Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 131 I want both of these two suites

Chapter 131 I want both suites (two in one)

"Boss Su, I don't know what you think of these two houses. Is there any one you are more satisfied with?" Of course, Lin Mengmeng hoped that Su Wei could buy the house in Wanliu Academy.

After all, the price of that house is 500 million, while the price of the house of Oceanwide Family is 7000 million, the price difference between the two is 1500 million.

The price difference is 1500 million. If she can get the agency fee, the difference is 30. Of course, she hopes that Su Wei will buy Wanliu Academy.

And because she and the company are open on July [-]rd, that is more than [-] less. If you buy a bag, you can get a limited edition.

But even if Su Wei bought Oceanwide Family, it would be good, at least there would be an intermediary fee of 140 million, which is better than not billing.

"I don't care about the house. Which one do you like? I definitely need to see my girlfriend's opinion. After all, I will live with her in this house. Which house do you think is better, Feifei?" A little?" That's what Su Wei asked, even though this house is Su Wei and Wu Fei's love nest.

But Su Wei is a very clear person. Unless you give him a child, he is absolutely impossible to give him a house. After all, he is just a girlfriend. If you say break up, the two will break up. At that time, there will be a lawsuit because of the house. , then it's a dog.

"I won't live with you. But if I choose, compared to this one, although the price is a bit cheaper, I think the Wanliu Academy is better. At least all the toilets have windows. , and if there are children in the later stage, it will be more convenient to study.” Which girl goes to see the house, and will not imagine the scene of living in it.

Wu Fei was no exception. After seeing so many houses today, she would compare them in her heart. If she bought a house by herself, where would she buy it?If you have children, which one would be more suitable.

"Xiaolin, then you can help me decide on Wanliu Academy. Well, today is Saturday. I will make a deposit to your company later. Can I transfer the ownership on Monday?" Since Wu Fei has taken a fancy to Wanliu Academy, let’s buy Wanliu Academy in the open, anyway, Su Wei plans to buy both houses.

It's just that Wu Fei can't let Wu Fei know about this matter, after all, he may bring different women to live in this house of Fanhai Family.

"Okay, then Mr. Su, let's go back to the company together. I'll sign the contract for you. Are you going to pay the full amount or mortgage? I'm so excited, I forgot to ask just now." Lin Mengmeng saw that Su Wei really chose Wanliu Academy is also very excited.

After all, this house is worth 8500 million. There are basically few people who can sell such an expensive house in Beijing.

If it weren't for her acquaintance at the bank this time, it would be impossible for her to get in touch with Su Wei. After all, there are tens of thousands of people in the entire capital who are engaged in real estate, and there are many beautiful real estate sales. After all, I haven't sold a house for a year after working, and the commission is high.

So now many beauties who are beautiful and highly educated have started to engage in real estate sales.

"Of course it's the full payment. I don't like installments and mortgages when I buy things." Su Wei is so rich and willful.

"Mr. Su, you are so arrogant. Then you have to trouble Mr. Su to give me a ride to our company. Our company's store is quite close to here, about 15 kilometers away." Lin Mengmeng heard Su Wei He was also stunned to buy the house in full, but it was not that he was shocked to buy the house in full, but was surprised that he could come up with so much cash.

After all, many rich people will buy a house with full payment, and then mortgage the house to the bank, and loan the money for buying the house from the bank.

Then money begets money, and money begets money, and the rich get richer and richer.

But being able to draw 8500 million directly to buy a house, no matter whether he takes out a loan or not in the later stage, being able to take out so much cash already proves his strength.

"Your car is parked in Courtyard No. [-], don't you want to pick it up?" Su Wei remembered that Lin Mengmeng came by car. After all, it is impossible for a business elite like her to not have a car.

Su Wei has actually seen through Lin Mengmeng. Although she looks very cold on the surface and has short hair, Su Wei has experienced so many women. It's cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

"It's okay, just leave the car there. I'll pick it up at night. It's important for me to sign a contract with Mr. Su." Things are more important than making money.

"Okay, then let's get in the car, finish it early, and we have something to do tonight." As soon as Wu Fei got into the car at noon today, she told Su Wei that she was going to treat guests tonight, and she wanted to invite Su Wei to eat delicious food.

