Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 130 Buying a House in Kyoto

Chapter 130 Buying a House in Kyoto (Two in One)

In the end, Su Wei bought a mobile phone for Zhang Xuewei, and bought one for Wu Fei by the way.

Zhang Xuewei bought gray ones, and Su Wei bought silver ones for Wu Fei. The main reason is that Apple only has these two colors to choose from.

After buying the mobile phone, Su Wei accompanied Zhang Xuewei to have lunch near their school, and then drove a Volvo to take her to the downstairs of their dormitory at the school.

Su Wei drove the Volvo, returned to his Lamborghini parked outside the school, and waited for about half an hour before contacting Wu Fei.

Originally, Su Wei wanted to drive in to pick her up, but Wu Fei didn't want to be so high-profile, and she hadn't agreed to be with Su Wei yet, so she walked out, and then Su Wei picked her up at the school gate.

"What kind of car is this?" Wu Fei didn't recognize the Lamborghini logo, mainly because she didn't care about it before.

"Lamborghini, does it look good? I just bought it the day before yesterday." Su Wei got out of the car and opened the door for Wu Fei.

"It's pretty, but it's not good enough to eat. I'm so hungry now." Wu Fei has been waiting for Su Wei to eat, and now her stomach is growling with hunger.

"Then let's go." After Wu Fei got in the car, the two of them found a random restaurant to eat.

"Why don't you eat it? Doesn't this dish suit your taste?" Wu Fei thought that Su Wei didn't like the taste of this restaurant.

"No, I'm just too hungry today, I don't have much appetite now, I think you can eat." Su Wei just had a meal half an hour ago, how can he still eat now.

When we were having dinner with Zhang Xuewei, at first Zhang Xuewei was quite indifferent to Su Wei, but I wonder if it was because we held hands for a long time. When the two of us were eating, she kept feeding Su Wei. bowl.

"Then you still have to eat some, otherwise you will easily get stomach problems." Su Wei had no choice but to bite the bullet and start eating with a bowl.

"This is for you." Su Wei took out his mobile phone and handed it to Wu Fei.

"Why did you give me a mobile phone? My OPPO is quite easy to use." Wu Fei didn't answer, mainly because she didn't know why Su Wei gave her a mobile phone.

"It's for you, you can take it, if you don't want it, I'll throw it away" Su Wei said, putting the phone on top of the trash can. .

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm afraid of you." Wu Fei was afraid that Su Wei would really throw away the phone, so she could only take it.

Su Wei was afraid that she would agree, but he didn't need it, so he installed the SIM card in the Apple phone and activated it in the hotel.

"You want to buy a house, do you have an ideal community?" Wu Fei was actually quite curious, she wanted to know where Su Wei, a rich second generation, would buy a house.

"The second or third ring is better. If it exceeds the third ring, it will be a little far away from your school." In fact, Su Wei just wanted to buy a house closer to Huangchenggen.

It’s just that you don’t often come across that kind of good courtyard house. In most courtyard houses, several households live in one courtyard, and you have to go to the public toilet to go to the toilet.

"The houses in these places must be very expensive. You don't really plan to spend [-] million to buy a house, do you?" Wu Fei knows that Su Wei is rich, but it is [-] million after all. Ordinary people live for a lifetime, no, ordinary people and their families live for a lifetime. It is impossible to add up to [-] million.

"If the house is good, why don't you buy it? If there is a really good house, even if I add a few hundred million more, I will take it." Su Wei is not bragging, after all, he can earn tens of millions a day now , spend [-] million to buy a house, just sprinkle water.

Su Wei found a total of 4 real estate sales this time, all of whom were elites in the industry, and these people were recommended by the bank.

He took a look at the houses recommended by the four of them to Su Wei, and there were dozens of them.

But he still passed three people, leaving one of the best-looking real estate sales.

Su Wei waited for Wu Fei to finish her meal, then called the real estate salesperson, and heard that she was already waiting for Su Wei to pass by at the gate of the community.

Then send a location to Su Wei, the place shown in the location is Kyoto No. [-] Courtyard.

"Hello, it's Mr. Su. I'm contacting you, Lin Mengmeng." Lin Mengmeng added Su Wei's WeChat account the day before yesterday, and he was recommended to her by an acquaintance.

Her acquaintance was a small official in the banking system. At that time, Lin Mengmeng was doing housing loans for clients, and the two parties knew each other.

