Chapter 129 Zhang Xuewei Can't Tell Her Suffering (Two in One)

The next day.

When Su Wei was woken up by the phone call, she really felt like her head was about to explode.

Reaching out to look at the phone, I found that it was Wu Fei calling, and then I remembered that I had an appointment with Wu Fei, and I was going to see the house today.

When she was about to answer the call, she happened to hang up on the other side. It should be Wu Fei who saw that Su Wei hadn't answered the call for a long time, and thought that Su Wei hadn't woken up yet, so she hung up the phone in order not to disturb his sleep.

Su Wei didn't go back immediately. One is that he is still awake, and the other is that he found a woman sleeping next to him. If the woman said something when he was on the phone, it would be over.

At first he thought it was Li Qiuhua sleeping in it, so he casually lifted the quilt, only to find that it wasn't Li Qiuhua, but the naked Zhang Xuewei.

He was very strange, he didn't know how Zhang Xuewei would sleep here, after all, he wanted to sleep with Zhang Xuewei yesterday, but he was drunk yesterday, could it be that Zhang Xuewei took the initiative?

And there was blood on the bed, did Su Wei fight in blood yesterday?
Su Wei was still thinking about something, Zhang Xuewei was originally covered under the quilt, but now that the light stimulated her eyes, she has woken up.

"Ahhhhhhh, why are you here, what did you do to me?" Zhang Xuewei just woke up when she saw Su Wei standing next to her, topless, in a daze.

"Stop yelling. The sound insulation in this room is super good. If you yell out your throat, no one will hear you. Besides, I was drunk yesterday. Who knows if you took the initiative?" There is nothing wrong with Su Wei's suspicion. After spending several million in the bar, many people have already sent messages to ask about his great power in OT yesterday.

After all, in today's society, it's normal to meet some weird friends. In addition, Shanghai and Kyoto are the two top cities in China, so it's normal for rich second generations to meet.

"You, I'm not a money-worshiping woman, and I've always kept myself clean. I can't be the one who took the initiative yesterday. I want to find a mobile phone to call Qiuqiu." Zhang Xuewei was about to cry after being so slandered by Su Wei.

She looked under the quilt, she was not wearing anything, she could only wrap the quilt around her body, and planned to find her mobile phone.

After the quilt was rolled up, it was found that Su Wei was also naked, and the blood stains on the bed were particularly obvious.

"What's wrong with you. It's okay, you give me your phone number, I'll call, so it's quicker." Seeing Zhang Xuewei seeing the blood, Su Wei was dumbfounded, so he stood there blankly.

"139xxxxxxxxx" Zhang Xuewei gave out the phone number dumbly. She saw Su Wei naked just now and planned to yell, but was suppressed by the bloodstain.

After Zhang Xuewei reported the call, she hugged the quilt and sat down on the ground. She felt a little dizzy now.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable." Su Wei turned on the phone and both of them heard the voice on the phone.

"Hello, President Su"

"Old Liu, did you see Zhang Xuewei's phone call yesterday? How did she and I get back yesterday?" Su Wei saw that Zhang Xuewei's call couldn't be reached, so he called Liu Qiang.

Through Liu Qiang, the two of them knew how they got back to the hotel yesterday.

At that time, because of the bar DJ, he told the whole bar in the microphone that the guests in booth 101 would give two bottles of golden ace of spades to every table in the bar.

The atmosphere in the bar was pushed to a climax in an instant, and countless people began to dance wildly.

Countless girls came to booth 101 to invite Su Wei to drink, and many of them didn't intend to leave after they came.

Li Qiuhua's little sisters originally came to see Su Wei, but they found out that there were competitors, and they were more flirtatious than the other.

At that time, because so many people came to toast, and they were all good-looking girls, Su Wei also followed him, and he just wanted to drink.

After Su Wei's 100 bottles of Ace of Spades were finished, he also ordered 100 bottles of Luminous Champagne King, and squirted while drinking.

It wasn't that Su Wei was stingy, but that there was no Ace of Spades in stock in the bar, and there was no rush for an emergency call.

Playing until 4 o'clock in the morning, none of the people in booths 101 and 102 were not drunk, and all the girls were drunk, even Xiao Xiao, who opened the wine, was put down. Standing in front of them, only Liu Qiang and his four bodyguards were left.

It's not that no men came to toast, but that all those people were stopped by Liu Qiang and the others, and even some second generations who felt good about themselves were slumped by Liu Qiang.

