Chapter 118 488pista (seeking tickets)
The next day.

Su Wei was woken up by the phone, and skillfully picked up the phone in a daze to answer the call.

"Qiuqiu, are you awake? Are you still going to school today? Wu Fei has already called me. Xiaofang and I plan to leave later." Said a lot.

"Li Qiuhua hasn't gotten up yet, wait a minute, let me call her.

Wake up, your roommate is calling to tell you to go to school." Su Wei shook Li Qiuhua who was still sleeping, and asked her to get up to answer the phone.

Zhang Xuewei on the other end of the phone was speechless. Is it so fair to do this kind of thing now? Isn't he afraid that it's Wu Fei who called?

"Okay, um, I'll come down later." Li Qiuhua was stunned after making the call. What did Su Wei do? Help her answer her roommate's call. Fortunately, the call was from Zhang Xuewei, otherwise She is really going crazy.

"Is the person who called you the one who called you in last night? Her name is Zhang Xuewei, right?" Su Wei already knew that in Sulong's store, the one who provoked her was not Zhang Xuewei, that Zhang Xuewei should have been at the hotel yesterday, That pretty girl I saw.

"Yes, she and Wu Fei had a misunderstanding before, but now the misunderstanding has been resolved." Li Qiuhua was afraid that Su Wei would teach Zhang Xuewei a lesson, so he hurriedly explained.

"The misunderstanding has been resolved? Well, you have time for a long time, ask her out, let's have a meal together, and this matter is over." Such a beautiful girl, Su Wei is a little greedy.

"Are you sure everyone has a meal, and this matter is over?" While drinking, Li Qiuhua casually checked the price of the Bulgari suite, which was as high as 16 a night.

Now that he is Wu Fei's boyfriend, if Zhang Xuewei is really angry that she has isolated Wu Fei for more than a year and wants to teach her a lesson, then Zhang Xuewei will really be unable to resist.

"Why am I lying to you? Let's go out to have dinner together tomorrow." Su Wei has already made an appointment with Zhou Ke today, and Wu Fei will be free later, and he will only have time tomorrow.

"Okay, then where are the five of us going to eat?" Li Qiuhua saw that Su Wei had an appointment tomorrow, and after thinking about it, there was really nothing to do tomorrow night.

"Who said five people, it was the three of us, I don't want her to know about Wu Fei." Five people, Su Wei must be crazy, if Wu Fei is called out, then he is still playing a fart.

"Just the three of us? It's okay." Li Qiuhua was a little unhappy when she heard that Su Wei's name was not Wu Fei, but when she thought that Su Wei and Wu Fei were together, they still haven't slept together. I feel like I have a huge advantage.

Li Qiuhua checked the time, it was not yet 11 o'clock, it was past three o'clock when she and Su Wei went to bed yesterday.

After getting dressed and going back to Zhang Xuewei's room, at this time someone sent a WeChat message, and after a quick glance, it turned out that Su Wei had sent 4 transfer red envelopes, each of which was 5200.

She didn't feel that Su Wei was insulting her by transferring the money, because the transfer was 5200, and if she transferred [-] directly, then she might think it was an insult.

After returning to the room, Li Qiuhua was immediately surrounded by Sun Yanfang, who asked who the man was.

Then she definitely can't say it. With Zhang Xuewei's cooperation, she finally escaped.

Because Sun Yanfang was going to pick up the car, she went to the second floor in advance.

"I've already taken Xiao Fangzhi away. Let's talk about it. Where did you go yesterday?" Zhang Xuewei guessed that Li Qiuhua must have been put to sleep yesterday.

"I just slept in the Bulgari suite on the 11th floor." Li Qiuhua originally planned to take a few photos, but was stopped by Su Wei, who was worried that Wu Fei would see it.

"You slept with him yesterday? What about Wu Fei?" Zhang Xuewei really thought that Li Qiuhua was so stupid, how could he cherish it when he delivered it to her door.

And Wu Fei is also here, it can't be the three of them together, the more Zhang Xuewei thinks about it, the more something is wrong.

"Wu Fei didn't sleep with him. The two of them have feelings for each other. I know, but don't persuade me. I must seize this opportunity. Can you believe it? I was at 16 a night this morning. Waking up in the room." Li Qiuhua didn't know what to do to go to school today, she should have ignored Zhang Xuewei's phone call and continued to stay in the room.

Fortunately, he will treat him to dinner tomorrow, so he can sleep in the Bulgari suite tomorrow.

"You take care of it yourself, I don't care about this matter." Zhang Xuewei knew that Li Qiuhua worshiped money a long time ago. This time when she met such a big thick leg, how could she give up the chance to climb a high branch just because she was her roommate's boyfriend.

"By the way, Brother Su is looking for you for dinner tomorrow, and I plan to talk to you about Wu Fei." When he got off the elevator, Li Qiuhua suddenly remembered that Su Wei wanted to have dinner with Zhang Xuewei.

"Okay, how many people are there, are they named Wu Fei?" Zhang Xuewei thought it was Wu Fei's boyfriend, and planned to beat her up.

"Tomorrow night, it's just the three of us. He said he didn't want Wu Fei to know about this." Li Qiuhua had already seen Wu Fei in the lobby.

"This is a model boyfriend, your chances are slim." After finishing speaking, Zhang Xuewei greeted him like Wu Fei.

Wu Fei originally thought that the three of them were taking a taxi, so she went there together. Who knew that Sun Yanfang's family rented a license plate and bought her a car.

Fortunately, Sun Yanfang already knew that Wu Fei's boyfriend could not afford to offend her, and today was not as vitriolic as yesterday, but the four of them went back to school happily.

Su Wei didn't wake up until the afternoon. After waking up in the morning, he asked Wu Fei what time to go to school. As a result, Wu Fei said that he had made an appointment with Zhang Xuewei and the others to go to school together, and he didn't need him to send him off. He found that he was fine and went back to sleep. In the past, I slept until 3 o'clock in the afternoon before waking up.

"Hey, Xiao Wang, I heard that 488pista is out." After getting up, Su Wei sat on the bed and called Wang Sheng.

"President Su, why, do you have an idea? But this batch of quotas is already full, didn't you tell me before that you want to buy the pista convertible version, and I have already ordered the convertible version for you." Wang Sheng didn't understand, Su Wei There are already 488 hardtop versions, so why buy a 488 hardtop version.

"Help me move a quota, I don't have a car to drive in Kyoto now." It's not that Su Wei hasn't bought a Ferrari before, so he knows that they won't take all the quota.

"Mr. Su, the first batch of car owners who buy a 488 now need to buy a Ferrari Portofino." Ferrari is such a nonsense, you either wait to buy a second-hand car, or you can only agree to their request.

It doesn't matter whether you are a Rafa boss or a super VIP of Ferrari, if you want to mention the first batch of 488pista, then you have to accept to buy an extra Ferrari Portofino.

"It's no problem to buy a Portofino, but it will take a long time to get the car. I don't need a private order, as long as I can get the car as soon as possible." Su Wei doesn't want to make a private order, because he has already ordered the convertible version of 488pista Yes, I know that it will take a long time for Ferrari to customize a car.

"It's available in the Portofino store. There are two more 488pistas on the way. I'll send you the configuration later." Hearing that Su Weiken bought an extra Ferrari, there are two 488pistas on the way. elected.

(End of this chapter)

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