Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 108 The Last Night of Sanya

Chapter 108 The Last Night in Sanya ([-] in [-])

When Su Wei bought this house in Sanya, he just wanted to come and stay for a few days when the weather got colder, or if he wanted to go out to sea, so he didn't really mind whether the house was residential or commercial.

What he is more concerned about is the property management fee of this house, which is really high, almost 30 yuan per square meter, but the area on his production certificate is only 275.5, and it will cost more than 10 a year.

But the actual area of ​​this house is 1000+, so it is not expensive.

After buying a house here, Su Wei doesn't need to find someone to clean it. He just needs to tell the property owner that they will arrange someone to clean and maintain the house on a regular basis.

"Brother Wei, where have you been? Why didn't I see you?" Li Ziwei woke up and didn't see Su Wei, but the others also said that they hadn't seen Su Wei since they woke up, so they hurriedly called him .

"I bought a house here nearby. I'm leaving tomorrow, so I plan to get the house done today." Su Wei has already approached Golden Deer Airlines and booked a private plane to Kyoto tomorrow.

"Where are you, why don't I come over and take a look?" Li Ziwei thought about going there, and planned to go live.

"You don't need to come here. The house will be handed over in June. After the handover, if you want to come to see it, you can come back then." Su Wei looked at the model room at that time, and paid the money if he thought it was okay. If you don't like the developer's installation later, you can spend it and redecorate it. It's not a lot of money anyway.

"Okay, Shishi and the others want to go surfing, Viagra, you'll be here for a long time." Shishi and the others played wake surfing on the yacht last time, and now they are a little bit addicted.

"I won't come here, you guys have fun." Su Wei watched them surfing last time, it all depends on the rope, otherwise they will all fall.

More than ten minutes later, Su Wei received a call from Xin Xiner.

"Brother He, I heard from Brother Li that you are going back tomorrow, right?" Su Wei heard the sound of the waves in the topic, and Xin Xiner should be alone at the beach.

"Yes, there is something going on in the capital this time, so I have to go there first, but Lao Li will wait a few days before going back. If you are not in a hurry, you can play for a few more days." Su Wei thought Xin Xiner was planning How many days?

"No, I'm going back tomorrow. I haven't done a good live broadcast in the past few days. My fan group has opinions." Xin Xiner has been live broadcasting during the day these days. Don't dare to broadcast.

"Then why did you call me and ask me to go to your live broadcast room to appease your fans?" Su Wei was very annoyed by Xin Xiner's behavior, and didn't get into the topic for a long time.

"No, no. Brother He, do you think I'm not attractive at all? Compared with Sister Shishi and the others in a swimsuit, my figure is like a child who has not grown up." Seeing that Su Wei misunderstood, Xin Xiner hurriedly started to say matter.

This time it was hard for her to make up her mind to come to Sanya to accompany Brother Shenhao, but Brother Shenhao seems to have completely forgotten her these days.

She has been out for five days, her aunt is coming soon, and her brother hasn't fucked her yet, which makes her very frustrated.

"No, I really like your figure." Su Wei didn't lie, he really liked Xin Xiner, it's just that there were too many dishes these days, and he didn't take care of her.

This time on the yacht, he originally planned to find time to get her, but at the beginning she was broadcasting live, and when he was playing peek-a-boo, he couldn't find her again. When he found her, he had already run out of bullets up.

"Brother He, don't comfort me. If you like me, then why haven't you slept with me these days?" Xin Xiner also mustered up the courage to say this. After she finished speaking, she could feel the pain on her face. Already flushed.

After all, Su Wei and the others brought a total of five women this time, and the other four women were all slept with. She was neither slept by Su Wei nor Li Ziwei. If you don't sleep with her, she will become Shishi and the others' conversation topic in the future.

She was afraid to hear that Shishi and the others would jokingly say when chatting with others that there was a female anchor who accompanied her elder brother to Sanya, and she stayed for almost a week, but she didn't even sleep in his elder brother's bed.

"Hahaha, you are calling me to ask me about this matter. In this way, you can sleep in my room tonight, that's okay." Li Ziwei didn't expect that Xin Xiner would tell Su Wei so directly that she wanted to be slept on. thing.

"Okay, then it's settled, Brother He, you won't go back to your room to sleep at night, right?" Xin Xiner felt so shameless that she called her elder brother to sleep with her.