When Su Wei was helped into the car by Liu Qiang, he was hugging Zhang Xuewei at that time. According to him, the two hooked up while drinking.

If it wasn't for this, Liu Qiang would not have sent Zhang Xuewei to Su Wei's room.

By the way, in the Lamborghini car, a mobile phone was trampled, it should be the mobile phone that Su Wei and the others were looking for.

As for Li Qiuhua and the others, Liu Qiang spent money to open two high-class double rooms for them, and they probably haven't woken up yet.

"Well, now it's clear, the two of us looked at each other while drinking, but both of us were drunk, so we can't remember what happened yesterday, but you are too, come to auntie , why are you still drinking, do you want me to call the front desk and ask them to bring some sanitary napkins?" At this time, Su Wei still thought that Zhang Xuewei's aunt had come.

"Your aunt is here, your whole family's aunt is here." Zhang Xuewei had heard what Liu Qiang said, but she already had a vague impression.

She remembered that she felt very handsome last night because of the appearance of Su Wei, the rich second generation in Kyoto. In addition, there were too many people who came to toast, and she was also a little drunk in a daze. At that time, Su Wei was tired from dancing. , When they sat down to rest, the two chatted quietly for a while.

At that time, Su Wei looked into her eyes very seriously, said that her eyes were so beautiful, and then kissed her.

She was already very shy when she recalled this incident, but when she heard Su Wei say that her aunt was here, she was so angry that she slapped Su Wei directly, then ignored the quilt and ran to the toilet naked up.

Su Wei was stunned by the slap, he didn't know what was going on, he just asked if Zhang Xuewei had come to see her aunt.

At this time, Su Wei heard crying from the toilet, and it was that kind of suppressed crying, which made him even more confused.

If he didn't run a red light last night, then of course Zhang Xuewei was not the aunt who came here. There is only one truth, and that is Zhang Xuewei's first time.

After Zhang Xuewei ran to the toilet, thinking about what happened last night and this morning, she regretted it, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and then she couldn't help crying.

She didn't expect that her first time was neither for her boyfriend nor for someone she liked, but for her roommate's boyfriend.

Moreover, the other party is still a scumbag among scumbags, has more than one girlfriend, and when he has several girlfriends, he often goes out to hook up with girls. Thinking of this, she is even more sad.

Su Wei was also very confused when he heard the crying from the toilet, because he didn't expect that it would be the first time for Zhang Xuewei.

If Zhang Xuewei was replaced by Li Qiuhua, then he would probably just walk away. After all, everyone came out to play, so why be so serious, but in Zhang Xuewei's situation, he would definitely not be able to just leave like this. Of course, it is impossible to be responsible.

Su Wei took a look at the clothes in the room. The clothes he and Zhang Xuewei wore yesterday basically smelled of alcohol, so he definitely couldn't wear them.

He himself had clothes to change into, but Zhang Xuewei had nothing to wear.

I called the front desk of Bulgari and asked them to deliver a set of underwear and underwear for women.

He didn't know the exact size, so he could only use the estimated size he had just seen to report to them, and asked them to send it up as soon as possible.

Because there is a shopping mall next to Bulgari, things are delivered quickly.

After the hotel waiter delivered the clothes and left, Su Wei listened at the door of the bathroom, and there was no crying inside, but the sound of running water for a bath.

"I asked the hotel staff to deliver a set of clothes, and put them on the bedside." Su Wei put on a bathrobe, put down his clothes, left the room, and went to the living room.

"I was just taking a shower, why did you call me so early?" After Su Wei came out, he called Wu Fei back first.

"You woke up so early today, I thought you were still asleep." Su Wei usually only looked for her in the afternoon, so Wu Fei wondered why Su Wei got up so early today.

"Isn't this an appointment with you? Let's go to see the house together today. I'm sure I'll finish the matter in the morning." Su Wei just wanted to give Wu Fei a favor. The house was bought for the two of us to live in. This feeling.

"If you're busy, let's go to see the house next time." Wu Fei didn't react, and already regarded the house inspection as a matter of two people.

"It's 10 o'clock in the morning, and I can finish my work at about 12 o'clock. Then I will come to pick you up at 1 o'clock to pick you up for dinner, um, and then we will go to see the apartment at two o'clock." Su Wei planned to send Zhang Xuewei back first, and then go Find Wu Fei.

