Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 109 Strange Woman

Chapter 109 Strange Woman

The next day.

Su Wei was woken up by the alarm clock at 11 o'clock in the morning. When he woke up, Xin Xiner was still sleeping, and the mobile phone alarm clock did not wake her up at all.

The scheduled time for today's private jet is 1:[-] noon. After he finished washing, he realized that Xin Xiner hadn't woken up yet, so he slapped her ass twice.

Su Wei is flying to Kyoto at one o'clock today. He will definitely not continue to live in this room. He is not in the habit of letting others live in a room worth more than 10 a night.

But he remembered that Xin Xiner said yesterday that the flight time she booked was about the same time as Su Wei.

Su Wei didn't know which city Xin Xiner was in before, and he only knew that Xin Xiner was renting in Qiantang after the two of them had a fight yesterday and chatted during the intermission.

Before Su Wei really didn't realize that Xin Xiner was still a treasure girl. She was really better than Shishi in fighting. Although she didn't have as many skills as Song Nala, her development level was much higher than theirs.

The most important thing is her cooperation. She is willing to meet Su Wei's request, and even if she doesn't, she will not refuse, and she is also actively studying.

"Brother He, what time is it?" Su Wei and her didn't sleep until four o'clock yesterday.

"It's past 11 o'clock, didn't you say your plane is at 12:[-] o'clock?" Su Wei reminded Xin Xiner.

"It's so late, so I'm going to pack my things, and I have to catch a plane later." Xin Xiner put on her clothes and planned to go outside.

"I'm also flying at a little bit. Let's go to the airport together later." Seeing her rushing, Su Wei ran out and shouted behind her.

Shi Shi, Xin Xiner, Song Nala, and Che Che are going back this time.

Li Ziwei and Xiao Nami will stay in Sanya for a few more days, but they will also check out later, because Li Ziwei plans to move to the city, and the two of them are tired of living here, and if there are only two of them, they can stay here so boring.

This time when he came to Sanya, Li Ziwei rented a total of 4 cars. Su Wei had never driven that 458 convertible, and it was left in the hotel parking lot for so many days in vain.

But this time when going to the airport, Su Wei finally drove this 458, and Xin Xiner was in the car, which made Shi Shi look unhappy.

This time all four cars drove to the airport together. One of Li Ziwei was to send Su Wei and the others to the plane, and the other was to return the two Alphards and the 458 convertible to his friend at the airport.

When Su Wei arrived in Kyoto, it was already past 6 pm, and when he got out of the plane, Su Wei had a cold war.

Sanya is now over 30 degrees, and here in Kyoto there may be [-] degrees during the day, and the temperature is only a few degrees at night.

Fortunately, when Su Wei got off the plane, he had already put on a windbreaker, but what he brought at that time was the clothes for returning to the magic capital, which was still a bit thin compared to the weather in Kyoto.

This time, Su Wei did not leave the airport by Coster, and the staff of ICBC head office in Kyoto directly drove the Maybach S-Class to the exit gate of the plane.

Su Wei received a call from Chen Lihua when he was about to board the plane, saying that President Huang, his leader in the capital, wanted to invite Su Wei to dinner.

Before going, Su Wei thought he was going to talk about something important, but only after he went did he realize that it was really just a simple meal, mainly to get to know each other. The leaders of the banking system, big and small, were on the table. Yu 10 people, together with key account managers from major banks, insisted on setting up a table that could seat more than 20 people.

Su Wei doesn't care who they are, after all, he doesn't do business, and besides, he is the God of Wealth of these people now.

During the meal, Su Wei was surrounded by these key account managers. It is unknown who spread his lecherous reputation. This time, they all wore professional attire and black silk.

After Su Wei got off the plane, he ate this meal until after 11 o'clock, and then Su Wei, who was already a little drunk, was brought to the KTV by them. Su Wei didn't know what happened after that.

Because when he woke up, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, and there was a girl he didn't know on the bed.

"Wake up, wake up" Su Wei planned to wake up the unknown girl and ask what's going on.

"Don't disturb me, I still have to sleep, I haven't started school yet." The girl didn't figure out what was going on, she thought it was her family calling her.

"Wake up, who are you?" Su Wei was very surprised, why is this woman not from the bank, and listening to her talk, she is still studying.

"You're awake, I thought I was at home just now." After the girl was pushed awake by Su Wei, she didn't cry out. It seemed that she was aware of the situation.

"You answer me first, why am I here?" Su Wei just wanted to see that she knew the situation clearly, but he was afraid that she was a girl Su Wei randomly picked up in the KTV, and that would be terrible.

"Of course you were brought here by someone. This is ICBC's internal hotel. You must be rich." This girl's thoughts jumped quite quickly.

"I was carried here by someone, so how did you come here?" Hearing what she said, Su Wei's heart turned cold, because he found that the bag he was carrying 001 hadn't been opened.

"So you really don't remember. When I was called to the box, you were already a little drunk, and then you insisted on pulling me over?" Su Wei went to KTV yesterday because he didn't want to talk to the girl from the bank. If it matters, let them arrange some more girls to come over.

This woman was the prettiest one among the people who were called. Although Su Wei was drunk yesterday, he still had a good eye. He fell in love with her immediately, and even if he was drunk, he still dragged her to the hotel.

"You, did you, um, that happened?" Su Wei is actually a little panicked now. After all, he is afraid of death. He basically uses 001 when he messes around outside. It is useless to meet a girl who called today. , he is panicking to death now.

"What, you can ask whatever you want, why is a man such a mother-in-law?" The girl thought that Su Wei had little experience in such things, so she was a little shy.

"Does it mean that you go for a physical examination every month? I don't mean anything else. I just went for a physical examination a few years ago." Su Wei planned to go to the hospital for a physical examination immediately if he heard something abnormal.

"What are you thinking? You are the only one who is sick. Your whole family is sick. It's great to be rich. You can see what this is for yourself." Hearing that Su Wei suspected that she was sick, the girl immediately raised her hand, intending to give him a hand. Slap, thinking she was a big shot later, put her hand down again, and then pointed to a used Smurf under her bed.

It turned out that Su Wei didn't bring it with him yesterday, but took it directly from the hotel.

"Misunderstanding, yes, I just heard that you are still studying, which school are you from?" Su Wei was completely relieved when he saw the Smurf on the ground.

"Forget it, I have nothing to say to people like you." The girl put on her clothes and planned to go out.

"I haven't given you the money yet." Su Wei suddenly thought that it seems that he hasn't given the money yet.

"No need, the person who asked me to come has already paid for it." After the girl put on her clothes, she went out without losing her hair.

(End of this chapter)

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