This time, her acquaintance had also heard of Su Wei and knew that he was extremely lustful, so she recommended Lin Mengmeng to him.

Lin Mengmeng added Su Wei's WeChat in this way, and then chatted in WeChat. She probably knew Su Wei's expectations for the house he wanted to buy.

Su Wei's core idea is to buy a luxury house.

What kind of house is considered a luxury house? First of all, the community must be tall, preferably without small apartments, and the supporting facilities must be complete, not in the suburbs.

Now that she knew these requirements, Lin Mengmeng found out all the qualified communities in the whole of Kyoto.

Then they passed all the houses below 300 square meters. After all, Su Wei was not short of money.

I found a house with more than 300 square meters, luxurious decoration, preferably no one lived in it, and sent it to Su Wei.

In fact, she still kept a few villas in Shunyi, but they were passed by Su Wei, and the last ones left were all flats in the urban area.

"This is Kyoto No. 170 Courtyard? It doesn't look good." Su Wei looked at the real estate sales in front of him. She has short hair and is quite capable. She is about [-] tall and wears a small suit. She is a typical urban bone spirit.

Su Wei has actually read the information on the Internet. This No. [-] Courtyard in Kyoto has a great reputation on the Internet, but since this woman ranked this house first, then there must be some flaws in this district, otherwise it would not be recognized. This woman is used as cannon fodder.

Su Wei has also bought so many houses, and he is too familiar with the routines of real estate sales.

"There are 6 buildings in the Jingdu No. 31 Courtyard community. The greening rate of the community has reached 2.35%, and the plot ratio is [-].

From here to the subway station, you only need to walk 500 meters.

Moreover, there are 5 kindergartens, 4 primary schools and [-] middle schools next to this real estate, so the supporting facilities here are very complete.

Besides, there is a lake view next to this community. In Kyoto, if the community relies on the lake view, the value will be different.” Lin Mengmeng felt that Su Wei was dissatisfied with this community, but she should have some professional introductions of.

"You said the one next to it is called a lake? I don't care if there is a lake or not. You should introduce the house types." Su Wei didn't buy any houses on both sides of the Huangpu River in the magical capital because he was afraid of the heavy humidity. He really didn't see this small lake. in the eyes.

"The house that I recommend to Mr. Su this time is a 307-square-meter apartment with 4 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 3 bathrooms and 1 kitchen." The suite is added.

"This house is so big, but there are no windows in the toilet." Wu Fei accompanied Su Wei to look at the house, and first looked for the defects of the house, which was to prepare for Su Wei's bargaining later.

It's just that she didn't know that this sale was recommended by the bank, and the price quoted was the base price.

"Xiao Lin, let's change to another one. My girlfriend doesn't like this house." Su Wei didn't like this house in the first place. Hearing that the three bathrooms were all hidden guards, he planned to change places directly.

Lin Mengmeng didn't care if Su Wei wanted to change places, after all, this house was originally the cannon fodder she pushed out.

"Then Mr. Su, I won't drive by myself this time, and I might have to rub your Lamborghini." Lin Mengmeng is still very curious about the Lamborghini driven by Su Wei. After all, this is the first time she has lived in Kyoto for so many years. See.

She chose to get in Su Wei's car instead of driving by herself, just to see if she could build a good relationship with Su Wei and his girlfriend Wu Fei.

At the second stop, Li Mengmeng brought Su Wei to the famous Hesheng Xiaoyun Road No. 2.

"President Su, this house is in Kyoto, and it's the most famous neighborhood. There are hardly a few people in Kyoto who haven't heard of it, and it's all big houses, and there are only two houses in it.

One is 450 square meters with four bedrooms, three living rooms and five bathrooms, and the other is 520 square meters with five bedrooms, three living rooms and six people.And there are a lot of celebrities living here, for example, that Canadian lives here." Lin Mengmeng didn't know that when she said that the Canadian lived here, Su Wei had already sentenced him to death for this house.

"The community that is being built next to it is a bit similar to this one. Is it the second phase of this community?" Su Wei heard that in this community, the Canadian lived here, so he would definitely not want it, after all, the Canadian came If you are caught at the right time, then paparazzi will not be here every day.

"That's Aman, Kyoto. It's the second phase of this community, but it's been renamed. I heard that there are only two apartment types in it, one is 450 square meters, and the other is 900 square meters." Lin Mengmeng heard it, but Su Wei didn't look at it. Go to this community, because when we got there, others didn't even get out of the car.