Lin Mengmeng glanced at Wu Fei, the co-driver, and felt that she was really happy. After all, she could tell from her clothes that she should have grown up in an ordinary family, but unexpectedly met Su Wei, who made her complete the transformation into a crow. This process in Phoenix.

This made Lin Mengmeng very envious. Although Wu Fei was pretty, Lin Mengmeng didn't have such a good life, and she was not bad in appearance. But at the age of 27, she was still alone.

Su Wei and the others followed Li Mengmeng to their company. Wu Fei didn't go in, but waited for them in the co-pilot, mainly because she was still researching where to eat at night.

Su Wei came to Lin Mengmeng's store this time to sign a contract and pay extra. The landlord doesn't need to see it. After all, Lin Mengmeng's store signed an exclusive sales contract for these two houses.

If everyone had the resources, it would be impossible for Su Wei to actually give the two-point contract, after all, the involution is so serious.

"Mr. Su, the contract for this house is here. After signing the contract, and then you send me the deposit, the contract will be considered effective." Lin Mengmeng took Su Wei into the store and asked their store manager to come and receive Su Wei , and then she went to work on the contract, and waited until she was done before coming to Su Wei.

"Slow down, I have something to say, Xiao Lin, close the door." Su Wei originally wanted Lin Mengmeng to prepare the contract for the two houses, but she had been busy since she entered the door, and Lin Mengmeng had been busy. The manager of Mengmeng and the others is also a good-looking young woman. It was not until Lin Mengmeng came over from work that Su Wei remembered that there was still something to say.

In addition, since the door was not closed just now, he was embarrassed to chat with their store manager, after all, there were people coming and going here.

What's more, there are real estate sales from time to time, especially when passing by the door, pause to see what Su Wei looks like.

After all, the house that Su Wei bought was the most expensive house sold by their store, and it was only over 1000 million to over [-] million.

"President Su, do you have any objections to the contract?" Lin Mengmeng approached Su Wei after closing the door.

She is not afraid that her store manager will see this scene, after all, it is not shabby to make money.

"No, didn't I talk about buying Wanliu Academy before? My girlfriend was there at the time, so I can't say a lot about it. My current thought is that I want both houses, whether it is Wanliu Academy or Oceanwide Family , I bought both houses in full, but I don't want my girlfriend to know that I bought the house from Oceanwide Family, no problem, right?" Su Wei felt Lin Mengmeng in his ear, and the words brought heat.

Sure enough, he guessed right, this woman is not an ordinary flirt, she dared to do this in front of their store manager.

"Ah, really, Mr. Su, are you planning to take both sets?" Lin Mengmeng's store manager frowned when she saw Lin Mengmeng's appearance. After all, she remembered that Lin Mengmeng had not sold houses before. That's it.

When Su Wei said that she wanted to buy two suites, she almost jumped up. After all, the houses of Wanliu Academy and Fanhai Family were exclusive to her, that is, besides the store manager's commission, she also had a exclusivity fee.

Out of the 300 million, she can also divide into hundreds of thousands, can she not be excited.

"Mr. Su, don't worry. I promise I won't let Ms. Wu know. I don't know if Mr. Su is free today. I would like to treat you to a meal." At first Lin Mengmeng thought that Su Wei was different from the rumors. single-minded person.

At that time, she knew the elder sister of the bank, but she told her that Su Wei was a super big customer of their bank, but he was more lustful, so she could start from this aspect if she wanted to sell the house.

Today, when he bought a house, he listened to Wu Fei's opinions throughout the whole process. Lin Mengmeng thought he had soft ears.

As a result, his girlfriend was not around, and he immediately began to reveal his true nature.

After all, if you don't let your girlfriend know about buying a house, you must be thinking that the red flag at home will not fall, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside.

"Today I'm going to have dinner with my girlfriend. How about it? I'm free on Monday. Then we'll have dinner together. By the way, I like girls better, and I wear black silk with letters." Su Wei's words are clear.

"Okay, then let me and our shop manager find a better shop and invite you to dinner, Mr. Su." Seeing that her shop manager frowned just now, Lin Mengmeng was upset, so she sent her shop manager Also dragged into the water.

"Yeah, we must have invited you for this meal." Cao Yuqing was originally there to watch a play, but who knew that the fire had burned her body, so she had no choice but to agree.

