Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 102 Talent Competition

Chapter 102 Talent Competition
Several female anchors got Su Wei's 10 Buddha jumps over the wall, so they didn't continue to pester Su Wei to participate in the beauty pageant.

After all, Su Wei had paid them [-] yuan, and this [-] yuan was equivalent to a refund fee.

Su Wei hadn't looked at the faces of these women carefully before, but now there were 26 female guests standing in a row.

There are no less than ten people that Su Wei can fall in love with. Among them, Tutu and her best friend, big-breasted sister Taotao, Su Wei will definitely sleep with them tonight. , There are too many women and it is troublesome.

The next time he comes to Sanya, Su Wei doesn't plan to call so many people anymore. If necessary, he can call directly in Sanya. There are fresh faces every day.

When Li Ziwei was planning to write a number on each girl's arm, the captain who was watching with interest took out the number plate. This number plate was left over from a TV station that had held a beauty pageant here before. of.

"Captain, the TV station held a beauty pageant last time. The girls look good." Li Ziwei directly turned into a small reporter, using the live broadcast as an interview.

"To be honest, the girls on the TV station last time were taller, but there were not many good-looking ones. You have more good-looking girls here than on the TV station last time." Although the captain often sees beauties, he thinks Today, when there are so many beautiful beauties, there are very few.

When Su Wei was interviewing Li Ziwei, he took the number plates and posted them one by one for these girls.

When he posted the number plate, his hands were not honest, and he basically touched it all the way.

Although Shishi and the others were also filming, when they saw Su Wei eating the girl's tofu, they tacitly agreed to shoot other girls and not Su Wei, otherwise it would be bad for his image.

But they don't know that Su Wei actually doesn't care about what he thinks of him online. After all, he is a big brother. Whether online or in reality, he is a top consumer big brother. He doesn't rely on the Internet to make money, so his image is good or not. Bad, it hardly affects him at all.

"Okay, now Brother He has pasted up the number plates of all the beauties, then our beauty contest will officially begin." Li Ziwei finally came over after eating tofu when he saw Su Wei.

"It's too monotonous to just choose like this, how about this, you all show your talents, for example, you can sing or dance, it doesn't matter." Su Wei definitely doesn't want these women to stand here for this event 5 In a few minutes, all the first, second and third players came out, and it was too easy to make money.

"Okay, then let's start with number one." Li Ziwei saw that Su Wei's arrangement was really good, so he pointed his phone directly at girl number one.

"Ah, I don't know how to dance, so let me sing a song." Girl No. [-] was average in appearance and body, and before she could speak, the next one was already being picked up in the live broadcast room.

"It just so happens that there is a little singing platform here." The captain is now working as a waiter, and the real waiter is still preparing outside, waiting for the water sports that Su Wei and the others are going to play.

Girl No. [-] ordered "Cloudy Sky", her breath is relatively stable, and she can sing well, as soon as she hears it, she knows that it is at the level of KTV Maiba.

The attitude in the live broadcast room also changed from the next barrage before, and now they are all praising her for singing well, as expected, she is popular if she is talented.

"In this way, the one with the best talent, let's choose one, and when all the shows are over, the one with the best talent, I will also reward her with 3 yuan." Su Wei didn't expect that girl No. [-] could sing so well, and felt that she should give it to the girls behind. A little sweetness, otherwise he is afraid that the people behind will surrender directly.

In Li Ziwei's live broadcast room, the water friend scored 1 points for No. 93 on the barrage, and then changed to No. [-].

"My singing is definitely not as good as No. [-]. Let me do a dance." No. [-] looks okay and has a great figure. Su Wei thought she would bring a beautiful or explosive dance.

As a result, she danced a Korean dance that she did not know where she learned it, just like elementary school students doing radio gymnastics.

At the beginning of Li Ziwei's live broadcast room, he was still looking forward to it, until he started dancing on the [-]nd.

"Is this a dance? It's uglier than a square dance"

"Negative points, unquestionably negative points"

"I like this face and figure very much, I give her 43.8 points"

The live broadcast room is also real. I like his face, but when I see no talent, I immediately give him a negative score.

In fact, what Su Wei meant was to have fun, to let everyone get familiar with it, and it doesn't matter if it's money.

But the water friends in the live broadcast room were afraid that Su Wei's money would not be worth the money, so the scoring was extremely strict.

Tutu was on the 17th and sang a song. The barrage scored 85 points, of which 20 points were for appearance.

That big-breasted girl, Taotao, was on the 19th. She knew she couldn't sing well, so she made Su Wei a humanoid and danced a pole dance on top of him.

The captain watched excitedly from the sidelines, and wished he could replace Su Wei as a human figure, but in fact Su Wei felt that he was not happy at all, because when he was a human figure, 5 live broadcast rooms illuminated him, so he could only stand still.

If there were not so many live broadcast rooms, he might have started directly, but there is no rush, it will be fun at night.

"How about it, are you happy?" When Su Wei returned to the sofa, Shishi came over.

"It's okay, I can't get started, what's so cool?" Su Wei saw that there was no live broadcast room showing his hand, and he directly touched Shishi's thigh.

Seeing Su Wei's dishonesty, Shishi immediately left the sofa for fear of accidentally seeing it in the live broadcast room.

The captain saw Su Wei's small movements and smiled wretchedly at him.

Seeing the captain smiling at him, Su Wei also smiled back at him, man, as long as you know it well.

At first, Su Wei thought that number one had already stabilized his talents, but who knew that number 22 would come out later, his appearance was not as good-looking as number 17's Tutu, and he was on par with Shishi's appearance, and his figure was better, with a scale of C+ .

She was very confident when she came up, and she danced a Korean dance, which looked very professional.

"Out of 100 points, I will give her 120 points"

"Good figure, good looks, talent is so good, perfect"

"I gave her 94 points for this, and I was deducted 6 points just now for watching her dance on the highway"

No. 22 and No. 17 Tutu are completely different styles. Tutu has that kind of pure face, while No. 22 has the face of Yujie. He is 175 tall, which is half a head taller than 165 Tutu.

Xin Xiner interviewed No. 22 in the past, and knew her name was Huihui. She had been a trainee in Bangzi Country for two years before, but when she was in her 20s, she felt that her debut was hopeless, so she returned to China.

The last talent award is undoubtedly No. 22. After all, if these girls are talented, there is no need to accompany the elder brother.

But for girl number 2, Su Wei also transferred [-] to her, which was considered a consolation prize.

Che Che just came here to make up for it. Although she had danced the Duan Sao Dance, the barrage only gave her 60 points, which is just passing.

 There was a chapter repeated yesterday, and I will make up a chapter for free tomorrow Monday.

(End of this chapter)

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