Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 145 Kyoto Bean Juice

Chapter 145 Kyoto Bean Juice
"I know her. Isn't she your roommate? We've seen her several times." Su Wei's words are indeed not deceiving. They have met several times, but it's not just that Wu Fei is there every time we meet.

"Then I'll go back to school straight away. After you finish eating, go back to sleep early." Seeing Su Wei's frank answer, Wu Fei let go of most of her doubts.

While eating breakfast, Li Qiuhua saw that there was soy sauce in the breakfast shop. She must try the taste of Kyoto soy sauce, after all, the old BJ said that it was absolutely delicious.

When the bean juice was served, Su Wei felt that the bean juice in front of him was slightly pungent, and he really didn't want to drink it.

"Why do you all have such expressions? This is a famous snack in Kyoto. Let's all drink it up." Li Qiuhua saw the bean juice coming up, but no one started it, so he was in a hurry.

"You want to drink so much, you can just drink it. Why do you have to drink it with us? You ordered five bowls. Let me say yes, I can't drink it. You help me drink this bowl." Sun Yanfang smelled this smell She was about to throw up, she didn't believe that this stuff was delicious.

"I can't drink it either." Zhang Xuewei pushed the bean juice forward and began to wave her hands.

Although Su Wei and Wu Fei didn't speak, they pushed the bean juice into the middle. They used practical actions to tell Li Qiuhua that they didn't want to drink it either.

"Give me some face, everyone has come up, so let's take a sip together, at least we have drank Jingdu soybean juice." In fact, Li Qiuhua himself smelled this smell, and he was terrified.

But the soy milk I ordered, no matter how bad it is, I have to try the taste, otherwise it is not white.

"Okay, okay, then let's all give her face, how about we all try this taste?" Su Wei would speak for Li Qiuhua, not because he slept with her to help her out, but because Su Wei saw Li Qiuhua secretly begging him help.

Everyone saw that Su Wei had said that, and they all picked up their bowls.

"We really want to drink it. I feel sick when I smell it." Sun Yanfang was not doing Su Wei face, but Zhang Xuewei face. After all, she didn't benefit from Su Wei, so there was no need to curry favor with Su Wei.

"Let's drink, everyone in the same dormitory, we have the same blessings and the same difficulties." Zhang Xuewei imitated the scene in the TV series and had sex with Sun Yanfang first.



A few women shouted slogans loudly, but just toasted there, they refused to drink first, but to see if there was anyone who took the lead.

The performance of the few of them entertained the people at the tables next to them, and saw a few very beautiful girls, working around with a bowl but not drinking.

Now that they have given up their own breakfast, they intend to see the expressions of these foreign girls after drinking the soy milk.

After all, many of them who grew up in Kyoto may not be able to drink soybean juice.

"For the last time, let's drink together, no one is allowed to play tricks." Su Wei saw that no one had a drink first, so he simply suggested that everyone drink together, otherwise, within half an hour, no one might take the first sip.

"it is good"


"Everyone must keep their word"

Everyone is going to drink it this time. After all, stretching the head is a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife. It's better to drink it. At least this thing can't kill people.

Su Wei took a sip and went in, only to feel the smell of hogwash. After entering from his mouth, it went straight to the sky.

"Uh, uh, I admit defeat, I really can't take it anymore." After Su Wei drank it, he really couldn't get used to the taste, and vomited all on the floor.


"Ugh, I admit defeat too"

Five people drank soybean juice and vomited all of them. They really couldn't get used to this thing.

The people at the other tables saw that Su Wei and the five of them vomited after drinking soybean juice, and they were very happy.

Most of the people who eat here are locals from Kyoto. When they see this scene, they have something to talk about in the past few days.

Su Wei originally planned to eat a bowl of noodles, but the bean juice was so refreshing that he lost his appetite to eat again.

The others are similar, they don't plan to eat anymore, they plan to go back to school and see if their appetite improves before deciding whether to eat or not.

"Then let's go, I just want to go back to sleep." Five bowls of bean juice only cost 50 yuan, but Su Wei gave 200 yuan, and the rest of the money is considered as hygiene expenses.

Back in the hotel yard, Su Wei talked to Wu Fei, then started the car and drove towards Bulgari.

"Which one of you will sit in the co-pilot, and who will sit in the back?" Wu Fei pressed the unlock button for Portofino, and then moved the driver's seat forward to reveal the space in the rear.

"Sit slightly in front, she's taller." Li Qiuhua was right. In the dormitory, Zhang Xuewei was almost 175 tall, and her height was also 172. Wu Fei was about 171 tall, and only Sun Yanfang was a little shorter, only 163.

A few people got into the car, and Zhang Xuewei and the others looked at the car curiously. After all, they usually couldn't touch this kind of sports car.

Only Li Qiuhua can take a ride occasionally, but that is only for a certain distance.

It's like this car, it belongs to my roommate, I can see enough, and I don't have to worry about showing a dog-like expression and being laughed at by others, after all, they have lived together for more than a year, who doesn't know who.

"Feifei, Su Wei really wants to give you a house in Wanliu Academy." Li Qiuhua checked the houses in Wanliu Academy when Zhuang Boxun was there just now. After checking, he found that the houses there are too expensive. It really is one of the best in Kyoto. mansion.

"Where is Wanliu Academy? Is it very expensive?" Sun Yanfang was also curious. After all, her family had agreed to buy her a house in Kyoto. She planned to buy a house there with a mortgage if Wanliu Academy was good.

"Is it expensive? Of course it's expensive, and it's quite expensive. I heard that the starting price of buying a house there is half a billion." When Li Qiuhua found out this information, his heart almost stopped for a few seconds.

This is half a billion. With such a house, what kind of circles are there? Which circles are not eager for her to enter.

"It's so expensive, Wu Fei, you are so lucky, your boyfriend bought such an expensive house as a gift for you." Sun Yanfang really feels that the gap is too big now, and there is no way to compare.

After all, a house of hers is almost the same as all the assets of her family, so how can this compare.

"Conditional, okay, how can it be so simple?" Wu Fei still liked the feeling of being the center of the dormitory, but for some reason, she felt that Zhang Xuewei was a little silent after getting into the car.

"What conditions? But it's normal to have conditions, after all, such an expensive house." Zhang Xuewei hurriedly asked when she heard that there were conditions for buying a house.

"Yes, what are the conditions?" Li Qiuhua also wanted to ask, to see if he could also get a house.

"He wants me to conceive a son for him, then he will give me the house in Wanliu Academy, and he will spend about 9000 million to buy that house." 9000 million includes the agency fee, the deed tax and personal tax of the house .

(End of this chapter)

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