"This 900-square-meter apartment is not a combination of two houses." One set is 450 square meters, and the other is 900 square meters. If it doesn't matter, Su Wei won't believe it.

"It seems that we have indeed got through. At that time, we may need to apply for two real estate certificates." Seeing Su Wei teasing, Lin Mengmeng also echoed.

"This community is too pitiful, so we won't go in and see. Is there any bungalows in the back? I don't want to look at the high-rises." Two real estate certificates, this developer is also a little clever ghost.

In the third house, Lin Mengmeng brought Su Wei to Wanliu Academy.

"President Su, this is the best community in our capital, Wanliu Academy. In this community, the primary school is Zhongguancun No. [-] Primary School, the middle school is the High School Affiliated to Renmin University, and then Peking University and Tsinghua University. Basically, they all belong to one train. served.

Moreover, the straight-line distance from the subway next to it is only 100 meters in total if you walk over it, which means that it was built next to the subway.

Moreover, its geographical location is in the core area of ​​Haidian, so the average price of houses here is 17 square meters." Lin Mengmeng is very confident about this house, because as long as it is really not short of money, then this The house is definitely looking good.

"When I buy a house, I only look at the quality of the house and the community. The school district is not particularly important to me." The school district is what ordinary people pursue.

For a man of Su Wei's worth, the school district is not something he considers, because a rich man like him really wants to send his children to top schools, there are ways, no matter if it is domestic Tsinghua University and Peking University are still in the Ivy League of Beacon Country. It is basically not difficult for his children to choose which school they want to go to.

Some people will definitely refute, telling you that if you want to enter these schools, you need this condition or that condition, it is only because those people are not rich enough.

If children really want to study in these schools, they donate [-] million yuan directly to the school. If the RMB is not enough, then exchange it for US dollars. I don’t believe that any school will reject such a sincere student.

"Well, you are guaranteed to be satisfied with this apartment, Mr. Su.


Then here, the downstairs is converted into three suites with bathrooms, and then a public bathroom and a nanny room are added, and then upstairs, there are 130 square meters, all of which are master bedrooms.” Today’s set The house is new from Wanliu Academy. Originally, Su Wei didn't want a duplex building, but Lin Mengmeng saw that this house type was really good, so she added this house.

"I heard that the community of Wanliu Academy is very good. I've heard of his reputation in our school. I came to see it today, and it's really good. And all the bathrooms here have windows." Wu Fei didn't know if Su Weixi didn't like it here, She liked it anyway.

"This house type is really okay, what's the price of this house?" Su Wei felt that this house was really good, much better than the No. [-] Courtyard in Kyoto he had seen before.

"The landlord hasn't lived in this house since he bought it. His current quotation is 175 a square meter, and the total price of this house is 000 million." Seeing Wu Fei's satisfaction, Lin Mengmeng knew that the house was stable. .

Because she could tell that Su Wei didn't really care about buying a house. If she didn't know that Su Wei was indeed a rich man, she would have thought that Su Wei was one of those unusual clients that she usually met.

Many people don't buy houses, but they just like to look at houses, and because of Lin Mengmeng's beauty, many people even pretend to be clients to look at houses.

"Ah, this house costs more than 8000 million yuan, so it's too expensive." Wu Fei regretted it. She shouldn't have acted like she liked it just now, and should have found fault.

"This house can be determined. Is there any other house? If not, then buy this house." Since Su Wei is interested, he won't talk nonsense and take it directly.

But he still plans to see if there is a better one, because he heard that Lao Liu's family has bought a few houses here, and he is afraid that if something happens to Lao Liu later, the neighborhood will be surrounded by paparazzi again.

Lin Mengmeng was also shocked when she heard that Su Wei was going to take the house down without even paying back the price.

After all, it took only 10 minutes for the three of them to come in to see the house, and because there was no furniture inside, the house was empty.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Su planned to buy it just because his girlfriend liked it.

In fact, the main reason was that Lin Mengmeng was introduced by the bank, and Su Wei believed that the bank would not cheat him, so he didn't return the price.

The fourth house is the Oceanwide Family in Kyoto. This house is 466 square meters, with five bedrooms, two living rooms and six bathrooms. The total price is 980 million.

Moreover, the furniture is already furnished inside, and Su Wei likes the decoration style of the previous landlord very much.

 It's not easy to come out today.
(End of this chapter)

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