Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 139 Let's meet together

Chapter 139 Let's Meet Together
Because Sun Yanfang's car had a limited number of cars, Zhang Xuewei and the three of them chose to take the subway.

It's not because they are reluctant to pay, but because there is a subway station not far from their school, so they basically choose to take the subway when they go out.

The three of them first rode shared bicycles to the subway station, and then took the subway to the square. Only 600 meters away from the square, they found the nearest hotel and opened a business twin room, which only cost them 500. Compared with Bulgari's more than 4000 rooms, it is really cheap.

After opening the room, they didn't bring anything, because they would get up early tomorrow morning, so they didn't even go back to the room, so they found a restaurant near the hotel for dinner.

At this time, I heard the people at the next table chatting, and I realized that the people in these hotels were basically traveling to Kyoto from other places, and they all planned to watch the flag raising tomorrow.

"There are so many people. They have so many people with their families and children, and there are people from tour groups. It seems that we have to get up early tomorrow, otherwise we can only look at the back of our heads." We repeated last year's cycle.

"Well, I originally planned to get up at three o'clock, why don't we wake up at two o'clock tomorrow?" Zhang Xuewei didn't expect that the people in this hotel would go to see the flag raising tomorrow, so she could only move the time forward, otherwise they Can't squeeze in front.

"Wei Wei, who is that person?" Li Qiuhua pointed to the two people walking past outside and reminded Zhang Xuewei.

"Why did he come here to see the flag raising?" Zhang Xuewei looked at her ex-boyfriend who had just walked past, and said with a frown.

"I don't know, and how could it be such a coincidence, hey, he entered the hotel we were staying in." Li Qiuhua didn't expect that Zhang Xuewei's ex-boyfriend would also come here to stay in the same hotel as them.

"What a coincidence, you guys forgot, Wu Fei's circle of friends, we know that she is going to see the flag raising tomorrow, a dog like your ex-boyfriend, he knows Wu Fei is going to see the flag raising, of course he will come." Sun Yanfang This is called bystander clearing.

"Didn't Wu Fei not add him as a friend? How did he know that Wu Fei was going to watch the flag raising?" Zhang Xuewei remembered that Wu Fei told her that he didn't add his ex-boyfriend as a friend. Did he pass it later?
"Don't even think about it, how many girls in school have Wu Fei's WeChat, and so many people know that your ex-boyfriend is chasing her, is it normal for him to know?" Li Qiuhua is not speaking for Wu Fei, but just telling the truth .

"Forget it, it's unlucky, let's go back to the room after dinner, go to bed early today, and get up early tomorrow." Zhang Xuewei saw that her ex-boyfriend and she also lived in the same hotel, and she planned to change hotels.

Think about it later, forget it, anyway, as long as you go to bed early, you won't meet him, after all, this hotel is the closest to the square.

Zhuang Boxun is Zhang Xuewei's ex-boyfriend. He chased Zhang Xuewei back then because Zhang Xuewei was the prettiest girl in their age.

It took him three years to catch Zhang Xuewei. When the two were together, they were already graduating from high school.

Originally, he planned to sleep with Zhang Xuewei during the summer vacation, but Zhang Xuewei accepted him at that time only because of rebellion.

So of course he refused to hand over his body to him. When he went to college and finished his military training, as the only person in the dormitory who had a girlfriend, of course he refused to let him contact Zhang Xuewei and formed a friendship between the two dormitories.

At that time, he was in a friendship, and he met the person who made his heart beat for a lifetime, Wu Fei.

She was so beautiful. At that time, Wu Fei had her ponytail tied up, a white T-shirt on her upper body, and beige slacks on her lower body. Although she had just finished military training, her skin was not tanned at all.

And even though the clothes she was wearing were not famous brands, he felt that Wu Fei was shrouded in a halo at that time.

Zhang Xuewei, who was very sweet before, now he has completely despised it, not because he despised it, but because his mind was already on Wu Fei.

After he broke up with Zhang Xuewei, he immediately turned around and went after Wu Fei, but she rejected him mercilessly.

He didn't give up. After all, he chased Zhang Xuewei for three years back then. Although Zhang Xuewei was with him because of rebellion, he still succeeded. If Wu Fei hadn't appeared, he might have fallen for Zhang Xuewei now .

Because of his operation of breaking up with Zhang Xuewei and then chasing Wu Fei, Wu Fei has never passed his friend.

But it didn't bother him, he found a girl from their school, gave her 300 yuan, and then he bought a new mobile phone, and let the girl hold the new mobile phone, and successfully added Wu Fei's friends .

He usually looks at Wu Fei's Moments to see what she is doing.

Today he saw Wu Fei saying in Moments that he wanted to see the flag raising, so this opportunity has come.

He took his best roommate with him, and the two of them went to this hotel closest to the square to open a room, just to see if they could create a chance to meet when the flag was raised tomorrow.
Dividing line---
"Wake up, wake up, do you still want to watch the flag raising?" Wu Fei woke up by her biological clock before the alarm clock rang.

"What time is it? My eyes hurt so much." Su Wei got up with difficulty and looked at his phone. It was only 02:30 in the morning, not yet the three o'clock he set.

"Get up quickly, put on your clothes and go out. When you get there, it must be past three o'clock." Sure enough, there are only exhausted cows and no plowed fields.

Yesterday, Wu Fei exhausted Su Wei's energy, but it cost a lot. At that time, she was so tired that she fell asleep without taking a shower.

As a result, Su Wei was too tired to get up today, but Wu Fei was full of energy.

"You drive, don't you have to drive to school today?" Su Wei was not fully awake yet, so he asked Wu Fei to drive.

"Alright, then I'll drive you back later." Wu Fei just looked down the road from the floor-to-ceiling glass, and a few cars passed by occasionally.

This kind of empty road is very suitable for a novice driver like her to start on the road.

"No need, Liu Qiang will drive my car later, after watching the flag raising, you can go to school directly, I will drive back by myself" Su Wei is still in the stage of liking driving, and he may choose in a few years Take a business class or executive car to go out. Anyway, at this stage, he likes to drive very much.

Wu Fei started the ignition by herself today, because she was already a little familiar with the car after driving for two hours yesterday, so she didn't need Su Wei to drive the car out of the parking lot, but she drove the whole process by herself, and Su Wei leaned on the passenger window dozed off.

Because it is early in the morning and there are few cars on the road, Wu Fei will occasionally step on the accelerator deeply to experience the feeling of speeding up a sports car. This is something she has never done on the crowded road yesterday. This feeling makes her very happy. fascinated.

When she was driving a few hundred meters away from the square, she planned to park the car at the entrance of a hotel, when she saw several familiar figures coming out of it.

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(End of this chapter)

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