Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 122 Reversing Black and White

Chapter 122 Reversing Black and White (Two in One)

"Okay, since the bullet screens are all saying that we want to watch it, let's go to Brother He's room to have a look later." Zhou Ke is an old anchor who has been live broadcasting since YY. She has experience with this kind of inconsistency in the bullet screen. very.

"I haven't agreed yet, why are you making decisions for me without authorization?" Su Wei had just checked out when he heard Zhou Ke say that he would take the audience in the live broadcast room to visit his hotel room.

He used to watch live broadcasts a lot before, and after his rebirth, he also often went to Li Ziwei's live broadcast room, and several of the female anchors have been on it, so what he said just now was just to help make a show effect.

"It's what the water friends want to watch, Brother He, you won't disagree." Zhou Ke and him were in Dadong's box, and they agreed to take the water friends from the live broadcast room for a stroll, and wait for her to download the broadcast before taking a taxi Go to Bulgari.

But she had just come out and was blown by the cold wind, so she remembered that she wanted to have a CP with Su Wei, and no one has played this CP rhythm until now.

The water friend in the live broadcast room didn't think of going there at all, so she could only continue to follow Su Wei to see if she could let the water friend discover the CP feeling of the two of them.

"Okay, since everyone wants to see it, then I will take everyone to see what this 16-a-night hotel is like." Su Wei was actually eager to show the Bulgari suite he lived in. After all, he lived in such a hotel. If you can't show off an expensive room, it would be boring.

During the live broadcast, Zhou Ke didn't look like he was in the restaurant box just now. During the live broadcast, he looked like a pure and pure goddess.

"Brother He, do you have a house in Kyoto?" Zhou Ke felt very strange about this, saying that Su Wei had a house, he lived in a hotel,
If you say that he doesn't have a house, he bought a car and even allocated a car for the bodyguards.

"I didn't buy it, isn't this going to look at the house tomorrow?" It's really rare for Su Wei to buy a car while staying in a hotel without buying a house.

"Brother He, where are you going to buy? I heard that you need a quota to buy a house in Kyoto. Do you have a quota?" When Zhou Ke earned her first 500 million a few years ago, she also planned to buy a house in Kyoto, but that At that time, she didn't have a quota, so the latter matter was left alone.

The housing prices have risen so much in the past two years. The house she was optimistic about at the time has now increased several times.

"Budget [-] million. If the house is good, you can add more budget." Su Wei has already arranged an agency to find him a house.

For things that can be done by himself, he generally doesn't like to bother the bank, because it's boring and not a difficult thing.

"Wow, [-] million, I really can't imagine it." Zhou Ke was stunned. It's not a few years after Douyin broke out, and now everyone hasn't got a Ferrari per capita. Now that a house with hundreds of millions is basically It is the existence of the ceiling.

"When you come to Kyoto next time, if I'm also in Kyoto, I'll show you around." Su Wei doesn't know if this visit is serious or not.

"Okay, all the water friends in the live broadcast room will testify to me. Next time I come to Kyoto, let's visit Brother He's mansion together." Zhou Ke knew that Su Wei was rich, but he really didn't expect him to be so rich. After all, buying a Even if it is a mortgage, tens of millions of cash is required.

She didn't suspect that Su Wei was bragging, because she remembered that Su Wei's house in Gubei No. [-], the capital city, was worth over [-] million yuan.

Not to mention his live broadcast, the villa in Tan Palace, that is the ceiling in the mansion in Shanghai, it is said that it is worth hundreds of millions.

The two were chatting normally in the live broadcast room, with their backs to the live broadcast room, especially when the camera turned to the front, they even kissed in front of the little assistant.

When Zhou Ke’s live broadcast room was going down the underground garage, the screen froze. Su Wei and the others could see the words written by the people in the live broadcast room, but the people watching the live broadcast could type, but the screen was black.

"How about it, is there a signal?" Su Wei didn't expect Bulgari Hotel to have a signal blind spot.

"Everyone, if you don't get stuck, you will deduct 1. Well, it's no longer stuck." From the time he entered the underground garage, Zhou Ke's live broadcast room finally returned to normal after Su Wei parked the car.

"The signal in the underground parking lot may not be good. Let's get into the elevator quickly, or we will get stuck later." When Su Wei came over, there happened to be a parking space near the elevator entrance.

