Chapter 136
"Mr. Su, I'm sorry, it's fully booked today, and I really can't arrange a room." Bulgari's front desk already knows Su Wei. After all, Su Wei has already spent money here during his stay at Bulgari. Hundreds of thousands of friends.

Because today was already the weekend, and Su Wei had specially called before, asking them to wait until they saw him come to open a room, and directly said that there was no room.

If ordinary guests come here now, there must be no room left, but if Su Wei comes to ask directly without saying hello, then it is not necessarily true, because hotels often have reserved rooms for those super VIPs Came here temporarily.

"It can't be my fault. At this point in time, other hotels are similar, and they should all be full. After all, today is the weekend." Su Wei turned around and stretched his hands at Wu Fei, expressing that there was nothing he could do.

"Then what should I do, I will definitely not share a room with you today." Wu Fei insisted inexplicably.

"It would be great if the house I bought has been transferred, then we can move in. There are many rooms in that house." Su Wei just followed Wu Fei's words, even if Wanliu Academy has really transferred, There is not a single piece of furniture in it, and it is impossible to live in.

"Why don't you send me back to school, I'll see if there's a dormitory on the first floor of the dormitory that's still sleepy at this point, I'll try to see if I can climb in." Wu Fei began to come up with random ideas.

"Can you not install iron railings on the first floor of your dormitory? Climb in. If you are discovered, you will become famous on Monday. The title is that Colonel Wu spent the early morning climbing over the railings to enter the dormitory and frightened everyone in the dormitory." Su Wei Pulling Wu Fei, she sat in the lounge area of ​​Bulgari's lobby, and asked the waiter to serve two bottles of water.

"Then what should I do now? It's already past 1 in the morning." Wu Fei didn't expect that it was past one and she still hasn't slept.

She usually wakes up at 7 o'clock in the morning, and then goes to the school playground for a few laps.

Then she goes to bed before 11 o'clock every night. She has had this habit in college for more than a year.

"Then I'm sorry, you sleep on my bed tonight, and I'll sleep on the sofa in the living room." Su Wei said the plan he had already thought up.

"Wouldn't that be too good, and can I trust you?" Wu Fei still couldn't believe Su Wei, after all, she was a big girl, if she was not careful, she would turn into a young woman.

"I promise." Seeing that Wu Fei believed him a little bit, Su Wei immediately acted extremely serious.

Wu Fei had no choice but to believe in Su Wei. After all, there was no room in the hotel, and it was impossible to go back to school, so she had to go to Su Wei's room to sleep.

"This Mr. Su is really rich. He lives in a Bulgari suite worth more than [-] a night every day." One of the receptionists watched Su Wei get on the elevator and saw that there were no guests coming in the early morning, so he chatted with her colleagues in a low voice. .

"He is indeed rich. I have acquaintances who are in the security department. I heard that Mr. Su has bought four cars since he came to Kyoto. Two are his own and two are for bodyguards. Now those cars are just Parked in the underground parking lot of our hotel.” Seeing that there were no customers at the moment, the other receptionist also started gossip.

"Hey, if only he wasn't such a scumbag." Bulgari's front desk appearance is all 80 points, and she also has a heart that turns a crow into a phoenix.

"Ouch, you're moved." Since Su Wei became rich, because of his confidence, no matter when he talks, walks or sits, he looks graceful and generous. To be honest, he is a bit handsome.

Coupled with the halo of being rich, there are quite a lot of women who want to be his dog lick.

When Su Wei and the others came to the room, the blood-stained sheets and the messy bathroom had all been cleaned up by the cleaners. Anyway, Wu Fei didn't see any traces of people living in it when she came in.

"Then we have agreed, you sleep on the sofa in the living room today, and I sleep in the bedroom, you are not allowed to come in." Wu Fei entered the door and began to make three chapters.

"Okay, I'll sleep on the sofa tonight, but you have to let me wash up first." Su Wei knew that this matter should not be rushed, so he could only take it step by step, after all, he really liked Wu Fei.

Su Wei came out of the bedroom bathroom to wash up. He wanted to sneak up on Wu Fei for a kiss, but Wu Fei never showed his back to Su Wei, so he had to come out with a quilt in his arms.

After seeing Su Wei go out, Wu Fei immediately locked the bedroom door, and then went to sleep in peace.

After Wu Fei fell asleep for half an hour, Su Wei knocked on the door lightly and confirmed that Wu Fei had fallen asleep inside.

Su Wei took out the bedroom key from the bar, and slowly inserted it in to unlock it.

"You're not asleep." Walking to the bed, she wanted to kiss Wu Fei, but found that she was not asleep, but was looking at him with wide eyes.

"I was already awake when you knocked on the door. Why don't you count what you say?" Wu Fei heard someone knocking on the door in a daze. She thought that Su Wei had something to do, but then she heard the sound of the key opening the door.

"It's uncomfortable to sleep outside. The sofa is too hollow. It's sunken in the middle. I don't have a support point for my waist. I can't sleep at all. I knocked on the door and found that you were asleep. I had no choice but to open the door with the key. Just let me Go to bed too, I promise it won't be more than 38 lines." What Su Wei said is indeed true, there is really a line recessed in the middle of the sofa, but it is not as exaggerated as what Su Wei said.

"What you said is true? Did you lie to me?" Seeing Su Wei's appearance, Wu Fei didn't seem to be lying.

"What I said is absolutely true. If you don't believe me, you can go to the living room and have a look." Seeing that Wu Fei was a little shaken, Su Wei immediately struck while the iron was hot, wanting to make sure that if the sofa was sunken in the middle, he would move into the room.

"Give me the bathrobe, and turn your head away." Wu Fei was wearing thermal underwear, took the bathrobe handed over by Su Wei, and saw that Su Wei turned his head away, she immediately got out of the quilt and put the bath robe on. The gown was put on.

When she came to the living room, Wu Fei found that there was really an empty line between the sofa where Su Wei was sleeping. She was afraid that Su Wei would really not be able to sleep at night, so she had to let him sleep in the room.

"It's agreed, you are not allowed to cross this line, do you hear?" Wu Fei was on the bed, and Su Wei shared a quilt.

"You've wrapped yourself up like a zongzi, I can't squeeze in even if I try to squeeze it in." Su Wei had already tested it with his feet on the bed, and Wu Fei was really wrapped tightly in the quilt.

"That can't be helped. You are sleeping next to me. Only in this way can I feel safe." Wu Fei also felt that Su Wei's feet were being tested just now, but she wrapped them tightly, and Su Wei's feet couldn't do anything about it.

Su Wei waited until Wu Fei couldn't bear it any longer, tore off her quilt, kicked his own quilt off the bed, and got into Wu Fei's quilt.

 One chapter will be released first, I will go out for dinner at night, and another chapter will be updated later
(End of this chapter)

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