Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 112 What a coincidence

Chapter 112 It's a coincidence (seeking tickets)
"Kyoto is in the north after all, and the water resources here are more precious." Wu Fei has also been in Kyoto for almost two years. When she first arrived in Kyoto, she also felt that the names here were very powerful, which made people feel a sense of ignorance. Feel.

But after staying for a long time, she has become used to the big name, after all, this is the root of the imperial city.

"Feifei, look, this room is so big, I'm afraid of sleeping alone at night." Su Wei saw Wu Fei leaning against the floor-to-ceiling glass, looking at the night view of Kyoto. He walked over to her and hugged her, intending to watch it with her.

"What are you doing? Who do you take me for? I'm not that kind of casual person." Wu Fei broke free the first time Su Wei hugged her waist, and walked to a place at least two meters away from Su Wei. place.

"I'm sorry, I just saw how beautiful you looked, so I couldn't help but hug you." Seeing Wu Fei's reaction, Su Wei was not angry, but very happy.

After all, things that can be easily obtained are not precious to Su Wei at all.

Just like Liu Jing, if her best friend Wu Fei hadn't come to look for her in H City this time, then Liu Jing might not be able to become his girlfriend either.

"Do you often hug other girls like this? They are all so easy, just let you hug them casually?" Wu Fei knows that there are a lot of girls who don't love themselves, but she is not such a person.

"I don't have any. It's usually women who stalk me, and they are more active than me." Su Wei is indeed right. This time he went to Sanya, he really rejected many girls' love and affection.

"I'm not such a person anyway, next time you hug me secretly, I'll kick you." Wu Fei didn't feel that Su Wei was lying, after all, he was so rich.

"No problem, I must tell you before I hug you next time. Let's go, let's go down to your room and take a look, and put your luggage in the room as you like." Su Wei didn't eat all day today. He was at the ICBC Hotel before Before the food he ordered arrived, he went to pick up Wu Fei.

The two reported the floor they were going to to the elevator operator, and opened the door of the room. Su Wei found that Wu Fei's room was much more comfortable than his.

Su Wei booked a garden balcony suite for Wu Fei. He ordered the second most expensive room just because the Bulgari suite could not be booked.

This room is not too small, and it has a kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, and study room. It is no different from the Bulgari Suite except that the living room is smaller and the ceiling is not high.

And the biggest highlight of this room is that it has a large balcony of more than 100 square meters.

"Wow, what a big balcony, and there are hanging chairs on it." Wu Fei saw that her room had such a big balcony. Although it was not as high as Su Wei's room, and she could see the night view of Kyoto, it was still great.

"It's a pity." Su Wei really felt it was a pity.

"What's the pity?" Wu Fei didn't know what pity Su Wei felt.

"If it were summer, I would still be able to sit on a hanging chair in the garden at night, listening to music and drinking wine, but now the weather is too cold." Now the temperature outside is only a few degrees, and it will be unbearable to stay for a long time.

"Yes, what a pity." Listening to Su Wei's description, Wu Fei already had a picture in her mind.

"It's okay, we'll come again when the weather gets warmer." Su Wei will definitely not live in two rooms with two people.

"Forget it, this hotel is too expensive, I can't afford it, I stayed here once today, it's enough" Such an expensive hotel, even if Su Wei became her boyfriend, she would not stay here.

"Okay, then we'll talk about it later, do you want to add some clothes, we're going out for dinner?" Su Wei saw that Wu Fei's clothes were a bit thin, and asked her.

"No, let's go." Wu Fei stood on the balcony for a while, not feeling how cold it was.

The two came downstairs, and Liu Qiang and the others were already waiting at the door.

"Liu Qiang, ask the hotel to arrange two cars, we are going to dinner." Su Wei had already called the car from the bank to go back, after all, Bulgari also has a concierge department.

"How far is that place? If it's not far, let's walk there." Wu Fei has been sitting for a day today, and she really doesn't want to take the car anymore, she really wants to take a walk.

"I checked the navigation. The navigation shows that it is 1.3 kilometers away, and it will take 20 minutes to walk. Do you still want to walk?" Su Wei now goes out, and the distance is more than 200 meters, and he basically drives there.

"It's only 20 minutes, let's walk." After Wu Fei came to Kyoto, she really felt that walking for 20 minutes was quite close.

After all, the urban construction in Kyoto is much bigger than magic, and it is normal to drive for an hour or two in Kyoto.

"Okay, since you want to go, let's go." Su Wei saw that Wu Fei wanted to go, and he hadn't walked such a long way for a long time.

The two held hands, like young couples in love, and stepped on ants to Sushilong.

In the Sushi Dragon store, there are already many people waiting in line for a seat, because Su Wei has reserved a seat in advance, so his box has already been reserved for him.

"Feifei, what a coincidence, is this your boyfriend?" Su Wei and the others, led by the waiter, were about to enter the box in the store when a woman wearing a fur coat on her upper body and shorts and warm black silk on her lower body Called Wu Fei.

"Xuewei, you are here too." Wu Fei looked at the other three girls in the dormitory coming out to eat, and felt a little bit apprehensive.

But I don't care too much, after all, their relationship only warmed up a little when the winter vacation was about to start last year. She was used to eating alone in the dormitory and going to class alone.

"Feifei, let's come to Sulong for dinner too, why don't we share a table together?" Zhang Xuewei went to the school to report today, just in time to see Sun Yanfang and Li Qiuhua also came, and the three of them decided to come out for a good meal.

It was only when I came to Sushilong that there were so many people. I was planning to eat in another place, but I saw Wu Fei and her boyfriend coming.

When she first entered school, the relationship between the four of them in the dormitory was not too bad. It was only because when she was a freshman, her boyfriend, whom she had dated in high school, actually moved on, broke up with her, and turned around to confess to Wu Fei. But it made her angry enough.

The two almost fought in the dormitory at that time, but they were persuaded by Sun Yanfang and Li Qiuhua. After all, although Zhang Xuewei's ex-boyfriend confessed to Wu Fei, Wu Fei did not accept him.

But because of this incident, plus the other two, she had a better relationship with Zhang Xuewei, and Wu Fei was gradually isolated.

"I'm sorry, today is the first day that Feifei and I have just been together. We plan to live a two-person world. I'm afraid we won't be able to share the table with you." Su Wei knew why Feifei was isolated, and it was definitely impossible to be with them Have a meal.

Besides, there was a woman among them, the one who woke up on Su Wei's bed this morning, so it was even more impossible for him to have dinner with them.

(End of this chapter)

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