"We're going to get on the elevator. The live broadcast room might be stuck for a while later, so don't worry." Seeing the elevator coming down, Zhou Ke vaccinated the live broadcast room first.

Because Liu Qiang and the others had to park their car at the back, Su Wei and the others got on the elevator first, since it wasn't on the first floor anyway, so they didn't wait for them.

"Brother He, my shoelaces are untied, help me hold the live broadcast room." Zhou Ke was about to enter the elevator when he saw his shoelaces untied and kicked them as he walked.

If it wasn't live broadcast, she would have asked her assistant to squat down and help her tie it on, but now that it was live broadcast, she definitely couldn't call her assistant for such a thing.

Su Wei took her mobile phone and looked at the screen as normal, but for some reason, she kept swiping her card in the live broadcast room.

"What's the matter, is it stuck?" Zhou Ke tied his shoelaces, got up and leaned next to Su Wei's arm, and watched the live broadcast room.

"It's stuck, it's stuck"

"I'm stuck, why is it playing back?"

"Kaka Kaka"

There is a piece of card in the barrage, but no other text can be seen.

Zhou Ke saw that everyone was talking about being stuck in the live broadcast room, and thought it was really stuck, so he kissed Su Wei directly on the mouth.

Because starting from the private room, the two of them kissed at least dozens of times in the two hours, so she didn't think much about it, she just thought that anyway, the live broadcast room was blocked and she couldn't see it, but she didn't expect that the live broadcast room would She was lying, and even deceived her, an old anchor.

The live broadcast room is locked. Originally, the water friends wanted to see the anchor, some little secrets outside the camera, but they didn't expect to catch such a big, explosive news this time.

The barrage exploded in an instant, and the barrage was still stuck before.

Ever since they saw Zhou Ke and Su Wei kissing, now the bullet screen is full of kisses, and they can't see other bullet screens at all.

The little assistant also saw that the card had been swiped in the bullet screen, and she felt that something was wrong, because the upload speed of the mobile phone had been good, and she did not see it returning to zero.

So she turned on the panda live broadcast on her mobile phone, but there was no card at all. When Zhou Ke asked if it was a card, she saw Zhou Ke kiss Su Wei before she could answer.

She was dumbfounded on the spot. She never expected that Zhou Ke would kiss Su Wei during the live broadcast.

She has lost sight of the following plot, because after this kind of thing happened, she didn't know that her boss would not broadcast it live.

After Zhou Ke kissed Su Wei, she also noticed something was wrong with the barrage, and then she squatted down immediately, pretending that her shoelaces hadn't been tied yet.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Zhou Ke really wanted to bring the CP rhythm of herself and Su Wei.

But she kissed Su Wei, that was really not intentional, because this matter is no longer using CP rhythm to suppress the rhythm of the platform.

It's a nuclear bomb that can destroy her live broadcasting career, which has been detonated by her own hands, okay?

"We just know that the people who checked in in the live broadcast room just now are deceiving people with their rhythm. How about it, they were deceived by Zhou Ke and I's performance just now. You deceived us, and of course we deceived you too," Su Wei also said. Very speechless, I didn't expect Zhou Ke to do things without considering the consequences, he could only forcibly clean up the effect of the show just now.

Fortunately, Zhou Ke just tapped his lips lightly, instead of kissing his whole mouth, otherwise you don't need to explain, just lie down and admit it.

In fact, this matter is really nothing to Su Wei, because he doesn't make money from live broadcasts.

But it has a great impact on Zhou Ke. She can earn hundreds of millions a year by live broadcasting.

If today's incident really ruined her job, Su Wei believed that Zhou Ke would rely on him 100%.

Through the previous chat and today's contact, he could feel that Zhou Ke had a very clingy character.

"I believe it, I believe it"

"What you say is what I believe"

"Brother He: It's [-]:[-] in the morning, whoever is for and whoever is against"

Most of the bullet screens posted by the water friends in the live broadcast room are just for watching the excitement, or they are crazy about the rhythm, or they are acting strangely.

In addition to these people, there is also a small group of people who are old water friends in Zhou Ke's live broadcast room. They believed Su Wei's nonsense and were brainwashing themselves. The one just now was the effect of the show.

"Everything just now was the effect of the show. Seeing that the barrage is rolling so fast now, it proves that Brother He and I have successfully deceived everyone just now." After all, Zhou Ke is an old anchor for several years. After the embarrassing period, he took the phone from Su Wei and began to forcibly wash it.

