Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 140 She Was Voluntary

Chapter 140 She Was Voluntary

When Su Wei and Wu Fei woke up, Zhang Xuewei was also woken up by the alarm clock.

"Get up, we have to leave early, it will be bad if we meet Zhuang Boxun later." Zhang Xuewei went back to her room to sleep after dinner yesterday.

But she was on the bed, tossing and turning all the time, but couldn't sleep.

Thinking about what to do if he meets Su Wei, whether he will abandon Wu Fei to pursue her, it is impossible to think about it, after all Wu Fei is indeed prettier than her, there is no reason for him to do so.

Otherwise, Su Wei directly treated her as a stranger, as if he had never slept with her.

If Su Wei really did this, she was considering whether to expose Wu Fei's sleeping with her in front of Wu Fei's face, and she would not believe that Wu Fei could still be with him after hearing this.

But she is not such a bold person. Among the three of them, the one who can really pull herself off to do this is basically Sun Yanfang, and neither she nor Li Qiuhua can do it.

In addition to this nonsense, what if she becomes pregnant? She is still so young, if she chooses to give birth to the child, what will her family think of her, and what if Su Wei refuses to take responsibility.

If she gets pregnant with a child and destroys it, will she feel guilty about her future husband when she gets married in the future?

In short, because of this matter, after Li Qiuhua and Sun Yanfang were both asleep, she still couldn't fall asleep.

But even though she was the last to sleep, she was the first to wake up when the alarm clock rang.

"What time is it now? I haven't had enough sleep yet." Li Qiuhua shared the bed with Zhang Xuewei yesterday, but Zhang Xuewei couldn't sleep for a long time, so Li Qiuhua had no choice but to share the bed with Sun Yanfang.

The three of them came out to open a room, and it was easy for her not to share a bed with Sun Yanfang, because Sun Yanfang would grind her teeth at night.

"It's almost three o'clock now, if I don't get up again, I really can only look at the heads." Zhang Xuewei called them while putting on makeup.

"It's three o'clock now, isn't it? Get up quickly, I don't want to look at the head." Sun Yanfang couldn't get up at first, but when she heard that it was almost three o'clock, she immediately braced herself up.

After the two got up, Sun Yanfang and Li Qiuhua washed up casually, and then planned to go out.

"What are you doing, getting up so early to put on makeup, eldest sister, we are going to see the flag raising, you will still be in love with Zhuang Boxun, right?" Sun Yanfang saw that Zhang Xuewei was going out after they got up and was still putting on makeup.

And her mouth was specially painted with a masculine lipstick. Those who knew knew that Zhang Xuewei was going to see the flag raising, but those who didn't know thought she was on a date.

"You think too much, her makeup is to represent respect for the flag-raising ceremony, okay?" Li Qiuhua didn't listen to Zhang Xuewei's defense, but opened her mouth to explain for her.

She thought she and Su Wei were just having fun, after all, in this day and age, it's not uncommon for things like sleeping together after drinking too much to happen hundreds of times a day.

But looking at it now, it's not just for fun, she feels that Zhang Xuewei doesn't know what's going on, and she has fallen into it now.

If she had known this was the case, she would never have proposed to watch the flag raising yesterday, and she hadn't thought that Zhang Xuewei would fall into the trap after only meeting Su Wei a few times.

At this time, she suddenly remembered that Zhang Xuewei said that she and her ex-boyfriend were only together in name, at most they just held hands and never slept together.

At that time, she thought that Zhang Xuewei was lying, but judging from her current performance, she might have told the truth at that time. The time she and Su Wei was really her first time.

Li Qiuhua waited until Sun Yanfang didn't pay attention, and she mouthed to Zhang Xuewei, "You were the first time the day before yesterday."

Zhang Xuewei didn't understand it the first time, but when Li Qiuhua lip-synched her for the second time, she understood what Li Qiuhua meant and didn't answer her, but nodded instead of answering.

Seeing Zhang Xuewei nodding, Li Qiuhua regretted it very much at this time. Why did she propose to go to the bar at that time? Yes, she killed Su Wei for 200 million at the time, but Su Wei took her away from her best friend in college for the first time. what.

At this time, she really felt ashamed to face Zhang Xuewei. After all, she suggested going to the bar at that time, and Zhang Xuewei seldom went to the bar. Before going to the bar, she had protected her well.

But this time because they are all women, only Su Wei is a man, and he has four bodyguards to protect his safety, and because of his violent consumption, the people at their table, no matter where they go, are in the bar. With security guards clearing the way, she relaxed her vigilance, knowing that Su Wei was a big pervert and was planning on Zhang Xuewei's idea, but she was still drunk in the end.

Zhang Xuewei saw Li Qiuhua's self-blame, and wanted to tell her that it was okay, but she had no face to look at her.

She had no choice but to send a text message to Li Qiuhua, which meant that this matter had nothing to do with her. At that time, she and Su Wei went back to the room. In fact, she was not completely drunk and did it voluntarily.

Li Qiuhua broke his defense on the spot when he saw Zhang Xuewei's words.

"Qiuqiu, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?" Sun Yanfang and the others had been waiting for the elevator, but suddenly found that the people behind were silent. She looked back and saw that Li Qiuhua was in tears.

"It's okay, my family sent me a message just now, saying that it was my cat who passed away after I came to Kyoto." Of course, Li Qiuhua couldn't tell Sun Yanfang about Zhang Xuewei, otherwise if she saw Su Wei and Wu Fei later, she would be impulsive How to speak out.

It doesn't matter to Su Wei, but Wu Fei hasn't done anything wrong to them in the past two years, and it's not her fault that Zhuang Boxun likes her.

As for Su Wei, Su Wei likes to flirt with girls, how can I put it, if she hadn't had bad intentions the day before yesterday, she wouldn't have caused Zhang Xuewei to lose her virginity.

"Okay, well, it's all over, maybe it's not a bad thing, you told me that the cat is very old, since it suffers so much every day, maybe it's a relief for it to leave "In fact, Zhang Xuewei has never regretted losing her body to Su Wei the day before yesterday. After all, at that time, no matter whether there was alcohol in it or not, anyway, she did it voluntarily at that time.

Zhang Xuewei and Sun Yanfang comforted Li Qiuhua in the courtyard for a while, and when she calmed down, several people left the hotel courtyard and planned to walk to the square, after all, it was only a few hundred meters away, so it was very close.

At this time, they saw a red sports car driving in. They didn't see who was in the car, but thought it was a bit fierce.

"Weiwei, Qiuqiu, Xiaofang, what a coincidence, you guys are going to watch the flag raising too." When Wu Fei drove into the hotel, she happened to see Zhang Xuewei and the others coming out. She began to see them turning their heads, and thought they had recognized them. She was in the car, waited until they took a few glances, then turned her head and walked on.

Only then did Wu Fei realize that they were only looking at the car just now, and they didn't notice that she was driving.

 Today, relatives had dinner together, it was a bit late, there is another chapter later.

(End of this chapter)

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