Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 142 Love Rival Appears

Chapter 142 Love Rival Appears
When Sun Yanfang and Li Qiuhua heard what Wu Fei said, they fell silent.

The reason why Li Qiuhua wants to mix circles is not because he wants to enter the high-end circles to make money. The ultimate goal is to make money and live a wealthy life in the capital.

As for Sun Yanfang, although her family’s family conditions are better than Li Qiuhua’s, it’s not easy for her family to buy a house in the capital. 500 million yuan for a house, but if they buy a house within the Fifth Ring Road, their family will not be able to afford that much money, after all, cash and assets are not the same.

For a person who can give a multi-million dollar sports car to his girlfriend, the house he bought must not be in a very remote place, or even too small.

But the two of them don't want to ask anymore, after all, sour lemons are not delicious.

The two of them came to Kyoto from their hometown for exams, and saw the colorful world outside, and when they looked at the small place in their hometown, they really didn't like it anymore.

This is the reason why the leftover women in big cities are so high. They don’t want to go back to their hometown after graduation, and they want to live in the big city, but they can’t buy a house on their own.

When these leftover women were young, they would pin their hopes on finding a handsome husband who had a house and a car, preferably a successful career.

But there are not many people who meet this condition, not to mention that there is no shortage of girlfriends.

When the leftover women are older, they will want to find a local in a big city to marry, at least the locals have more houses.

But for locals, locals are basically given priority in choosing a spouse. After all, there are more than ten apartments for the man and several apartments for the woman.

So of course there are locals who really marry girls from other places, but they are very few. .

"What were you talking about just now?" Zhang Xuewei caught up with Wu Fei and the others, and saw that both Sun Yanfang and Li Qiuhua were silent.

"Let's talk about how to settle down in Kyoto." Wu Fei had a bad attitude towards the two of them, but she had a good impression of Zhang Xuewei.

"I don't know when I will be able to afford a house in Kyoto." Zhang Xuewei has a younger brother in her family, and she didn't have high expectations for her family to buy a house for her in Kyoto.

She is the only one in Sun Yanfang's family. Although the conditions of the two families are not too different, Sun Yanfang can ask her family for money to buy a house without any scruples, but Zhang Xuewei can't.

"By the way, did you drive here today?" Wu Fei didn't answer Zhang Xuewei's words. After all, the topic was too heavy, so it's better to change the topic.

That house was bought by Su Wei, she could show it off to Sun Yanfang and Li Qiuhua, but she didn't want to show it off to Zhang Xuewei.

Maybe it's because she likes Zhang Xuewei, and the house doesn't belong to her after all.

"No, the number of Sun Yanfang's car is limited today, why, you want to take us back to school?" Li Qiuhua has ridden in a Ferrari California, and knows that the car can seat four people.

"That's just right. After watching the flag raising, I'll drive you back to school." Last time Wu Fei thought they were taking a taxi, so she rubbed their car, and this time she planned to return it.

"Don't you give your boyfriend away?" Sun Yanfang didn't know that Su Wei drove a Lamborghini, nor did he know that he had a bodyguard.

"No need, he'll drive back to catch up on sleep later, the Lamborghini behind him just now is his car." Wu Fei finally realized that they didn't seem to know that Su Wei bought a Lamborghini.

"The one that enters the parking lot behind you? Is that your boyfriend's? Then who will drive for him?" Sun Yanfang saw the Lamborghini SUV behind. .

"Bodyguard, he always takes bodyguards with him when he goes out." Wu Fei began to slow down and wait for Su Wei.

“It's nice to have money”

"Yeah, it's nice to have money"

When the five people arrived at the square, the front was already occupied. Su Wei ran over, spent 500 yuan, and successfully changed places with his family and stood in the first row.

Because there were too many people, Su Wei was squeezed into the middle of several girls.

Su Wei put his arms around Wu Fei with his left arm, and then secretly took Zhang Xuewei's hand with his right hand.

At first Zhang Xuewei refused to hold her hand, she grabbed Su Wei's hand a few times with her nails, and found that he didn't intend to let go, she looked around, because there were too many people, no one noticed their small movements, so she let Su Wei hold her hand up.

Zhang Xuewei didn't know what was wrong with her. She actually let a man holding another woman hold her hand. She didn't feel like herself anymore, but when Su Wei resisted the power of her nails, she persuaded herself again I was afraid that his hand would bleed from scratching, and when he saw the red mark on her hand, he rubbed it for him.

When Zhang Xuewei looked left and right just now, she only paid attention to the two sides, but didn't pay attention to the back. The family who just sold the place to Su Wei, but they could see clearly from the back, seeing Su Wei holding a girl with his left arm, and then Holding another girl with his right hand, enjoying the blessing of Qiren.

The family's three views were shattered. I didn't expect the young people to play so wildly.

The parents decided not to let their youngest daughter apply for a university in Kyoto after returning home.

After watching the flag raising, several people walked back, and were about to reach the hotel where Zhang Xuewei and the others stayed, when a person suddenly jumped out.

"Wu Fei, what a coincidence, you also came to see the flag raising." Of course the person who appeared suddenly was Zhuang Boxun. He woke up at three o'clock this morning, when he looked out the window, he happened to see Wu Fei and Zhang Xuewei.

He originally planned to rush down to find them, but his roommate stopped him, saying that it would be strange for him to be able to catch up with girls with his outfit, and he didn't know what his roommate meant at the time.

He ran to the toilet and saw that his hair was like a chicken coop, so he had to give up the plan to go out now, but went down after washing his hair.

As a result, when he arrived at the square, many people had already come to watch the flag raising. He originally wanted to squeeze to the front to see if Wu Fei was there.

As a result, the people in front thought this kid was planning to jump in line, and almost beat him up, but his roommate hurriedly dragged him to apologize, and then said he was looking for someone, so the people in front let him go.

After this incident, he was also honest, knowing that Wu Fei must be in the front, but he couldn't make it through.

It was her roommate who reminded him that anyway, Wu Fei and the others just came from the entrance of the hotel, and they will definitely go back from there later, as long as they wait there, they will definitely be able to wait for Wu Fei and the others.

Then the two of them didn't even watch the flag raising, and went back to the hotel entrance by themselves, intending to sit back and wait.

(End of this chapter)

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