At this time, Li Ziwei entered Zhou Ke's live broadcast room with a large account, and brushed 20 Buddha Jumping Walls for her live broadcast room.

"Didn't you see the obvious borrowing just now?" After Li Ziwei came in and brushed 20 Buddha Jumping Walls, he also began to help Zhou Ke clean up.

Li Ziwei didn't plan to broadcast live today. As for his fan base, he has been gossiping about Su Wei and Zhou Ke. He didn't know anything about it because he didn't check his phone.

Her sister organized a girlfriends party today, and there was a girlfriend who had just returned from studying abroad, and her elder sister planned to introduce him to him.

Everyone was chatting vigorously, Su Wei made a voice call to him, and then hung up immediately.

He turned on his phone and looked at WeChat, and saw the message Su Wei sent him, asking him to quickly open an account to save the scene, and then he opened an account and entered Zhou Ke's live broadcast room.

He observed it first, and read what the barrage said for a while, saying that he just saw Zhou Ke and Su Wei kissing in the elevator, and he couldn't help but sigh that Zhou Ke is really brave. .

He has been an anchor for a while, because he is the top rich second-generation character in Shanghai, so he has been the head anchor of the outdoor broadcast since the beginning of the broadcast.

He is too aware of how many fans a head anchor has, not to mention that Zhou Ke is a sister of the panda platform, and his popularity is not at the same level as him.

He didn't believe a word of Zhou Ke's whitewashed words. After all, he didn't know Zhou Ke, so didn't he know Su Wei? It was because he knew Su Wei's character so well, so he knew Su Wei about this kind of thing. Come out completely dry.

When he charged money into the account, he didn't dare to let his sister know, because not only his sister was here today, but Wang Xiaoyuan and Xiaobai were also there, because today was their girlfriends bureau, and it was just incidental to introduce someone to him.

He ventilated the room management group first, and then asked the room management to go to various fan groups to persuade them not to follow the rhythm of Brother He.

Then he used Buddha to jump over the wall to open the way, and brought his family's water friends to come together to cleanse Zhou Ke.

"The one just now was indeed borrowed"

"I'm from the Kyoto Film Academy, and what I'm studying is acting. It's just obvious acting."

"You can't even tell whether it's true or false, so you come here to take the rhythm?"

Li Ziwei brought at least a thousand people here, and the group outside couldn't do money, but they were the ones who deducted the barrage from the entire platform.

"Okay, everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient. We have arrived at the door of Brother He's room. I can show you what the 16-night room looks like right now." With the fans coming to support, he quickly brought up the previous topic.

"Wow, this room is too big, Brother He, when will you take me to live?" Li Ziwei saw that the situation in the live broadcast room had improved, so he didn't leave immediately, but planned to chat for a while.

"Brother He, Brother Li asked you to take him to live here too." If Zhou Ke hadn't seen Li Ziwei helping him calm the rhythm today, she would definitely not be able to call Brother Li normally.

After all, she is Li Ziwei, the senior of the senior on the live broadcast.

"Old Li, I will stay in Kyoto for a week. If you want to live here, you can come to Kyoto, but let me say first, there is only one bed here." If Li Ziwei really comes, he will live in the garden suite at worst. Let Li Ziwei live here.

Calling Li Ziwei this time is not simply asking him to come over and clean up, and then it's over.

This matter has become a big issue now. Zhou Ke's live broadcast room has a lot of water friends, so the rhythm has been suppressed, but other anchors who know Zhou Ke have their live broadcast rooms, post bars, and fan groups. Was swiped.

And when Zhou Ke was broadcasting live, many people were recording the screen. Now in the post bar and the fan group, there have been screenshots of Zhou Ke and Su Wei kissing in the elevator. Not enough.

But when the screen recording is released tomorrow, the clarity will not be comparable to that of screenshots. Li Ziwei will at least be scolded by tens of millions of people, because of such an obvious picture of a kiss, he actually wants to reverse black and white, saying it is an acting excuse.

If you're lucky, you can just scold him for a few days, but if you're unlucky, people will find out and scold you about this matter in a few years.

"I won't come this time. Next time I go to Kyoto, you can open this room for me for one night." Li Ziwei knew that he would be scolded after today, but who called Su Wei his buddy? .

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(End of this chapter)

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