." Tutu also has tens of thousands of fans in the scarf. She has just been pulled by Su Wei to prove herself, and she has already left a big The score is still being rhythmically led by Li Ziwei, so he can only explain it in a hurry.

"Look, believe it now. Alright, all the girls are out, everyone line up, make a number, and then we will start to choose the most photogenic swimsuit lady." Su Wei stopped Li Ziwei from continuing to lead the rhythm, after all, the girls can't be set up collapse.

He didn't think about it himself, if he hadn't pulled Tutu over, how could he be brought into rhythm.

"Brother He, can we participate?" Xiao Nami raised her phone and asked.

"You definitely can't, only they can, um, Cheche can too" anchor Su Wei definitely can't let them participate, after all they have a fan base, if the top three are all anchors, then what's the point of holding this competition .

"Why, we also want to participate." Shishi pouted when she heard that the anchor could not participate.

"You are all the eyes of the audience. If you go to participate, who will hold up the phone?" Li Ziwei didn't want these female anchors to participate, after all, their participation would be a violation of fairness.

"That's right, you just have to live broadcast well," Su Wei said, then went to everyone's live broadcast room, and brushed 10 Buddha Jumping Walls.

 I haven't asked everyone for tickets for several days. If you have recommended tickets, you can reward them with recommended tickets, and those who have monthly tickets will reward you with monthly tickets.Thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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