Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 143 Zhang Xuewei Beat Someone

Chapter 143 Zhang Xuewei Beat Someone
"Zhuang Boxun? Why are you here?" Wu Fei was so drunk, she didn't know how Zhuang Boxun knew that she would come to see the flag raising today. She remembered that she was not among her friends. At that time, he wanted to add friends, but she directly rejected him. Now, he actually blocked her in front of her boyfriend.

"Wu Fei, you believe in fate, who is he?" Zhuang Boxun just wanted to say do you believe in fate, when he saw Su Wei holding Wu Fei's hand.

At that time when everyone came together, the sky was a bit dark, and the two holding hands were not so conspicuous, but now that they are so close, if Zhuang Boxun still can't see his goddess being held hands, then he is really blind.

"Can't you see that, she is Wu Fei's boyfriend?" Li Qiuhua hated Zhuang Boxun very much, so why would he dump her best friend Zhang Xuewei.

"I don't believe it, Wu Fei, didn't you tell me that you don't plan to fall in love in college?" Zhuang Boxun couldn't accept that his goddess fell in love with someone else.

"I told you at the time that college didn't fall in love because you weren't him." Wu Fei hated Zhuang Boxun very much at the time, but he came to bother her every day.

She told Zhuang Boxun that she didn't plan to fall in love during college, and Zhuang Boxun did not see Wu Fei getting close to any man in school, so he gradually believed what Wu Fei said , I didn't go to Wu Fei so frequently in the future.

"Did you hear that, you're not him, don't you understand? Wu Fei doesn't like you, that's why I told you that I don't want to fall in love in college." Chance, how could she not make a sound.

"I don't believe it, Wu Fei, did you find someone to act in this? You, don't hold Wu Fei's hand, or be careful and I will be rude to you." Zhuang Boxun dared to say this to Su Wei because he had said The strength of the words.

The height is about 180, and there are obviously some muscular lines on his body. It can be seen that he is also a person who exercises regularly.

Zhuang Boxun did exercise a lot, he wasn't like this before, he was a bit affected at the time, but because Wu Fei would go to the playground for a run every morning, so he would also go for a run early in the morning in order to meet Wu Fei.

After such a year, all the loose flesh on his body had been tightened by him.

"You are Zhang Xuewei's ex-boyfriend? Why, you still want to beat me?" Su Wei never expected that he would always meet such a person.

The main reason is that there are too many licking dogs around beautiful girls, just like in ancient times, if you want to pick precious elixir, you must defeat the monsters that guard the elixir.

"You know me? Then you should know that I've been in love with Wu Fei for two years, so you still dare to lie to me by acting with her?" Zhuang Boxun was already addicted to his fantasy and couldn't extricate himself.

"Who lied to you, this is really my boyfriend, I don't like you, can you stop touching yourself?" Wu Fei was speechless, this Zhuang Boxun not only likes to be a dog lick, but also has a bit of a brain.

"You really don't like me? I'm more handsome than him, I have better grades than him, and my school is 985, and I can be the third in command of the student union this year. Why do you like him and not me?" Zhuang Boxun didn't know that he was so good Why is it that Wu Fei is blind and doesn't like herself.

"Are you a kid? Return 985, return the student union, are you sure you're not here to be funny?" Su Wei was almost laughed to death by this love rival.

However, his qualifications are indeed not bad among ordinary people. After all, his school is 985, which is much better than Wu Fei and the others' ordinary one. Moreover, he is not ugly, tall, and his family conditions are not bad.

"Zhuang Boxun, go back, don't embarrass yourself here." Zhang Xuewei didn't intend to make a sound at first, but the scene was so embarrassing that she didn't know what to do.

Now she only feels that it is really embarrassing to have an ex-boyfriend like Zhuang Boxun, and she doesn't know why she was obsessed with ghosts in her third year of high school, who is not good for rebellion, and why she agreed to be his girlfriend.

"Old Zhuang, forget it, let's go back today." Zhuang Boxun's roommate doesn't know what's going on with Zhuang Boxun. The man opposite him is obviously out of society. Judging by his clothes, his family should have a good financial situation. .

"What are you laughing at? Just because you are out of society and I am not, you can laugh at my excellent performance in school? If it is not better than school performance, then I have something here that I want to give to Wu Fei of.

Chanel's EXTRAIT DE CAMLIA series necklace, I bought it for 1000 yuan." This necklace was bought by Zhuang Boxun after taking out all the lucky money for several years.

This necklace was not what Zhuang Boxun was most satisfied with, let alone the most expensive in the store, but the price of this necklace was already the limit of what he could buy.

"Zhuang Boxun, I'm sorry, let me say this for the last time. I really don't like you. I haven't accepted anything from you. I hope you don't bother me anymore. I have a boyfriend." Wu Fei remembers the first time she received him It was a bottle of perfume, which seemed to belong to Chanel, but she returned it.

In the future, he would still give gifts frequently, but Wu Fei didn't confiscate them, so he replaced everything with food and drink.

But she still didn't accept it, so most of these things went into the mouths of Wu Fei's classmates at the next table.

Many students who cannibalize and speak well will help Zhuang Boxun to say good things, saying that he is so sincere, let Wu Fei try to agree to his pursuit, and the two of them try together.

"Zhuang Boxun, can you stop begging for nothing like this, Wu Fei has already made it very clear, she has a boyfriend, can you be sober?" Zhang Xuewei couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed forward to slap Zhuang Boxun .

Zhuang Boxun's roommate next to him saw that Zhuang Boxun was beaten, and hurriedly covered his face, as if he was the one who was beaten.

In fact, he was willing to accompany Zhuang Boxun out yesterday mainly because he had a purpose, that is, he liked Zhang Xuewei.

Just now seeing Zhang Xuewei beating someone, he didn't back down, on the contrary, he found that he liked Zhang Xuewei even more.

"Wei Wei, tell me, is this a well-designed play, why, why Wu Fei doesn't like me, why does she want to find a boyfriend, why is her boyfriend not me?" Zhuang Boxun started hysterical while talking, Then he squatted down slowly, crying, and took out the necklace from his clothes.

I saw that the necklace was packed in a rectangular Chanel box.

He found the necklace, then walked towards Wu Fei, intending to give her the present.

Zhang Xuewei didn't answer him, because Zhuang Boxun didn't need her answer either.

And she saw that Su Wei was already standing in front of Wu Fei, so she didn't need to say anything at this time, just like Sun Yanfang and Li Qiuhua, just eat melons with peace of mind.

 Let's count the votes, everyone, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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