Chapter 123 Back to the Carbine

"Don't say you come to stay for one night, if you come to stay for 10 nights, I don't mind." This time Li Ziwei has paid so much, and there will be people in the live broadcast room every day in the future. Su Wei is not stingy, and plans to take good care of him in the future .

Li Ziwei turned off the live broadcast after seeing that the matter had almost subsided. The main reason was that his sister and the others had an opinion. If they hadn't known that he was the anchor, they might have a serious business, and they would have snatched his phone to watch it.

After Zhou Ke left Li Ziwei in the live broadcast room, the rhythm began to increase again, but compared to the previous live broadcast room full of black fans and rhythm fans, now it can only be a small wind and a small wave.

And an old anchor like her has seen big winds and waves. Although today's rhythm is not small, but Li Ziwei came to do 20 Buddha Jumping Walls, which helped her stabilize her live broadcast room. She was not overwhelmed by the rhythm and insisted on continuing the live broadcast.

At this time, it is absolutely impossible to download the broadcast, and the normal live broadcast can still make people believe that it was just the effect of the program.

If it is downcasted, don't say that it is true, it is the effect of the real program, and the downbroadcasting becomes real, then there is really no way to recover.

As long as the anchor does not take the rhythm seriously, the live broadcast should continue to be broadcast, preferably with a high-intensity live broadcast, and this matter can be washed away slowly.

But Zhou Ke is about to change jobs, and will not make his debut in Douyu until April [-]st.

She also knows that during the period when she is not live broadcasting, this rhythm will always be brewing, and it will explode again on the day of her debut.

But there is no way, she has already made an agreement with Douyu, just wait until today's broadcast is over, and tomorrow she will go to Wuhan to sign the contract, and then Douyu will start promoting her.

It is definitely impossible to let her continue to broadcast live on Panda, otherwise the popularity will be given to Panda, so Douyu definitely disagrees.

It is impossible for Panda to agree with her to continue the live broadcast, because she did not sign a contract when she came to Beijing this time, and because of Principal Wang, she cannot be forced to sign the contract forever, but if she is allowed to continue the live broadcast, I don’t know if she will take it away when she changes jobs. Panda how many viewers.

"Okay, so now we have seen Brother He's 16-a-night Bulgari suite, and it's getting late, and I've been here for so long, and I have to catch a flight tomorrow morning. So I'm planning to go back." Zhou Ke came in before 9 o'clock, and it's already 10.30 now, and he just chatted awkwardly here for more than an hour.

"Then I'll ask a bodyguard to take you off." Su Wei called Liu Qiang and asked him to drive Zhou Ke in his own Lamborghini Urus, and told him casually that he would bring her back after Zhou Ke's broadcast.

"Brother He is really too luxurious. I have to stay in a room for 16 a night for more than a week. Let's go out with a 911."

"What kind of hero is he? It's fine to step on other people's boyfriends, but he also poachs other people's girlfriends."

"Ke Ke really only loves No. [-], the last No. [-] has only been separated for a few days, and the new No. [-] is already on the top."

The swearing in the bullet screen has never stopped, and they immediately opened a trumpet to continue brushing after they were blocked.

Zhou Ke didn't dare to let Su Wei take her down this time. After all, what happened just now happened in the elevator. If the two of them continued in that elevator, the rhythm would definitely be even more explosive.

Zhou Ke and his little assistant put on their coats, and then came to the underground parking lot. Liu Qiang was already driving a Lamborghini, waiting at the elevator entrance.

"Master, send us to the Wanda Vista Hotel." Zhou Ke knew that Liu Qiang would send her back later, but he still had to do this.

"I'm about to get stuck"

"The people above want to eat farts, this is a bodyguard, not the number one on the list"

"He only loves No. 1 in the list, not bodyguards"

The water friends who have been watching in the live broadcast room know that the Bulgari underground parking lot will get stuck at the entrance, so they started to take the rhythm as soon as Zhou Ke got in the car.

Zhou Ke knew that she must not deal with these rhythm fans and black fans now, otherwise the rhythm would be endless, so she just chatted with her true fans normally, and she just watched the barrage of black fans and rhythm fans. not see.

"It's almost time to arrive at the hotel, so I'll be off now. I may not be broadcasting live recently. You can go to my scarf and pay attention." Zhou Ke saw that the time was almost up, because he couldn't say clearly that he was going to change jobs, so he asked fans to pay attention her scarf.

"Are there any water friends nearby, go over and see if Ke Ke has really returned to the hotel"

"I bet a carbine back"

"Coco is still so early, why did you get off? Let's chat for a while"

The people in the live broadcast room saw that Zhou Ke was off-broadcasting, and there were a lot of her true fans. There was no rhythm during her live broadcast, and after she off-broadcasted, they also started to follow her rhythm.

"Master, Wanda is up ahead. After you put my assistant down later, you can take me back to Bulgari." After Zhou Ke finished speaking, she took out her cosmetic bag and began to touch up her makeup.

Because she will see Su Wei later, she plans to meet him in her best state.

The little assistant got out of the car alone and watched the Lamborghini go away, thinking in her heart that she hoped that her boss and Brother He would have a good ending. Her boss has wanted to get married for many years, but he has never met the right person. , I hope this Brother He I met this time is more reliable.

"Ke Ke, you are here." Su Wei looked at Zhou Ke and felt that she was more beautiful than before.

"Brother He, I don't dare to live broadcast to meet you now, I feel that I have a psychological shadow." Zhou Ke really doesn't dare to live broadcast with Su Wei now, because if she continues to live broadcast with Su Wei, she I was afraid that I would be driven crazy by the rhythm.

"It's not that when you saw the live broadcast room, they swiped the card, and thought it was a real card. You are an old anchor. You wanted to kiss me at the time, and you turned the camera to the other side, and nothing happened. Got it." Su Wei didn't know whether Zhou Ke knew whether it was a real card or a fake card in the elevator.

"It's all your fault, it's all because of you kissing me so many times that I got used to it. This time, on April 4st, you must come over and give me strong support, then I'll take it as a thing of the past." Now that the incident has already happened, Zhou Ke has no other choice but to act like a spoiled child to Su Wei to make him feel guilty, and then he can come to Douyu to give her strong support.

"No problem, I will definitely come over when the time comes to give you strong support and let these people in Douyu see how the real Shenhao spends." Prepare yourself for fame.

Hearing what Su Wei said, Zhou Ke couldn't help offering his own sweet kiss.

Su Wei has already spent more than 200 million yuan on Zhou Ke, and by April 4st, he will definitely go there and give her another few million yuan, and he has no intention of asking Zhou Ke to give him this money After all, this money is equivalent to the consumption of his fame.

(End of this chapter)

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