"Don't worry, I will definitely sleep with you tonight." When Su Wei and Xin Xiner called, they were in the reception room of Yanheng Sales Department. There was no one else in there, only Yang Qiuting was there.

Yang Qiuting sat next to Su Wei, and when she heard Su Wei's call, her heart sank to the bottom of the sea.

Ever since she pretended to be reserved in front of Su Wei this morning, and then found out that Su Wei didn't like it.

Ever since Su Wei got out of the car to look at the house, she has been seducing Su Wei, such as hugging Su Wei's hand, and then secretly rubbing his hand, or holding his hand and playing with her fingers when she sat down to rest. .

Finally, just as the situation got better, Su Wei called and said that he already had a bed partner tonight.

"Brother Su, what should I do at night? I also want you to accompany me at night." Yang Qiuting looked at the reception room. Now it was just her and Su Wei. She sat on Su Wei's lap and put her arms around Su Wei. Wei's head.

When other people heard Su Wei's call before, they all avoided it automatically. At that time, Yang Qiuting was planning to go out, but Su Wei held her hand and refused to let her go.

"Why are you in a hurry? Didn't I tell her to sleep with her at night? It's still a few hours until night." Su Wei came to see the room at 10 o'clock in the morning, and it's only 6500 noon now, so he has already decided To buy this villa worth [-] million, if there is no time for lunch, there is also time to sign the contract before.

Then it took less than an hour to buy this house from being optimistic about it to paying the full price.

Yang Qiuting didn't feel happy when she heard what Su Wei said, because Su Wei's subtext was that he took time to eat her in the afternoon, and then ate the girl on the phone at night.

If she didn't know from the president that Su Wei is a super big customer of ICBC, and that he bought a house today and spent 6500 million in less than an hour without blinking an eye, which proved that he must not offend.

Yang Qiuting really wanted to slap Su Wei directly, after all, what he said was too insulting, and he took her for something.

But if you think about it, you can only think about it. After all, if she dares to hit Su Wei, not to mention the bodyguard brought by Su Wei, she will have trouble with the bank, at least she will be fired.

And she has no backer in the bank. If she can't support Su Wei this time, she will be eaten by other people. Compared with those people, at least Su Wei is good-looking and young.

Seeing that Su Wei finished making the phone call, Yang Qiuting went out and called the staff of Yanheng's sales department in, and continued to sign the unfinished contract.

After Su Wei bought the house, he sat in ICBC's Mercedes-Benz S-Class and returned to the parking lot of the villa.

It was just after two o'clock in the afternoon. Su Wei looked in the parking lot. Before that, there were four cars parked together. Now there is only a Ferrari 458 convertible and an Alfa, and there is one Lamborghini missing. Hurricane convertible and an Alphard.

Yang Qiuting sent her colleague back first, saying that she still had something to do, and she would go back to the bank to clock in later.

In fact, Yang Qiuting and her colleagues are not fools, especially this colleague who drives a Mercedes-Benz. On the way back, when he saw Yang Qiuting, he wanted to sit on Su Wei's lap. If it weren't for him, an outsider, he would be afraid Two people will fight in the car.

Her colleagues knew that Miss Yang from the head office in Sanya had already been acquired by a super big client of the bank.

When they were eating at Yanlord Sales Department at noon, the salesman at Yanlord Haitang Bay had already spread the news that Su Wei had bought a 6500 million house with all his money. Of course they knew about it when they ate there.

Although they didn't know that Su Weiduo was rich, and the president didn't tell them, he just said that he must not offend him.

Now they finally know that this client is the top major client in China, no wonder the president called Yang Qiuting into the office alone.

They thought it was the president who was having an affair with beautiful lady Yang, but it turned out that the information of this big client was only given to Yang Qiuting.

Didn't Yang Qiuting seize this opportunity? In just a few hours, she couldn't wait to climb into the big client's bed, and couldn't even wait for the night.

Yang Qiuting's colleague really wronged her, not because she couldn't wait, but because Su Wei couldn't wait anymore, after all, he still has a girl waiting tonight.

In addition, Su Wei will go to Kyoto tomorrow, and he will come to Sanya next time, at least he will come here after the house is handed over here. He doesn't want to keep Yang Qiuting for a few months to eat later.

Su Wei took Yang Qiuting back to the villa. Sure enough, there was no one in the room. It seems that the attraction of wake surfing is still great, and all these people went.

But it's good if everyone goes out, otherwise Su Wei and Yang Qiuting can only exercise in the room. Now that there is no one in the villa, the yard, the swimming pool, and the balcony on the second floor are all good places to exercise.

