Chapter 117

Su Wei sat on the sofa in the Bulgari suite, feeling so boring for the first time.

Mainly in this place of Kyoto, he doesn't have any acquaintances, and he doesn't even have a car if he wants to go out.

The only acquaintance was Wu Fei, but she definitely wouldn't come to Su Wei's room at such a late hour.

Before, no matter in Shanghai or Sanya, there was always someone by his side to accompany him. Today, he was suddenly alone in such a big hotel room, which made him feel lonely. It reminded him of the last time he had a cold. When I was in the Qiantang Hotel.

At this time, it suddenly occurred to me that Wu Fei and her roommate also live in Bulgari.

"What are you doing?" Su Wei sent a message to Li Qiuhua.

There is no way, he has too few resources in the capital, so he can only eat yesterday's fresh dishes.

"Drinking with my roommates, how about you, why do you think of me if you don't accompany your girlfriend?" Li Qiuhua was a little complacent, thinking that he was very attractive.

"I'm alone in the room now, would you like to come up and have a drink with me?" Su Wei felt that Li Qiuhua would definitely come up, this was his intuition after experiencing so many women.

"Okay, then wait for me for a while." Li Qiuhua readily agreed, after all, she wanted to be on top.

"Wei Wei, I'm going out for a while, so I won't drink with you guys." She turned off the phone screen, then turned out her bag, and began to touch up her makeup.

"Why are you going? It's already this time." Zhang Xuewei felt strange, it was almost 12 o'clock, what should Li Qiuhua pretend.

"I'm going to change my life. I may come back later, or I may not come back." Li Qiuhua said what Zhang Xuewei understood.

"What changes life, why can't I understand?" Sun Yanfang didn't see the exchange between Li Qiuhua and Wu Fei's boyfriend today, and the other two didn't tell her about it.

"It was he who sent you the message just now? It's so late, and you went out when he was looking for you?" Zhang Xuewei felt that Li Qiuhua was crazy, knowing that this man is the boyfriend of her roommate, and if he was looking for you at night, you must go?Cheap or not.

"Wei Wei, you don't understand, well, I'll go first." Although Zhang Xuewei's family is not from the capital, but like Sun Yanfang, her family conditions are quite good, there are not hundreds of millions, but there are tens of millions.

Li Qiuhua looks good, but her family's conditions are much worse. Although the conditions of Wu Fei's family are better, they can't support the luxurious life she wants.

When she was in her freshman semester, she met an older sister who was very ordinary even in her family, but she was now worth hundreds of millions through social circles.

Ever since her older sister didn't rely on men, every time she finds boyfriends, they are all younger than her, and they are all young and handsome. Li Qiuhua has known her for more than a year, and the boyfriends she has met are not bad. It's five.

On the occasion when I met Su Wei yesterday, it was her sister who called her over.

"What's going on with Qiuqiu? You should know who is looking for her?" Among the three, only Sun Yanfang was confused because she didn't know anything.

"Don't ask, if Qiuqiu wants to say something, she will tell you, and I only found out by accident." Zhang Xuewei will definitely not tell Sun Yanfang, otherwise, what if Sun Yanfang has such a big mouth one day, what should I do if this matter is exposed? She has a criminal record.

"That man, can't he be a married man?" Sun Yanfang felt that this was the only way to explain it.

"Don't worry about it, let's drink" This incident really disgusted Zhang Xuewei, but Li Qiuhua has the best relationship with her, if it was someone else, she might have started scolding him long ago.

Li Qiuhua was picked up by Su Wei, mainly because there was no elevator attendant at night, and she didn't have a card, so she couldn't reach Su Wei's floor.

"Why isn't Wu Fei with you? Did the two of you quarrel?" Li Qiuhua thought that Su Wei and Wu Fei had quarreled, and this was her chance.

"She and I don't share a room. She lives in the garden suite downstairs. Well, here we are." Su Wei was also speechless, after all, his girlfriend and he came out to share a room, and they didn't even sleep in the same room.

Su Wei has now completely regarded himself as Wu Fei's boyfriend, deliberately forgetting that it was just a stopgap measure at that time.

"She lives in the garden suite alone. I heard that the room costs more than 5 yuan a night. You are so kind to her. Wow, this is the room you live in? It's too big." At first, Li Qiuhua thought that Su Wei was putting The good room was given to Wu Fei, and she didn't know how innocent she was until Su Wei opened the door of his room.

Su Wei's room is obviously more expensive. The living room has an overhang, and the living room, dining room, and room can all see the Liangma River 100%.

"If you like, you can sleep here today." Su Wei began to express that he didn't have the patience to play love games with this kind of woman.

"Really? Then I'll sleep here tonight. I'll check the room." In Li Qiuhua's mind, at least a few rooms in such a large suite are normal. For example, where Su Wei slept this morning, there are Two rooms.

"The bed is on the right, and the dining room is on the left." After Su Wei said something, he took out the drinks in the room from the refrigerator.

Li Qiuhua looked around the entire suite, only to find that there was only one room with a big bed, and there were no other rooms.

Her original plan was not to let Su Wei succeed today, after all, the two of them slept together yesterday, if they slept again today, then she would really become cheap in his heart.

But if you don't sleep here now, you may not be able to come in next time.

"Do you want to add ice to the whiskey?" Su Weicai didn't care what she thought, he just treated her as a tool.

"Drinking whiskey? Why don't you switch to a wine bar?" Li Qiuhua didn't want to get drunk so quickly.

"It's okay, let's dilute it with Coke." Whiskey and Coke make it easier to get drunk.

Su Wei was in the kitchen. He didn't take the small cup, but took a big one.

"You poured too much?" Li Qiuhua was not afraid when he saw Su Wei pouring so much wine, but he didn't want to drink so fast.

After all, if you drink too fast, you will have sex after a few glasses of wine. How can you cultivate a relationship?

"Try it, I added a pot of Coke to it, the taste should be very weak." Whiskey is mixed with Coke, drink it in the stomach, and the Coke will accelerate the body's absorption of alcohol.

"Well, the taste is much lighter, and it's still a bit sweet." Li Qiuhua took a sip first, and found that it was quite delicious.

When Su Wei saw Li Qiuhua, a gangster, she didn't even know about the Coke barrel, and didn't know whether it was real or fake, but whatever, as long as she could play poker.

Before Li Qiuhua entered the door, he thought that Su Wei was planning to have a relationship with her, but the truth is that he just wanted to find no one else to play poker with, and treated her as a tool.

(End of this chapter)

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