Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 116 Who is the hunter and who is the prey

Chapter 116 Who is the hunter and who is the prey

When Su Wei saw that Li Qiuhua was called away, he didn't feel sorry.

Anyway, WeChat has already been added, and there will be plenty of time to call her out later.

Just now, he really just wanted to pull Li Qiuhua to chat, and didn't want to do other things. After all, there are people coming and going around Bulgari. If you really do something, it's basically a live broadcast.

It's just that he didn't expect that the quality of the women in Wu Fei's dormitory was so high. Apart from Wu Fei, Zhang Xuewei and Li Qiuhua were both pretty good-looking, except for the woman who made a fuss before.

"Waiting for a long time, do you want to sit in my room?" When Su Wei came in, he saw Wu Fei sitting on the sofa in the hall. Seeing him coming in, he immediately stood up and looked at him.

"No, I've been sitting all day today. On the way back to the hotel in the car, I'm already dozing off. I'm going back to my room to sleep." Su Weibai was happy, thinking that Wu Fei was just happy to see him, but it turned out it was just Because he finally came in, she could go back to her room and sleep.

"Okay, let's go then." Su Wei took his clothes from Wu Fei's hand, and the two entered the elevator holding hands until they reached the floor of Wu Fei's room.

He didn't go to Wu Fei's place to sleep facelessly, because he knew that this trick was useless, otherwise he wouldn't mind using it.

"Qiuqiu, you and Wu Fei's boyfriend have met more than just once, right?" Zhang Xuewei waited for Li Qiuhua to come out of the toilet, and she asked directly.

"I really only met him once, last night, but I didn't make it clear." Li Qiuhua had the best relationship with Zhang Xuewei in the dormitory, and she didn't know whether to tell her what happened yesterday.

After all, she is a mess, who knows that she was put to sleep in vain yesterday.

But unexpectedly, Su Wei came to her door by himself and added a wechat message to her.

"What did you not explain clearly to us?" Zhang Xuewei thought of Wu Fei's boyfriend, and the way she looked at her made her very uncomfortable.

"Didn't I tell you before that Wu Fei's boyfriend went to the party of the bank executives yesterday? What I didn't make clear is that her boyfriend was the only guest at that party. After I entered the KTV, I found that everyone inside was fawning. "He" Li Qiuhua recalled the scene yesterday, and she couldn't help but wonder how rich Wu Fei's boyfriend was to make the people in the bank flatter him so much.

"It's his business that he has money. Don't you think you were out with her boyfriend just now, and the two of you are a little too close?" Zhang Xuewei knew that Li Qiuhua was messing around, but she didn't want her good sister to be a mistress.

"I didn't want to be the mistress, it was just that he wanted to talk to me about something." The mistress must not be her, if it was Wu Fei, she would be the mistress at most.

"You'd better not have this idea, Wu Fei's boyfriend is not a soft persimmon." Zhang Xuewei thought of the way Wu Fei's boyfriend looked at her, and that look was not innocent.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, let's say Xiaofang is coming out." Seeing Zhang Xuewei's attitude, Li Qiuhua originally wanted to tell her that she had already slept with Wu Fei's boyfriend, but now he could only give up this idea.

Of course she knew that Wu Fei's boyfriend was not a soft persimmon, but she was a little unwilling to let her miss such a big and thick leg.

After returning to the room, Su Wei turned on the live broadcast of Panda on the tablet, and watched Follow first. Unexpectedly, all the female anchors who went to Sanya this time were on the broadcast.

Xiao Nami and Li Ziwei were eating at a supper stand, eating with a group of men and women. Li Ziwei didn't start the broadcast, but Xiao Nami started the broadcast.

Su Wei first paid 30 for his account, and then gave Xiao Nami 50 Buddha Jumping Wall.

"Thanks to Brother He for sending 50 Buddha jumping over the wall, Brother He is too grand"

"Brother He is so handsome, it's 5 yuan if he makes a move"

"Brother He, I want to give birth to a monkey for you"

The barrage saw that Su Wei paid for Xiao Nami, and immediately started to lick Su Wei.

Originally, Nami's popularity was only over 30, but Su Wei's popularity rose to over 60 as soon as these fifty Buddha Jumping Walls were swiped down.

"Brother He, you're here. Brother He, you've only been away for two days, so I miss you so much." Seeing Su Wei swiping her 5 yuan, Nami immediately began to act like a spoiled child.

"Where is Lao Li, how do I think he fell asleep, can you wake him up?" Su Wei saw that Li Ziwei had been drunk and fell to the ground.

"I don't know, let me try." Xiao Nami knew that Su Wei wanted him to wake up Li Ziwei, probably to feed him.

Su Wei saw that Xiao Nami was called Li Ziwei, but Li Ziwei couldn't be called anyway, and everyone started talking in sleep.

"Forget it, forget it if you can't wake up, I'm leaving." Since Li Ziwei is drunk, forget it.

Su Wei left Little Nami's room, then went to Song Nala's, Shi Shi's, and Xin Xiner's room, and painted 50 Buddha Jumping Walls each.

Originally, he had already planned to quit the live broadcast, but after refreshing it, he found that Zhou Ke was online.

Looking at Zhou Ke's background, she was in the hotel, and she should have seen Su Wei online, so she went online specially.

"Where is this? You're not at home." Before Su Wei could speak, 50 Buddhas jumped over the wall and brushed them out.

"Brother He, stop swiping, don't swiping for me, you swiped enough for me." Zhou didn't feel sorry for Su Wei's money, but that she was going to jump off the platform. She didn't care about the money Su Wei swiped It must be brought up.

"It's okay, this money will be used to boost your popularity." Su Wei already knew that Zhou Ke was going to jump off the platform, and she also knew that she would be broadcasting live on Douyu on 4.1.

"Brother He, where are you now? I added you on WeChat, and I haven't seen you in person. If there is a chance, we can actually broadcast it outdoors once." Zhou Ke's words are hypocritical, because she has long been with Su Wei made an appointment to meet in Kyoto this time.

At that time, after she added Su Wei's WeChat, she saw the cars mentioned in Su Wei's circle of friends, and then asked her friends in Shanghai to inquire about Su Wei. too much.

Her friend inquired a little bit, and found that Su Wei's cars were all real, and they were all in his name.

"Okay, I'm in the capital now, where are you?" Of course Su Wei knew that Zhou Ke was in the capital, but he definitely couldn't say it directly, otherwise he wouldn't even think about kissing Fangze.

"What a coincidence, I'm also in Kyoto. Brother He, do you have time tomorrow? Let's make an appointment for dinner tomorrow afternoon." Zhou Ke's visit to Kyoto this time is to discuss the contract. The contract was renewed, but because of the relationship, she had to come over.

The second is that she has made an appointment with Su Wei, and they will meet in Kyoto during this time.

Sleeping is one thing, and another thing is to talk about her going to Douyu, and see if Su Wei can give her some support across platforms.

"Tomorrow, yes, but can you get up in the afternoon, why don't you just have dinner at night?" Su Wei knew that these female anchors basically only woke up in the afternoon, no matter the big anchor or the small anchor.

"Okay, then listen to Brother He"

(End of this chapter)

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