Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 146 The house is in hand

Chapter 146 The house is in hand
"9000 million? How big is your house?" Sun Yanfang was stunned. She also wanted to say that if the average price of the house that Su Wei bought did not exceed 8, she would grit her teeth and ask her father to mortgage it for her. A small apartment.

But when Wu Fei said that the house cost 9000 million, forget it, this kind of house has nothing to do with ordinary people like her.

"It's almost 500 square meters, it's a duplex building." Wu Fei didn't expect that sharing something enviable would make herself so happy.

"Such a big house, as long as you have a son, he will give it to you. Then your boyfriend is really generous." Zhang Xuewei touched her belly unconsciously at this time, because she remembered that when Su Wei slept with her, it was No set of Smurfs.

At that time, she didn't think about it until she went back to school the next day. At that time, she always regretted it, and she was afraid of what would happen if she became pregnant.

But now she is not worried about getting pregnant, but about whether she can get pregnant. After all, she really wants a house, her own house, her own house in Kyoto, so she doesn't have to go back to her hometown.

Zhang Xuewei is not a woman who worships money, and her family's conditions are not bad, and her parents are not particularly strict with her money.

But they just want her to go back to her hometown after graduation. They don't want her to suffer hardships in the capital. If she goes back to her hometown, no matter if it's a house, a car, or a job, the family can make proper arrangements for her.

"A son is worth 9000 million. If it's a daughter, what will he give?" Li Qiuhua regretted that both opportunities were destroyed by 001. Otherwise, if she gave birth to a son for Su Wei, she would also be able to get a house. .

Especially for the first time, when Su Wei was drowsy that time, it was the 001 she wore for Su Wei at that time.

Looking back now, Li Qiuhua wanted to slap himself. Was it the child who missed it? That was the living little God of Wealth.

"I didn't ask this, because I still want to finish reading the book before thinking about it." Wu Fei planned to see God's will. If she really conceived a child, it would be God's wish for her to have a child.

"If it were me, what would I study? Just give birth to a few children for him, and I will basically have nothing to worry about in this life." Sun Yanfang was dreaming there.

After all, the impact of a 9000 million house is really too strong.

"My boyfriend likes Feifei's character. If it were replaced by yours, it might be a set of old and small ones outside the fifth ring road. By the way, Feifei, your car is open. Do you want to open it?" Li Qiuhua just now I sent Su Wei a message, but up to now, Su Wei hasn't replied to her.

"Forget it? It feels so embarrassing." Wu Fei is currently being blocked on the road, and there are cars all over the front, back, left, and right sides. If the shed is opened at this time, basically everyone in the nearby cars will have to look over.

"Don't open the shed, let's wait until we get near the school, there are too many cars here." Zhang Xuewei couldn't bear it, mainly because today is Monday, and the road is full of cars.

"Feifei, where will you park your car? Will it be parked at the school?" Sun Yanfang's car is parked at the school, and it costs 25 yuan a day, which is much cheaper than outside.

"Just stop the school. After what happened in the morning, I don't want to hide it anymore, or I won't be able to bear another neurosis." Wu Fei is really afraid of people like Zhuang Boxun. With this car, at least it can help her Reduce strike up by 90%.

After all, a girl drives a Ferrari to go to school, and your boy's family is not super rich, so you dare not go up to strike up a conversation.

Wu Fei waited until she finally got out of the congested road and was still two kilometers away from the school. Wu Fei couldn't stand Li Qiuhua and Sun Yanfang's Wu Fei, so she opened the hood.

When the car drove into the school, because the hood was open and none of them were wearing sunglasses, the people in the school could easily recognize them.

After all, the four golden flowers in their bedroom in Building C 306 are very famous. Although Sun Yanfang's appearance is a bit average, she can't hold back the beauty of the other three.

Wu Fei drove a Ferrari into the school, and within half an hour, the news had already spread throughout her school and the school next door.

Various rumors began to appear on the school intranet, but because most people were not clear about Wu Fei's family conditions, they believed that Wu Fei's family was rich, and they were just low-key before.

In the school, there are a few boys who think they are well-qualified. Before, they thought that as long as they were given a period of time, it would be easy to win Wu Fei. Now that they saw Wu Fei driving a Ferrari to the school, they were basically all scared. up.
Dividing line---
Su Wei drove back to Bulgari's room. There was still a taste in his mouth, and he kept feeling nauseous. Rinsing his mouth with water had no effect, and he had to brush his teeth later to get rid of the taste.

Su Wei was woken up by Lin Mengmeng's phone call at around 12 noon.

Because there are more real estate transactions in Kyoto, she sent messages to both Su Wei and the landlord in the morning, asking them to come to the real estate center earlier.

As a result, the landlords of the two suites arrived, waiting left and right, but they didn't see Su Wei coming.

Lin Mengmeng saw that it was already noon, so she guessed that Su Wei might still be sleeping, so she called him. Sure enough, these rich second generations didn't have the concept of morning.

After Su Wei woke up, he didn't rush to the real estate bureau, but called the bank first, and then asked Bulgari to deliver a lunch.

By the time Su Wei arrived at the real estate bureau, it was already 02:30 in the afternoon.

Originally, the two landlords had a lot of opinions on Su Wei. After all, everyone's time is precious, and there are so many people who come to the real estate bureau to do business.

This morning's time was wasted, and it may not be possible to finish it today. After all, there are too many people in Kyoto to deal with real estate.

But after Su Wei came, the real estate bureau specially arranged for a section chief to help with the transfer.

Su Wei directly transferred the final payment to the two landlords at the real estate bureau in front of Lin Mengmeng and her store manager Cao Yuqing.

As soon as the money arrived, all the complaints in the hearts of the two landlords disappeared. After all, the money was already in place, so it didn't matter.

Because there were insiders leading the way, the green light went all the way, and it was less than five o'clock after all the procedures were completed, and Su Wei's two real estate certificates had already been issued.

The two landlords are also veterans. I know that Su Wei is very powerful. After all, he can pay 1.5 million people at a time. In addition, the Kyoto Real Estate Bureau gave him the green light. The two landlords have lived in vain for so many years.

And if they didn't see it, they wouldn't be able to accumulate such a large family business, so seeing that Su Wei's real estate certificates were all out, they proposed that everyone go out for a meal together.

Su Wei and his sister were in no hurry to eat, so they would definitely refuse to eat with these two old guys.

"Xiao Lin, you agreed to treat me to dinner today, have you prepared a place?" Su Wei asked Lin Mengmeng after the two old fellows left.

"Boss Su, the arrangements have been made a long time ago. You will follow me later, and you will be satisfied." This time, in order to invite Su Wei to dinner, Lin Mengmeng specially found a friend and booked a box at Xinrongji.

(End of this chapter)

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