Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 138 Zhang Xuewei Plans to Stop Su Wei

Chapter 138 Zhang Xuewei Plans to Stop Su Wei
Su Wei stepped on the brakes, and then pressed a button to start, boom boom boom.

"The exhaust sound of this car is so loud." Wu Fei didn't expect the Ferrari Portofino to be so loud, and she was startled when she was sitting in the co-pilot.

"The sound of the sports car in the basement is indeed louder, just get out." Su Wei let go of the brake, put the D gear on, and the car slowly drove out of the basement.

"The sound is still so loud now, I feel embarrassed to drive to school." Wu Fei is very entangled now, because if she drives this car to school, it will not take a day, and most people in the school will know that Wu Daxiao Back to school in a Ferrari.

After all, she is so beautiful, there are many people who regard her as a goddess in school, and of course there are many people who pay attention to her.

"I think the sound is okay." Su Wei really thinks the sound of this Portofino is okay, not that loud. After all, he is used to driving sports cars. In front of Daniel, the exhaust sound of this Portofino It is the younger brother.

"If I drive this car to school, I'm afraid the school will call my family in a few days." Wu Fei still thinks it's too high-profile, and she doesn't want her family to know that she has found a super rich boyfriend.

"Well, I'm going to transfer ownership of the house in Wanliu Academy on Monday. I'll buy a few parking spaces. You can park the car at Wanliu Academy. When you want to drive, you can take the subway to Wanliu Academy to pick it up. Just a car." Su Wei's house in Wanliu Academy is likely to be given to Wu Fei, and when she becomes pregnant, the house will be given to her.

Thinking about it this way, Wanliu Academy is for Wu Fei, and the Fanhai family is his bubble house, so if his parents or other women come to Kyoto, there will be no place to live. From this point of view, Su Wei still has to buy it again. A house will do.

"That's a good idea." Wu Fei planned to wait until Su Wei finished transferring the house, and then she parked the car.

As for before buying a parking space, of course Wu Fei drove the car herself, not because she wanted to show off her wealth, but because she wanted to drive. After all, she has had a driver's license for so long and is very interested in driving. Just like Liu Jing, she is greedy. drive.

After Su Wei drove the car out, he sat in the co-pilot and asked Wu Fei to drive the car.

Wu Fei walked around the outside for a long time, had lunch outside, and then drove back to the Bulgari parking lot.

Because Wu Fei was injured today, Su Wei stayed with her all afternoon. Except for driving out before, the latter two never went out.

"I'm going back today. I have class tomorrow morning." The main reason is that if I don't go back today, I won't be home for two days at night. She is afraid of being laughed at by the people in the dormitory.

"You can go back tomorrow morning, I want you to accompany me to watch the flag raising tomorrow." Su Wei has come to Kyoto, how could he not go to Kyoto to watch the flag raising.

"Flag raising, I've been in Kyoto for almost two years, and I haven't seen it yet. Do you know what time it starts tomorrow?" Wu Fei originally wanted to go back.

But when Su Wei said that he would take her to watch the flag raising, he immediately planned not to go back today, and planned to go back to school tomorrow morning.

"I don't know. We will go there at three o'clock tomorrow. Anyway, we can definitely catch up." Su Wei also checked when the flag was raised, but found that the time is not fixed, but changes every day, so he can only go early.

Because the two of them were going to watch the flag raising early in the morning, Su Wei took Wu Fei to Arc'teryx to buy two clothes, otherwise it would be a bit cold at three o'clock in the morning.

Originally, according to Su Wei's plan, it would be better not to sleep at night, and to go there directly at three o'clock.

But Wu Fei was unwilling, dragged her injured body, and insisted on using her own method to successfully make Su Wei overworked and fell asleep at eight o'clock in the evening.

Su Wei and Wu Fei went to bed early, but someone looked at Wu Fei's circle of friends, and she couldn't fall asleep.

Zhang Xuewei saw that it was already Sunday and Wu Fei hadn't come back yet, so she knew that Wu Fei didn't plan to come back today.

She didn't know why she was so unhappy. After all, Su Wei was not her boyfriend, but the woman who made her unhappy twice was Wu Fei. She really felt that Wu Fei was here to beat her.

"Wu Fei won't come back today. Hey, it's good if the boyfriend has money, and he lives in the Bulgari suite every day." Sun Yanfang disliked Wu Fei the most. It was Sunday and saw that Wu Fei hadn't come back yet, so she began to mock.

"It's only after 6 o'clock, how do you know she won't come back, maybe she will come back later." Zhang Xuewei hoped that Wu Fei would not stay with Su Wei all the time, so she hoped that Wu Fei would return to the dormitory today.

"Didn't you check her circle of friends? People said that I'm going to watch the flag raising tomorrow. If I'm at school, I can't get out of the dormitory early in the morning, so I still go to see the flag raising like this." Seeing that Zhang Xuewei didn't know, Sun Yanfang found out Wu Fei's circle of friends showed her.

I saw that in Wu Fei's circle of friends, there was no photo location, only one sentence, I have been in Kyoto for two years, and I finally made up my mind to see the flag raising tomorrow.

"After Wu Fei got a boyfriend, it really is different. She has never stayed out at night before, and now she hasn't come back for two days." Li Qiuhua is also very jealous. Fee took it.

"Do you think we should also go to see the flag raising? I have been in Kyoto for two years, and I have never seen it." Zhang Xuewei said this sentence out of nowhere.

"Okay, okay, I have planned this for a long time, but I just can't get up." On October 10 last year, Sun Yanfang originally planned to go with her boyfriend at the time, but she didn't find out until after 1 o'clock when she left. The square is already crowded with people.

Standing behind them, they could only see the back of their heads, but nothing in front of them. They were all tourists who came to Kyoto during the holidays. Many of them came at 12 o'clock in the morning.

At that time, Sun Yanfang and her boyfriend had to go back to the hotel. They didn't see the flag raising, and they delayed their sleepiness.

"Then if we want to watch the flag raising, we can only get a room near the square today, and leave in the early morning, and come back to class after watching the flag raising." Li Qiuhua also wants to meet Wu Fei and the others by chance, and see if Su Wei sees them Panic.

"Why don't you forget it, if you really go, it will be so embarrassing to meet Wu Fei and the others." Zhang Xuewei was a little timid when the matter came to an end, after all, she didn't know how to face Su Wei.

"What's so embarrassing, no matter how rich Wu Fei's boyfriend is, we don't flatter him, and the family doesn't rely on him to make money, so why bother?" Sun Yanfang didn't know anything about Li Qiuhua and Zhang Xuewei. Su Wei slept three of them.

She met Su Wei at dinner last time, and she never saw Su Wei again.

"Okay, let's go, Fangfang, you drive, find a hotel closest to the square, then we can have breakfast before coming back." Zhang Xuewei thought about it, indeed, she is the one who suffers, why should she be afraid? Meet Su Wei.

Su Wei is not afraid of having a girlfriend, why should she be afraid.

"No, my car number is limited tomorrow, why don't we go by subway?" Sun Yanfang's car happened to end in 4.

(End of this chapter)

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