Chapter 113
"It's just sharing a table together for a meal, and we won't ask you to pay for what we eat. In this way, we will invite you to the meal later, okay?" Seeing Wu Fei's boyfriend being so stingy, Sun Yanfang didn't care about everyone at all. She was a roommate, so she refused directly, which made her a little angry.

Although they isolated Wu Fei for more than a year in the dormitory, haven't everyone reconciled now?

He also said that the two of them had just been together and thought about the world of two people. This is an excuse as soon as they hear it.

Fortunately, when she reconciled with Wu Fei, she thought she was a pretty good person, but she turned out to be a caring person.

"Yeah, let us pay for your meal." Zhang Xuewei and the others were outside when they saw Su Wei and Wu Fei walking over.

She thought, an outsider who doesn't even have a car in this place in Kyoto should be afraid that they will steal his money.

After all, a meal here for Sushi Ryu costs at least 4000 yuan per capita. If the three of them are invited to eat, it will cost more than 1 yuan.

Ordinary people can't afford it, and they can understand it.

"It's not about money, and my boyfriend is rich." Seeing that two of her roommates were talking too much, Wu Fei quickly interrupted their self-talk.

"Okay, it's your business that you have money. I'm just with Feifei today, so I don't want others to disturb us." After finishing speaking, Su Wei took Wu Fei's hand and asked the waiter to lead the way to the box. He no longer wanted to He continued talking with Wu Fei's roommate, otherwise he was afraid that he couldn't help but spray them.

"Feifei, don't be fooled by some swindlers in today's society. The real rich don't even own a car, and your boyfriend probably doesn't have a house in the capital, right?" Sun Yanfang dared to fight back when she saw Su Wei Deliberately "kindly" reminded.

"Okay, it's fine if they don't want to, you still have to sow discord after they all go in." Since Zhang Xuewei reconciled with Wu Fei, she no longer cares about the previous things.

But Sun Yanfang and Li Qiuhua were different. At that time they isolated Wu Fei because of Zhang Xuewei, but later Zhang Xuewei felt that the two of them hated Wu Fei more than she did.

"I'm telling the truth. If his boyfriend is really rich, as for the two of them walking here, I just saw that both of them were sweating. By the way, Qiuhua, why are you so quiet today?" Sun Yanfang remembered Li Qiuhua I also hate Wu Fei, why is she so peaceful today.

"I know Wu Fei's boyfriend." Li Qiuhua was called to ktv by a friend yesterday. Her friend told her that she should behave well. If she can rely on the boss in the middle, she will basically have no worries in her life. up.

And Li Qiuhua did stand out among the group of girls called by virtue of her looks, and was hit by the young boss, but he didn't expect that he would treat her as that kind of woman, and even despised her for being unclean. Unexpectedly, he was actually the roommate's boyfriend.

When she came out of Su Wei's room today, she asked her friend what the identity of the boss was. Her friend said that she didn't know, but it should be either rich or powerful.

After all, the people accompanying me today are all high-level executives in the banking system. It is conceivable that Su Wei must not be simple.

She was shocked when she saw the person who was sleeping with her this morning, walking hand in hand with Wu Fei, and thought that Wu Fei was introduced by someone else. She didn't know about them until Zhang Xuewei went up to ask. The two turned out to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

She had been hiding behind just now, because she was afraid that Wu Fei's boyfriend would recognize him.

"You know him? Then why didn't you go up to say hello just now?" Zhang Xuewei was surprised, because she knew that Li Qiuhua was very good at mixing things up. If Wu Fei's boyfriend really belonged to their circle, then he wouldn't be so stingy.

"Is what I just said right? Is his boyfriend the kind who likes to have a swollen face without money?" Sun Yanfang didn't expect that Li Qiuhua would know Wu Fei's boyfriend. Everyone knows each other.

"I don't know the situation of his boyfriend's family, but he shouldn't be poor. He is from out of town. I met him in the high-level department of the bank. I heard that he was invited as a guest." Li Qiuhua definitely couldn't say She was invited by a friend to accompany her for a drink. After all, they have money to accompany them, and a gangster like her doesn't even get money.

She said this morning that she had already taken the money, left the hotel, and regretted it when she got on Didi.

"If the high-level bureau of the bank can call him, then he should be quite rich, and if he doesn't have a car, he should have no quota." Zhang Xuewei knows a little about this, and knows that RVs in Kyoto are not easy to buy.

"Forget it, let's not talk about the two of them, let's go to another place to eat, there are too many people queuing up here." Sun Yanfang heard that Wu Fei's boyfriend has a background, and now she just wants to leave this place as soon as possible.

After all, Wu Fei's boyfriend doesn't seem to be a magnanimous person, and he doesn't even want to share a table.

In fact, she would target Wu Fei in this way. To put it bluntly, she was jealous of Wu Fei's beauty. In the dormitory, she was the most ordinary-looking among the four, but her family had the best conditions.

So she has always wanted to find a handsome boy over 180 to be her boyfriend.

So she often goes to clubs and basketball halls, adds a lot of boys' WeChat, and several tall and handsome boys ask her out for dinner. She dresses up beautifully to go to the appointment, but at the dinner table, those boys chat with her All of them are Wu Fei, and the only reason to eat with her is because she is Wu Fei's roommate.

"Okay, let's go to Bulgari Restaurant for dinner. A meal there is cheaper than here, and we can open a Bulgari room with the money left over from the meal. Let's not go back to school today." Zhang Xuewei Seeing Sushi Ryu here, there are so many people waiting in line to eat, thinking that the Bulgari Hotel is nearby.

"Okay, then let's go. Thinking about Wu Fei going in to eat, we can only have a wind outside, I feel bad thinking about it." Sun Yanfang was very upset.

The three quickly got into Sun Yanfang's mini, and then drove to Bulgari.

"What's the matter, you don't really care what my roommate just said?" Wu Fei has been in Kyoto for almost two years, and she knows that buying a house and a car in Kyoto is not something that can be done with money.

"I plan to go to see the house in the next few days. You have been free for a long time. Come with me to see the house." Su Wei didn't want to buy a house in Kyoto. After all, he doesn't like the environment here. Compared with Kyoto, he still prefers it. I like Magic City.

Modu gave him a more modern feel, and he also liked the climate of Modu better.

But being despised by others today, he had to buy a house to prove himself, not for anything else but to continue living in the dormitory just for Wu Fei.

 There are too many things during the Chinese New Year, Chapter 2 may be later

(End of this chapter)

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