"Then call me when you come, or I'll come and find you directly." Wu Fei was a little afraid that Su Wei would go to school to find her, and she was afraid that Liu Jing would know about her relationship with Su Wei.

"It's okay, I've already bought a car, it's inconvenient for you to come to me." Su Wei definitely couldn't let Wu Fei come to him. If she came, she would already mind her roommate sleeping on her bed. The relationship between Su Wei and Liu Jing was involved. If Su Wei knew about it now, it would basically become an impossible task for Su Wei to catch up with Wu Fei.

After comforting Wu Fei, he called the real estate salesman and told her that the time to see the house today is two o'clock in the afternoon.

While Su Wei was on the phone, Zhang Xuewei had already changed into the clothes that Su Wei asked the waiter to buy.

The top is a white sweater, the bottom is a yellowish vest skirt, with a dark windbreaker on the outside, dressed in urban white-collar attire, these should be clothes bought by staff members who are about the same size as Wu Fei, let alone, Zhang Xuewei looks pretty good in this dress.

"Wow, this suits you so well," Su Wei praised sincerely.

"This morning's incident was just an accident. Well, I'll just pretend that we both drank too much last night. I hope you don't tell anyone about this." Zhang Xuewei's eyes were red.

"Don't worry, I'm not a big-mouthed person. Your phone was trampled. Do you want me to contact Li Qiuhua?" Su Wei was also very complicated at the moment, planning to take responsibility but not wanting to.

"No, Li Qiuhua is included in anyone, I don't want her to know, by the way, can you take me back to school by taxi?" Zhang Xuewei's mobile phone has already been remembered by herself. At that time, she was given a hand by Su Wei in the Lamborghini car. The foot is scrapped.

She also doesn't have the habit of carrying cash. Now that she doesn't have a mobile phone, she can't even get a taxi.

"I'll take you there." Su Wei planned to buy Zhang Xuewei a mobile phone to make up for it on the way.

"No need, just call me Didi." Zhang Xuewei doesn't want to see Su Wei now, she just wants to find a place to hide quickly so that she can sleep peacefully.

She has retrieved the fragmented memory now, but after she retrieved it, she felt that she might as well not have retrieved it, because the she she was last night was completely different from her usual one. She was with Su Wei at that time The appearance made her feel too shy.

"It's okay, after sending you off, I'm just going to pick up Wu Fei." Seeing that Zhang Xuewei refused to let him see, Su Wei had no choice but to move Wu Fei out.

When Zhang Xuewei heard that Su Wei was going to find Wu Fei later, she had no reason to object, so she could only agree with Su Wei to send her to school.

It's just that Zhang Xuewei is even more sad at this time, because Su Wei's words just now undoubtedly reminded her that the person who took her away for the first time this morning was her roommate's boyfriend.

On the way to school, Su Wei happened to pass by an Apple store, and Su Wei drove the car into the ground parking lot.

"Isn't your phone broken? Let's go and buy a new one." Su Wei looked at Zhang Xuewei suspiciously and explained.

When I got into the car, I saw the wreckage of Zhang Xuewei's phone, which was trampled to pieces by shoes.

"No need, I will buy the phone myself, you just send it to school." Zhang Xuewei's phone was trampled by Su Wei, but she didn't want Su Wei to pay for it, and she didn't want to get the reputation of worshiping money because of a phone.

"After I bought it for you, you can just transfer the money to me. I plan to change Wu Fei's cell phone for her too, so you can take a stroll with me." Su Wei really wanted to buy a cell phone for Zhang Xuewei, but He really planned to buy a mobile phone for Wu Fei as well.

After all, everyone uses Apple now, so why does the woman he likes still use OPPO.

When Zhang Xuewei heard that Su Wei was going to buy a mobile phone for Wu Fei, she nodded and followed him into the store without making a sound.

"Hurry up, you're walking too slowly." When Su Wei spoke, he grabbed Zhang Xuewei's hand.

"Let me go, I'll walk by myself" Zhang Xuewei was already uncomfortable, that's why she couldn't walk fast. She was afraid that Su Wei would lead her to walk very fast.

"Your hands are too cold, let me warm them up." Su Wei didn't want to drag Zhang Xuewei away quickly, he just found a reason to hold hands.

After seeing Su Wei holding her hand, Zhang Xuewei didn't pull her to walk faster, but accommodated her speed, and walked slowly to the Apple store. He didn't know the reason why he was just planning to hold her hand. .

 The last update of this year is still out, it's not easy
(End of this chapter)

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