Chapter 144 Clues

"Have you had enough trouble? It's really embarrassing to you, right? I've been entangled here endlessly. I don't care if you want to be a licking dog, but don't come looking for my girlfriend." Su Wei knew, this Zhuang Boxun would cry. At that time, he was crying while proposing to break up with Zhang Xuewei, so that Zhang Xuewei was accused by some people she didn't know at that time, why did she break up with him.

If Su Wei hadn't heard what Zhang Xuewei said, he would have thought that Zhuang Boxun was a poor man who couldn't love him, but in fact, being able to cry was his biggest trump card.

"What do you mean, just because you are with Wu Fei, you can stop me from liking her? Or are you afraid that she will fall in love with such an excellent me?" Zhuang Boxun, a 180-year-old guy, is actually the best The only thing he wanted was to cry, and no one thought that a guy like him would cry, and he would only cry because he had suffered a great grievance.

At this time, the girl's sympathy will be aroused, and then she will agree to his request.

He has used this move many times, and it has been tried and tested repeatedly. There is also a reason why Zhang Xuewei agreed to be with him back then.

"Boy, if you are really good, you know her more than a year before me, why I am her boyfriend, but you are not. I didn't want to hit you, but I see you have been messing around here, then I I'll let you know where my excellence lies." Seeing that Zhuang Boxun was either crying, or just pretending to be stupid, Su Wei was a little impatient.

Moreover, they were so noisy that they had already attracted the attention of many passers-by. He planned to make a quick decision.

"Are you outstanding? Why didn't I see it?" Zhuang Boxun looked at Wu Fei and the others, and none of them were like him. Moreover, Li Qiuhua even made a video of him crying, and he didn't Know what to use.

He didn't know that because he dumped Zhang Xuewei, Wu Fei had several conflicts with their dormitory, so his image was actually in their dormitory, and it was already rotten.

And the fact that he was crying was passed around by people from Zhuang Boxun's school, and it was rumored that Zhang Xuewei from the school next door dumped Zhuang Boxun from their school.

At that time, Li Qiuhua and the others were angry, so whenever Sun Yanfang met Zhuang Boxun, she would ridicule him for being crooked, and Zhuang Boxun could only think that Sun Yanfang was not scolding him because Sun Yanfang was Wu Fei's roommate.

"Do you know this key, the car I gave Wu Fei, do you know what kind of car it is, Ferrari Portofino, landed 400 million, can you give it away, and I bought a house in Wanliu Academy now, I plan to give this house to her in the future, do you think I am successful?" Su Wei has not pretended to be such a low-level B for a long time, but this Zhuang Boxun likes to pretend to be stupid, so he can only be straightforward.

"Didn't you say that this is a Ferrari California? Why do you hear that Wu Fei's boyfriend meant that?" Sun Yanfang and Li Qiuhua were eating melons beside them. When they heard Su Wei say the name of the car, they found out how to tell Li Qiuhua. different.

"This is a replacement model of Ferrari California, which has just been launched, so I said how could I not recognize it?" Li Qiuhua was checking the car with her mobile phone at this time. After checking the car, she planned to see how much the house in Wanliu Academy was worth. .

"You said that your car key is a Ferrari or a Ferrari. Who knows if it's a lighter, and why don't you give Wu Fei Wanliu Academy's house. My house has a courtyard house on the edge of the imperial city. That's what I plan to give to you in the future. Wu Fei's "Zhuang Boxun did not expect that Wu Fei's boyfriend would compare himself with such a vulgar thing as money.

And he said that he gave away a sports car and a house in Kyoto, who can guarantee that it is true or not, after all, it is not illegal to brag now.

"My boyfriend did give me a Ferrari, it's parked right behind you, believe it now." Seeing that Zhuang Boxun was like this, and he was still able to speak forcefully, Wu Fei was laughed angrily, and directly pressed the unlock button of the car .

"You are with him because of money? I never thought that you are such a materialistic woman. I, Zhuang Boxun, misunderstood you. Just wait, give me five years, and I promise to be richer than him." Zhuang Boxun He didn't hear the car unlock, but he was flashed by the headlights of a Ferrari a few meters behind him, and now he knew he wasn't lying.

At this time, he was a little out of touch and angry. He felt that he couldn't catch up with Wu Fei, not because he was not good enough, but because he was not as rich as Wu Fei and her boyfriend.

After letting go of his rhetoric, he didn't even return the room, and turned around and left alone, forgetting his roommate where he was.

His roommate took a few glances at Zhang Xuewei, and realized that now was not a good time to make contact, so he could only turn around and chase after Zhuang Boxun.

Anyway, that room was opened by Zhuang Boxun, and the deposit was also paid by him. The roommate didn’t pay, and there was nothing in the room. Of course, he followed suit. Otherwise, when Zhuang Boxun took a taxi and left, he would have to take the subway by himself. Back to school.

"Zhang Xuewei, isn't your ex-boyfriend too funny?" Su Wei felt something was wrong just as he said that, because both Wu Fei and Sun Yanfang looked at him suspiciously.

After all, he is just Wu Fei's boyfriend, when did he become so familiar with Zhang Xuewei.

"I didn't expect him to become like this now. In fact, I still have to thank Wu Fei. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been broken up, and I wouldn't have known Zhuang Boxun's true face." Zhang Xuewei heard that Su Wei was so familiar. When calling her, she was about to break out in a cold sweat.

If it was accidentally revealed that she and Su Wei had already slept together, she couldn't imagine what would happen.

After all, although Wu Fei looks weak and weak, she is actually very assertive, otherwise she would be fine without being isolated by them for a year, and she doesn't look unhappy at all.

"You don't have to thank me. In fact, he has been with him for a long time, and you must be able to discover it yourself." Although Wu Fei was distracted by Zhang Xuewei, she still felt a little nervous.

"Okay, okay, that unlucky person has finally left. Let's go to the shop next door to have breakfast first. After breakfast, we will make Wu Fei your car and go back to school. I haven't ridden in this new Ferrari yet." Li Qiuhua originally My heart was so sad, I heard that being Su Wei's girlfriend, she even gave her a car and a house, and she also slept with Su Wei, so she got 2 yuan, which is so unfair.

At this moment, Su Wei suddenly heard Su Wei calling Zhang Xuewei, feeling that Zhang Xuewei might be exposed, so he hurriedly interrupted their chat.

A few people happened to be a little hungry at this time, so they stopped chatting and walked to the breakfast shop next door.

"Do you know Zhang Xuewei?" Wu Fei deliberately walked a few steps slowly, leaving Su Wei a distance behind Zhang Xuewei and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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