Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 110 Wu Fei is Angry

Chapter 110 Wu Fei Is Angry (Ticket Request)

Seeing the strange girl leave, Su Wei called the front desk and asked them to bring over some food.

Then I called Liu Qiang and asked where they were.

I found out from Liu Qiang that they were also in this hotel, but the room ICBC arranged for Su Wei was in the penthouse suite on the 13th floor of this hotel.

The room arranged for Liu Qiang and the others was in the ordinary guest room on the third floor.

When I was on the phone with Liu Qiang, calls kept coming in, and I hung up on Liu Qiang, only to find out that it was Wu Fei.

"Where are you? I called you before. Either the line was busy or no one answered." Wu Fei is very angry now, because Su Wei agreed with her yesterday to pick her up, and I will call you when I get on the plane today. Called several times, but didn't see him call back.

"I'm stuck on the road right now, you go to the restaurant at the airport and sit down first, the capital is too congested" Su Wei just remembered that today he still has to pick up Wu Fei's plane, he was just scared by that woman, They all forgot about it.

Su Wei called Liu Qiang and the others and asked them to wait for him at the door, then went to the front desk of the hotel and asked them to arrange two cars, and he was going to pick up people at the airport.

The hotel looked at Su Wei's information, saw that it was a super big customer, immediately contacted the concierge department, and then urgently transferred a Maybach S600 and an Audi A6 to Su Wei.

Su Wei didn't expect that the first time he passed Chang'an Avenue was on the way to pick up Wu Fei. In fact, he also passed by yesterday, but he was already drunk at that time and couldn't remember it.

The driver arranged by the hotel, Su Wei felt that he might have been a tour guide before, because every time he went to a place, he would tell Su Wei where this was and where that was, and he couldn't stop talking.

When it was almost 5 o'clock when we arrived at the airport, Su Wei immediately called Wu Fei, but he was hung up on one call, and another was hung up on the other call, and he didn't get through until the sixth call.

"Feifei, I've already arrived at the airport, why didn't I see you?" Su Wei also knew that it was really too much for a girl to wait at the airport for almost two hours.

"Su Wei, you are really too much. You agreed to pick me up yesterday. Today, I waited for you at the airport alone for almost two hours. I thought you let me go." Wu Fei cried when calling up.

"How could I let you go? It's really because of the traffic jam, and I'm not familiar with Beijing. I promise I won't let you wait so long next time." Seeing that Wu Fei was about to cry, Su Wei immediately explained to her .

"If you make me wait so long next time, I will take a taxi back to school by myself next time, and I won't ask you to pick it up again." Wu Fei didn't say this to Su Wei, but to herself.

Although Wu Fei didn't promise to be with Su Wei, the two would video chat every day, but she was worried that Su Wei was her best friend's boyfriend, and she couldn't pass her own test.

She originally thought that Su Wei treated Liu Jing in the same way, calling every day. She didn't know until she chatted with Liu Jing two days ago. Because Su Wei was too busy with work, he only contacted Liu Jing once in a few days. Only then did Wu Fei know about herself. How special it is.

So she actually felt guilty towards Liu Jing, but every time Su Wei called, she couldn't bear to hang up, so she just took advantage of being late this time and made a promise to herself that if Su Wei was late next time, it would be God's will. She doesn't want to betray her best friend.

"Never again, where are you, I'll pick you up" Su Wei didn't want to keep entangled in this issue.

"I'm at KFC at the airport, you can see me when you come here." Wu Fei didn't want to keep repeating this topic, after all, Su Wei was not her boyfriend, but her best friend's boyfriend.

Su Wei found KFC, and saw Wu Fei leaning against the window quietly, looking in the opposite direction to Su Wei, and knew that she was waiting for someone.

Wu Fei wore a ball head today, wearing a blue and white shirt, a khaki jacket outside, a pair of jeans, and a pair of black leather shoes.

Su Wei took out his mobile phone, stood outside the glass wall and took several photos of Wu Fei. He regrets now why he doesn't have a camera in his hand, otherwise he could have used a camera to freeze the photos.

Although the pixels of current mobile phones are very good, if you zoom in, the photos will be all grainy. Only photos taken by professional cameras will not be grainy when zoomed in dozens of times.

At this time, a young brother went over to chat up Wu Fei, and then pointed to Su Wei. Wu Fei turned around at this time, only to find that Su Wei was taking pictures of her with his mobile phone through the glass.

Whether Su Wei was with Wang Xiaoyuan or Liu Jing before, he never had the same feeling as Wu Fei, that is, when she sees you, you will feel the light in her eyes.

When she smiles at you, even if it is a storm, you will feel that it is a clear sky.

The little brother who picked up a conversation looked at the girl he picked up, and smiled at the sneak shot guy outside, and the sneak shot guy outside also looked at the girl and smiled, he was embarrassed and anxious, and didn't know whether he should leave.

He and his friend came to the store an hour ago, and they noticed Wu Fei the first time they entered the door.

They originally planned to strike up a conversation, but someone was one step ahead of them, and Wu Fei coldly rejected them.

In the next hour, they saw Wu Fei holding a glass of Coke and rejecting 7-8 people who came to strike up a conversation.

At first he thought he was hopeless, until he saw Su Wei taking pictures of her through the glass, he knew the opportunity had come, and immediately ran up to strike up a conversation, because if he didn't have to run, his friends and others would be eager to strike up a conversation The people are about to make a move.

But he didn't feel awkward for a long time, and soon Wu Fei helped him relieve the embarrassment, because she didn't care about the little brother who struck up a conversation, but ran out of McDonald's and came to Su Wei.

"Do you know that you were treated as a wretched man just now?" Wu Fei didn't think it was funny at the time when she recalled what she said to her younger brother just now. Now that she saw Su Wei, she felt that what she said just now was so funny for some reason.

"Really, I just wanted to record such a beautiful moment, and I'm willing to be regarded as an obscene and candid cameraman." Su Wei went to pull Wu Fei's hand.

"No, you're Jing Jing's boyfriend. It's settled. You're just here to pick me up from school." Wu Fei said so, but Su Wei still took her hand.

"Didn't we agree that I will pick you up today, and then you invite me to dinner, as an apology for being late, I will treat you to this dinner." Su Wei took Wu Fei's hand and walked out.

"My luggage was taken away." Only then did Wu Fei remember that her suitcase and bag were still in the McDonald's. Looking back, a man in a suit took away her luggage.

"That's my bodyguard, didn't you see it in your hometown?" Su Wei wondered, Liu Qiang hasn't changed that much.

"I've never seen it before. The one I've seen is Jing Jing." Wu Fei pulled her hand out and stopped walking with Su Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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