Yang Qiuting was stunned by the place Su Wei picked. She didn't expect him to play on such a large scale, and even took pictures there with a mobile phone.

Su Wei mainly didn't want to waste time with Yang Qiuting, he hadn't thought about it during the day.

Who knows that Yang Qiuting resorted to various methods to seduce Su Wei during the inspection of the house. In addition, Su Wei had already cultivated for more than a day and hadn't touched a woman, and his energy had already been recharged. Since she wanted to play with fire, then It can't be blamed that Su Wei used her like a tool man.

It was after 4 o'clock when Yang Qiuting left, and Su Wei asked her if she wanted to take a rest, and she could go back in the evening or tomorrow.

But Yang Qiuting originally planned to tell the story of finding Su Wei as her backer earlier, so as to dispel the thoughts of other LSP leaders.

The other one is that she is a little shy. After all, the places that Su Wei picked just now are basically not indoors. The excitement is exciting, but she has never been like this.

After Yang Qiuting left, Su Wei lay on the sofa playing with his mobile phone and fell asleep in a daze.

At night, Su Wei was woken up by the sound of Li Ziwei opening the door. He looked outside and it was already dark. He took out his mobile phone and checked, it was already past 7 o'clock in the evening.

"Viagra, why did you fall asleep on the sofa?" Li Ziwei turned on the light and found Su Wei sleeping on the sofa.

"I woke up too early this morning, and fell asleep when I fell asleep in the afternoon. Why are you so tired?" Su Wei slumped on the sofa when he saw Li Ziwei and the others coming in.

"Don't talk about it, I didn't expect surfing to be so exhausting." Li Ziwei was the most exaggerated, he just lay on the carpet and couldn't get up.

"Yeah, Brother He, you didn't go today. We played there for five hours. We didn't feel much when we played. When we landed, we felt like we were going to fall apart." Shishi and the others packed two bags this time. Boat, three people surfing in one boat.

Others are 6 people to take turns to surf, basically it takes a long time to get one turn, so they are not as tired as them.

"Then can you all stand up?" Su Wei knew that there was nothing else to do in this game, and being able to stand up was already half the battle.

"All of us girls can stand up, Brother Li is still barely able to do it now." Li Ziwei is mainly fat and can't control his balance so well.

"That's because I'm live broadcasting for the effect of the show, otherwise I would let go of the rope and follow the waves every minute." Li Ziwei began to make excuses.

"Okay, stop bragging, are you hungry, let's go out and eat something" Su Wei didn't want to eat the food in the hotel, after all, he was going to Kyoto tomorrow.

"Hungry, why don't we go to the city for dinner today, and we haven't been to the city for a few days." Li Ziwei went during the day, but he hasn't been to the city at night.

"Brother Crane treats guests, can we eat king crab again?" Little Nami thinks that what she ate these past few days is really great, either big lobster or king crab, let her, an ordinary person, enjoy a luxury .

"Okay, if you don't think it's enjoyable enough, I can pack one for you, so you can take it home and eat it," Li Ziwei joked.

After Liu Qiang and the others drove to the urban area, they randomly found a food stall with a larger store, and found that the price here was much higher than the price of seafood in Haitang Bay.

Su Wei is not a person who is short of money, he will know that the price of seafood in this store is high, or because of the fight a few days ago, which impressed him a little.

After eating, Su Wei called the housekeeper again and asked him to bring some beer.

A group of people turned on the music and played in the yard until after two o'clock in the morning before going back to the room to sleep.

Originally, Shishi wanted to go to Su Wei's room, but Xin Xiner took the first step and blocked the door.

"Xinxin, what are you doing?" Shishi didn't know what Xinxiner was going to do to stop her.

"Brother He has already agreed with me to sleep with me today, you can go back." Xin Xiner heard that Su Wei was taking a bath in the toilet, she had to stop Shishi, she didn't want to become a fight between three people.

"Brother He, are you going to let Xinxin sleep with you today?" Shishi still didn't give up, and asked loudly at the door, she knew how crazy Su Wei was playing.

"Yes, I will accompany Xinxin today." Su Wei knew Shishi's thoughts, but he still planned to keep his promise.

There is no way, who wants him to have a fight at noon.

"Believe it now, then I'll close the door." Xin Xiner closed the door, then locked it, and went to draw the curtains.

(End of this chapter)

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