I know that Lin Mengmeng is afraid of her talking nonsense, after all, this matter can be done or not, and after selling these two houses, she can get hundreds of thousands less.

"Okay, then I'll see what you guys invite me to eat." Su Wei glanced at Lin Mengmeng's store manager, who looked about in his early 30s and looked like a young woman, which made Su Wei want to move.

Su Wei signed two contracts, and then transferred 1000 million to Lin Mengmeng's company, which was regarded as the deposit for the two houses. He only had to wait until the real estate bureau went to work on Monday, and then he could go to transfer the ownership.

"Who owns this motorcycle? It's very handsome." When Su Wei went out, he saw a motorcycle outside the store, and he looked very handsome.

"Mr. Su, this motorcycle is mine. Occasionally, when I need to rush somewhere, I will ride it there." Lin Mengmeng's motorcycle is a red Honda CBR650.

"This car is so handsome, I didn't expect you, Xiao Lin, to ride a motorcycle." Su Wei really thought this car was very handsome, and he never thought that this car was actually owned by Lin Mengmeng.

But looking at her short haircut, she looks very capable. In fact, it is normal to ride this bike.

"Boss Su, do you want to try this car?" Lin Mengmeng handed the key to Su Wei.

To be honest, if it were other people, Lin Mengmeng would definitely not let them test drive, after all, she has always treasured this car.

But Su Wei is different. He bought two suites, but he brought Lin Mengmeng a performance of 300 million. Even if he gave her acquaintances in the bank a sum of money, the money in her hands was no less than 100 million. .

"Forget it, I don't know how to ride, but when I get out of the car and come to Kyoto, I will probably ride a bike, and then I will ask you to come out and press the road." In Su Wei's recent circle of friends, they have been running karts, racing cars, and riding motorcycles The video, which made Su Wei feel a little itchy, and planned to go back to Shanghai, and also go to the track to have fun.

"That's great. I didn't expect that a big boss would be ushered in the motorcycle circle soon, but Mr. Su, I just rode on my own and didn't join the circle. If you want to enter the circle, I can help you find it." Look around." Lin Mengmeng was riding a bicycle on the road, and many people wanted to pull her into various motorcycle groups, but after she went in and looked at it, she found that the three views had been subverted, so she quit the group.

Since then, I have been riding and playing alone, and I have never added a group.

"What kind of circle do I join? I don't even join their circle if I get in. I just think motorcycles are cool, but I don't want to join the circle." Since Su Wei became famous, various circles like Su Wei have opened their arms, but Su Wei Wei did not enter any group.

There are a lot of people in Shanghai who want to get to know him, but he doesn't respond. Up to now, there is still only the group of car friends who joined at that time.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" When Su Wei got into the car, he was already yawning boredly when he saw Wu Fei.

"It's not boring, it's just that I didn't expect you to go in for so long. I would have been waiting for you if I knew it." Wu Fei immediately regained her spirits when she saw Su Wei getting into the car.

"Give me the address of the restaurant. We're leaving." Su Wei fastened his seat belt and checked the time. It was already past five o'clock.

"It's here. I've already done some research. There's a parking lot here." The place Wu Fei arranged for this time is a seafood buffet, and the average night is 430 per person.

For Wu Fei, this consumption is already a relatively high consumption. After all, this money is her New Year's Eve money this time. She has collected a total of more than 1000 during the New Year.

"Sister Lin, you want to treat this time, you have such a big order today." Lin Mengmeng's colleague, after seeing Su Wei's Lamborghini left, started booing and asking Lin Mengmeng to treat her.

"That's right, today's Sister Lin's order, after the transaction is completed, basically the circle of friends of the same industry will be maxed out." Don't look at the expensive housing prices in first-tier cities, but this kind of luxury house that is close to hundreds of millions can be sold in a year. That's a pretty good deal for a few sets.

And most of them are first-hand housing transactions. For second-hand housing, the circulation of such an expensive house is not generally poor.

After all, there are buyers with so much money, they will give priority to new real estate.

"No problem, I'm treating guests today, what do you want to eat, feel free to eat." Lin Mengmeng is also very forthright, with such a big order today, it's just a trivial matter to invite you to dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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