Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 114 Suspected of Slapping His Face to Pretend to be Fat

Chapter 114 Suspected of Slapping His Face to Pretend to be Fat
"You want to buy a house? But you need qualifications to buy a house in Kyoto. I heard how many years it takes to pay the full social security. It seems to be the same as in Shanghai. If you don't pay the full social security, you can't buy it." Wu Fei is really clueless about Su Wei's strength. I know.

"Don't worry, I have a solution for this, just tell me when you are free." Su Wei had dinner with the bank executives yesterday. At that time, they especially hoped that Su Wei would buy a house in Kyoto. After all, they could communicate with Su Wei better. Su Wei just let out a haha ​​and passed.

Because he had no idea of ​​buying a house in Kyoto at that time, he didn't answer the call, but the number of places to buy a house is really simple for the banking system.

It can be said that the difficulty of buying a house in Kyoto is easier than that in Shanghai. After all, it can be said here that the relationship is everything.

"Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow I'm going to report at the school. I should have time on Saturday." Since Su Wei said that there is a way to buy a house, Wu Fei didn't believe it. After all, Su Wei stayed in a hotel worth 16 yuan a night.

The waiter next to him looked disbelieving. After all, their boss’s son just bought a house in Kyoto recently. They also learned a little bit. Without a residence permit in Kyoto and without social security for five years, it is very difficult for ordinary people to buy a house in Kyoto. , It's really hard.

But his boss's son is different. He came back from studying abroad. He doesn't have to endure a few years like ordinary people. His son can survive in a year.

Wu Fei didn't know how much a meal in this restaurant cost before. When Su Wei chose the set meal, he found that he directly ordered the 3580 set meal, and then added a piece of 5A wagyu fillet, 10 oysters, and a Shizuoka honeydew melon.

Su Wei also asked Wu Fei if she drank. After finding out that she didn't drink, Su Wei still ordered a small bottle of sake from the restaurant for himself.

"It costs more than 3000 for a meal for the two of us." Wu Fei leaned into Su Wei's ear and asked softly.

Mainly in the box, besides the two of them, there was a waiter and a chef. No matter how soft her voice was, the chef and the waiter could still hear her.

"Miss, more than 3000 yuan is the price per person. Your boyfriend ordered a set meal of 3580 yuan per person, plus oysters, and 5A-grade wagyu filet steak, plus this Shizuoka honeydew melon, and 15% service Fei, your meal will probably cost more than 1." The waiter next to him was the waiter who had been paying attention to Zhang Xuewei and the others talking to Su Wei.

She also thought that Su Wei was swollen face to pretend to be fat. After all, Wu Fei is around 170 and looks as beautiful as a star. On the other hand, Su Wei, wearing a thin coat, has just entered the box and has been wiping sweat. It looks like walking Come, not even a car.

Now that she is still brazenly saying that she wants to buy a house in Kyoto, she must be bragging in front of her sister. She is worried that this beauty will pay the bill later, so she reminds her.

"It's so expensive, Su Wei, it's too expensive for us to go out to eat. The last time my classmate went to eat Japanese food with her boyfriend, it only cost a few hundred yuan for one person, and a total of more than a thousand yuan for the two of them." The last time Wu Fei listened to her classmates chatting, she thought that all the Japanese food was about the same price.

Hearing what Wu Fei said, the waiter believed even more that this beauty would pay the bill later.

"For catering, one eats ingredients and the other eats brands, just like the hotel we stayed in." Su Wei was already a little upset at this time, wondering why the waiter was talking so much.

When the waiter heard what Su Wei said, she was even more convinced that Su Wei was only superficial, but he didn't have much money in his pocket. After all, she couldn't tell whether Su Wei's clothes were real luxury goods or fake luxury goods, but if he was really rich, Why do you wear such a little clothes to go out in such a cold weather?

"I still don't understand you rich people. You can eat tens of thousands of yuan for a meal and more than a hundred thousand yuan for a night in a hotel. You won't tell me that you plan to spend tens of millions to buy a house this time." Wu Fei heard Su Wei say that the treasure In the Geli Hotel, comparing the consumption in the Japanese grocery store with the consumption in the hotel, it really feels a lot more reasonable.

"Miss, it costs more than [-] yuan to stay in a hotel for one night? You can even pay a down payment in our hometown county." The waiter felt that there was something wrong with this script, and asked Su Wei in advance before he could open his mouth.

"I only found out today that staying in a hotel can be so expensive, it costs 16 a night." Wu Fei wanted to complain a long time ago, but she couldn't find anyone to say it before.

In the past, she would share anything with Liu Jing, but this time, it is not easy to share with Liu Jing. After all, the person who lives in this room is Liu Jing's boyfriend.

"Which hotel is it? It's so expensive. Next time I chat with my friends, it will open their eyes." The waiter couldn't believe it anymore, and spent more than [-] yuan just to stay for one night.

"It's the Bulgari Hotel not too far from you. It has a Bulgari suite, which should be considered a presidential suite. It costs 16 a night." After Wu Fei told this, she felt much more comfortable.

"It turns out that the two of you just walked over there, no wonder you sweated so much, but the temperature difference at night is too big, you still need to wear more clothes." Only then did the waiter notice that Su Wei was wearing a very The Rolex of Huahua, she remembered that she received a big man before, and he also wore this watch at that time.

She remembered that the boss said at the time that his watch cost more than 100 million pieces, and the price was still rising.

"I just came to Kyoto, where do you buy clothes in Kyoto?" Su Wei was a little disgusted with this waiter at first, but seeing that she didn't delay work, he let her go.

In fact, Su Wei mainly felt that after hearing that he stayed in a hotel worth 16 yuan per night, the attitude of the waiters and chefs changed for the better, and their actions became much gentler.

"Like me, I usually go to Xidan to buy things. If you buy luxury goods, it's basically SKP, Wangfujing, and Guomao." The waiter now knows that Su Wei is really rich, not a swollen face After pretending to be a fat man's emotional liar, there was no frivolity in his tone before.

After eating the same dish, Su Wei found that there was a bit too much sushi in the set meal. Although he likes to eat sushi, he didn't expect that there would be so much sushi in the set meal at the Sushi Dragon restaurant.

After the two of them finished their meal, the waiter brought in the bill. Sure enough, the bill cost Su Wei more than 12000.

"The taste of this store is okay, but the price is too expensive." Wu Fei just checked out and played the emotional card, wanting the waiter to waive the 15% service charge.

Su Wei didn't feel ashamed, on the contrary, he thought she was very cute.

"It's okay, but that melon is good." Su Wei really felt that the meal just now was a bit misleading, and his expectations were in vain.

"Well, I also think that honeydew melon is delicious, but it's too expensive." A small bowl of honeydew melons costs hundreds of dollars. If you go to the supermarket to buy Loulan honeydew melons, you can buy dozens of them.

"It's still early, it's only after eight o'clock. If we go to the mall, I don't have enough clothes." Su Wei really has to buy some clothes. One is that his clothes are a bit thin, and it's still a bit cold at night. One is that his underwear is not enough to wear.

"Well, let's take a taxi there." Wu Fei came out after eating, feeling much colder than before.

(End of this chapter)

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