Chapter 137

Su Wei felt his nose itchy, opened his eyes, and found that Wu Fei was holding her hair to tickle him.

"You're awake, it's already past 10 o'clock, get up quickly." Wu Fei had already gotten up early, and even changed her clothes.

"I'm used to it. I used to wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning, but I didn't wake up until after [-] o'clock today. It's already very late. When I get up, I have to wash the sheets." Seeing that Su Wei woke up, Wu Fei began to tear the sheets.

"It's okay, just let the hotel staff come and wash it later." Su Wei has no habit of collecting bloodstains, and the person who collects this, he thinks that kind of person is a pervert.

"No, I can't bear to let the people from the hotel wash it, it's better for me to wash it off myself." Then he took the sheets to the bathroom and started washing them.

Su Wei's sheets were all gone, and he didn't want to sleep anymore. He could only wake up early. This made him feel that Wu Fei must have done it on purpose. After all, she knew that he only woke up in the afternoon.

"Hey, I'm washing the sheets here, and you go to the toilet there, and there's a toilet outside too." Wu Fei was drunk, she was washing the sheets in the toilet, but Su Wei came in to use the toilet wearing a bathrobe.

"What's the matter, it's not like you haven't seen it this morning." Su Wei planned to take a shower after getting on the tuba.

Wu Fei couldn't resist Su Wei being so shameless, so she threw the half-washed bed sheet there, and didn't plan to wash it anymore, anyway, the blood stain had already been washed away.

"Feifei, do you want to drive?" Since Su Wei slept with Wu Fei, he planned to give her the Ferrari Portofino parked in the parking lot. After all, he didn't like to drive that car.

The Portofino car had already been delivered, and Su Wei even drove it around at night, but he still didn't like its tuning.

"Why, you want to give me a car, but I don't have a license plate?" Wu Fei had already heard from Liu Jing some time ago that Su Wei wanted to give her a car worth about 100 million yuan.

"I'll take care of this, and I'll ask you if you want to drive." Su Wei planned to go directly to the bank and rent a license plate.

"Of course I want to." Wu Fei got her driver's license and also practiced with her father's Tiguan.

"Then go, go to the underground parking lot, I'll send you a car." Su Wei planned to give the car to Wu Fei today, anyway, the insurance had already been bought.

"Have you already bought it?" Wu Fei actually has a car she wants to buy, which is a Porsche 718. She saw someone driving that car at school, and she thought it was very nice.

"Yes, if you don't like it, then we'll buy another car later." If Wu Fei doesn't want this car, then Su Wei will buy another car for her, and the Portofino car will be sealed.

"Let's go and have a look first." Wu Fei was afraid that Su Wei would buy a model like Daniel's, which would be too high-profile and not suitable for her.

The two came to the underground parking lot, and Su Wei led Wu Fei to a car covered with a car jacket.

"Is this the car? It's so mysterious." Wu Fei and Su Wei uncovered the car's cover.

I saw a red Ferrari parked quietly in the parking space.

"How about it, do you like it or not?" Su Wei took out the key and handed it to Wu Fei.

"Wow, is this a Ferrari? Is this car for me?" Wu Fei covered her mouth for fear of screaming.

This is Ferrari, a real top sports car.

Although Wu Fei didn't know the name of this car, she knew the sign.

"Yes, this car is given to you, do you like it?" Su Wei saw that Wu Fei liked it, so that's good, there is no need to buy another car.

"Will this car be too expensive?" Wu Fei just wanted to say that he didn't give Liu Jing a car, but it was only 100 million. Why did he give her such an expensive car, and then he held back the words, after all, after saying this, It feels a little cheap and good-looking.

"It's okay, I think you are suitable, so I will give it to you. If you give me a son, I will give you the house in Wanliu Academy." Su Wei was not joking, if Wu Fei really gave birth to him He really gave her the apartment in Wanliu Academy for his son.

When he went to Qiantang this time, as long as he was sure that Chen Lu's child was his, he would also give her a luxury house.

When Fatty Wang passed away this time, Chen Lu didn't seem to be able to share many things, and because she was pregnant with Su Wei's child, she didn't fight for many things.

It's not that she doesn't want to fight, but that Su Wei doesn't let her fight.

After all, as soon as Fatty Wang passed away, the capital chain of his car dealership was broken, and the things left behind were only worth tens of millions. Including stocks, real estate, etc., it was only a few hundred million, and so many people robbed them.

"I still want to study, so I'm not pregnant." Wu Fei was very moved when she heard Su Wei say that as long as she was pregnant, he would give her the house in Wanliu Academy. After all, she knew the house and its value. 8500 million.

If the house is sold, she will be able to achieve financial freedom in Kyoto directly.

But after thinking about it, she still refused. After all, the matter of having a son is not something that can be done just by thinking about it. She has studied biology, and it is up to the father to decide whether to have a boy or a girl.

Although she said she refused, she had already made up her mind that she would not use contraception in the future. If she really conceived, it would be God's will.

"It's up to you, if you want to drive around, I've already bought the insurance for this car for you this year." Su Wei encouraged Wu Fei to drive around.

"Then drive the car out first, find a place with fewer people, and then let me drive it." Wu Fei was still a little nervous. After all, this car is a sports car. She has driven a family car before, and this is the first time she has been in a sports car. Still Su Wei's big bull.

She never had the experience of riding a sports car before, after all, she didn't like girls who worshiped money that much.

Although Su Wei is also rich, and she even robbed her best friend's boyfriend, she doesn't think she is a money worshiper.

After all, it wasn't that the rich second generation had chased her before, not only the rich second generation had chased her, but her father and 40-50 uncles had also chased her, but she rejected them all.

There are also scouts from that kind of agency company who have also come to her, wanting to take her to develop in the entertainment industry, and they also promised her that she would definitely be popular with her looks.

But she still refused, after all, she really didn't like gossip in the entertainment industry.

This time she was with Su Wei, she did play a little tricky, otherwise Su Wei might not be able to sleep with her.

When she was watching the movie The Shape of Water, she watched it after 11 o'clock and slept in the room. She didn't lock it on purpose to give Su Wei a chance, otherwise it would be useless for Su Wei to have the key.

It's just that Su Wei himself foolishly thought that all the girls knew how successful his routines were yesterday, but he was just pretending to be stupid on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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