Chapter 115 Prey
Both Su Wei and Wu Fei were not familiar with Kyoto. Although Sulong's waiter mentioned three places, the one Su Wei had the impression of was Wangfujing.

So the two of them took a taxi directly to Wangfujing. For Su Wei, he mainly planned to buy underwear this time.

As for clothes, I plan to wait a while before buying them.

To buy underwear, now Su Wei has already identified Balenciaga, but this time, in addition to buying underwear, he also bought a denim jacket and two sweaters in the store.

Su Wei asked Wu Fei if he wanted to buy some, but Wu Fei refused.

He didn't ask again, after all, Wu Fei had never slept with him.

Su Wei is very clear about the division, his girlfriend can send the car.

Those who give birth to him can give him a house.

If it is not a girlfriend, but has slept, then send a bag.

For someone like Wu Fei, although he is pretty, he is very attractive, but he can't give a car, at most a bag, but it won't be too expensive, about [-] to [-] yuan.

Of course, it’s another matter to open a room and eat, which cannot be realized.

If you give a house and a car to a girl, and before she falls asleep, the girl transfers the garage you gave her and throws it into the arms of other men, then you are not going to be angry and spit blood.

"Feifei, I saw you again, where is your boyfriend?" When Wu Fei returned to Bulgari, she happened to meet Zhang Xuewei in the rest area of ​​the hotel lobby.

"He's answering the phone, you guys are staying here tonight too." Seeing Zhang Xuewei, Wu Fei was still a little nervous, after all, this is a hotel.

The most important thing is that Su Wei is not her boyfriend, but her best friend's boyfriend. She had no choice but to say that Su Wei was her boyfriend in the Sushi Dragon store. If Liu Jing finds out about it, Then her relationship with Liu Jing will come to an end.

Although Liu Jing didn't know Zhang Xuewei and the others, Wu Fei was very well-known in the school. Although she hadn't done anything in the limelight, she was still named their school's school belle, mainly because she was too beautiful.

Of course, this school flower is not selected, but whoever is beautiful and famous will generally be recognized as the school flower by default.

"Yeah? The two of you live here, that's really a coincidence." Zhang Xuewei didn't expect Wu Fei to be so open. She heard her boyfriend say that today is their first day together. She didn't expect the two of them to sleep together. up.

Because Zhang Xuewei had already heard from Li Qiuhua that Wu Fei's boyfriend could hang out with the bank executives, so it must be not easy at home.

Before Zhang Xuewei and Wu Fei had a falling out, she knew that Wu Fei came from a small city, and she had never bought big-name clothes or cosmetics in her sophomore year. As a result, she was only with her boyfriend today, and she saw a bag in her hand. I bought several Balenciaga bags.

Over the past year of college, there were not a hundred or 80 people chasing Wu Fei. She didn't agree to all of them. She didn't expect that after a winter vacation, she had a boyfriend, and the two of them slept together on the first day they were together. .

This really wronged Wu Fei, because the Balenciaga bag in her hand was full of clothes bought by Su Wei, and he was on the phone outside, so Wu Fei brought the things in.

Let alone sleeping together, two people share two rooms, but Zhang Xuewei didn't ask, and Wu Fei couldn't explain that she and Su Wei didn't sleep together.

"Yeah, that's right, why didn't I see Li Qiuhua and the others?" Wu Fei looked back and forth, but couldn't find the other two roommates.

"Auntie Sun Yanfang is here in the toilet. Li Qiuhua went to buy her auntie towels. I'll wait for them here." At this moment, Zhang Xuewei saw two familiar people outside the glass. They seemed to be Wu Fei's boyfriend and Li Qiuhua. The action is very ambiguous, I don't know what I'm doing.

"What time do you guys go to school tomorrow? How about I go there with you tomorrow?" Wu Fei looked at Zhang Xuewei, so she didn't see Su Wei and Li Qiuhua chatting outside.

"We're going to school after 11 o'clock, and I'll call you when the time comes." Zhang Xuewei saw Su Wei and Li Qiuhua, and was about to walk to the hotel while talking. She quickly interrupted the chat with Wu Fei, and then left out.

Seeing Zhang Xuewei talking, Wu Fei went outside, thinking that something was wrong with her.

On Su Wei's side, it was Wang Xiaoyuan who called. He didn't answer the phone in the car, and kept silent. When he got to the hotel, he told Wu Fei that he had something to do and asked her to wait for him in the lobby.

Wang Xiaoyuan called him to ask him to put on more clothes. Kyoto is colder than Shanghai.

"Have you heard enough?" When Su Wei called, he had already seen someone behind the pillar he was calling from. Through the reflection behind the pillar, he already knew that this person was Wu Fei's roommate, and also the woman in his bed in the morning .

"Unexpectedly, Wu Fei's boyfriend already has a girlfriend in Shanghai. Unfortunately, I thought she was a white lotus." Li Qiuhua saw that she was found eavesdropping. She didn't panic, but Start to provoke Su Wei, who told Su Wei to prostitute her for nothing today.

"After you left today, I regretted that I didn't add your contact information. I didn't expect such a coincidence that you were Feifei's roommate." Su Wei ignored Li Qiuhua's provocation and began to threaten her in reverse.

"Let me tell you, I didn't take any money for that incident yesterday, and I got myself into it. If you expose me, I will definitely not make it easier for Wu Fei." Hearing what Su Wei said, Li Qiuhua really I'm a little panicked.

After all, she couldn't threaten Su Wei with anything, because she knew that Su Wei was a big shot, and he really wanted to get serious with her. She couldn't bear it, so she could only bring Wu Fei into it, hoping to make him a little more scrupulous.

"Add a wechat, at least we two have slept together." Su Wei ignored what Li Qiuhua said, and began to turn against the customer.

Although Li Qiuhua is not as beautiful as Wu Fei, Su Wei has seen her without makeup in the morning, no less than 85 points, and with makeup at night, her appearance can reach 90 points, and her figure is better than Wu Fei.

After adding WeChat, Su Wei didn't let her go, and planned to pull her aside to ask her something.

He wanted to ask that aggressive roommate today why he had such a big opinion. He only remembered that Wu Fei had mentioned Zhang Xuewei to Liu Jing, but not Li Qiuhua and Sun Yanfang.

"Qiuqiu, hurry up, Xiaofang is bleeding profusely." Zhang Xuewei came out and saw that Su Wei had started to touch Li Qiuhua, so she hurriedly reminded her.

"Ah, Wei Wei, I just had a chat with Wu Fei's boyfriend, let's go, I've bought something." Li Qiuhua was shocked when Zhang Xuewei called her, because Su Wei was planning to hold her hand and go to Bulgari Ask her something by the side door.

"Hurry up, Xiaofang has been waiting for you for a long time." Zhang Xuewei hurriedly called Li Qiuhua to the toilet.

Because she always had the feeling that Wu Fei's boyfriend just talked to Li Qiuhua, and the two of them were not just chatting, because he looked at Li Qiuhua as if he was watching prey.

No, it should be said that she was also preyed.

(End of this chapter)

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