Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 148 Conditions and 1 False Alarm

Chapter 148 Conditions and a False Alarm

"Now the landlord is offering 15 billion." Cao Yuqing heard Su Wei's question and answered before Lin Mengmeng.

Because she also realized it, why bother to look for rich people outside, isn't the person sitting in front of her now a super rich man.

"The 15 billion courtyard house, this landlord really dares to open his mouth." It's not that Su Wei has never heard of the courtyard houses in Kyoto. Now there are tens of millions to hundreds of millions of courtyards, but very few of them can actually be sold.

The main reason is that many courtyard houses are said to be a courtyard, but they are actually a large courtyard, and they cannot be rebuilt, and it is not easy to park, and you have to go out to use the toilet.

"The price is indeed relatively high, but this house actually has room for price reduction, and its location is really good. It is very close to Houhai, and you can walk along Shichahai after dinner to digest your food." Since Cao Yuqing has made up her mind If she wanted to get a share of the list, of course she would not be polite. Before Lin Mengmeng could explain, she answered Su Wei first.

"Crow'er Hutong, Wujin's courtyard house, well, I can see it for a long time." Su Wei originally wanted to say that he was not interested, but he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have seen this house before when he was using Douyin in his previous life. In 21 years, it sold more than 20 billion yuan.

If it's really that house, then Su Wei will definitely buy it. After all, he can pick up more than one billion yuan for nothing, so why not.

And just like what Cao Yuqing said, the location of this house is very good. If it can be remodeled, then Su Wei can use this courtyard house as the residence of their old Su family and pass it on slowly. After all, a courtyard house is just like a rural homestead. is freehold.

"We'll go to see the house the day after tomorrow, Brother Su, you can go with me then. But, Brother Su, if you buy this house, who will pay the agency fee?" Lin Mengmeng saw that Su Wei was really interested, He sat down on Su Wei's lap, put his arms around Su Wei's neck and began to act like a baby.

"Yeah, Brother Su, who will be the one who will sell this house?" Cao Yuqing must be interested when she heard that Su Wei was going to see the house. The legs also began to act like a baby.

After all, the owner of this house has said that the agent who sells it can get 2000 million in agency fees.

"If I really bought this house, the transaction can be attributed to both of you, but you have to promise me one thing." The intermediary fee is paid by the landlord. Su Wei can't decide how much it is, but he can decide Who can get the money.

"What's the condition?" the two women asked in unison.

"It's very simple. Within this year, you two, I'll be there whenever I call, and you'll be here whenever you want." Su Wei didn't want to talk too long, after all, the development was almost done in a year.

And Su Wei didn't just call one person at a time. If he called, it would definitely be two women calling together. It would be so boring to be alone.

"I'm fine." Seeing Su Wei, Lin Mengmeng asked for this. It was too simple. After all, she already had a crush on Su Wei, and now that she was sitting on his lap, that crush became even more obvious.

"I, I'm fine." Cao Yuqing originally wanted to say that she was married, but considering the agency fee, it was as high as 2000 million. Even if it was divided between two people, each person would still have 1000 million.

After sharing it with the company, after tax deduction, she can still get 400-500 million yuan.

This money has been her income for several years. When she gets the money, she will be able to sell the small house she lives in now and exchange it for a bigger house in a better location.

When the three of them went out, they didn't drink half of the bottle of red wine, and the three of them got bored there the whole time.

Since he was drunk, Su Wei must not be able to drive, so he called Liu Qiang over to drive.

Only at this time did Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing realize that Su Wei had always had bodyguards by his side, but after thinking about it, it was normal to have bodyguards. Hit it, it's funny.

Because Xinrongji is not far from OT, it is a short drive to the place.

Just as Lin Mengmeng was about to get out of the car, a car rushed out and blocked the car in front of the Lamborghini.

Seeing a car blocking the Lamborghini, Su Wei was taken aback, but because there were two girls beside him, and Liu Qiang was also in the car.

So he is still pretending to be calm. After all, we are unlikely to have hot weapons here, at most cold weapons.

Moreover, Su Wei had already seen his other three bodyguards got out of the car, and each of them had a stick in their hand.

Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing were about to get out of the car, but Liu Qiang directly locked the door, preventing people in the car from getting out, and not letting anyone outside open the door.

After all, who knows what this car means. If you are looking for trouble, it is safest to be in the car. After all, the other three bodyguards are already close here.

What's the matter, we'll wait for them to control the place. If they go down, it may cause trouble for them.

"What's the matter, isn't this car coming towards us?" Lin Mengmeng just wanted to ask if it was coming towards Su Wei, but Su Wei was right next to her, so she changed it to "Is it coming towards us?" here.

"I don't know, but it's okay, my other bodyguards have already come." Su Wei asked himself that he didn't offend anyone in Kyoto. Could it be the rich second generation who lost face last time and was not convinced, so he planned to find someone to teach Su Wei a meal?Then it is impossible to come here with only one car, what about the others.

Su Wei looked around, only to find that there was no suspicious person except the car.

"We won't fight later, should we call the police?" Cao Yuqing watched several bodyguards slowly approaching, she moved close to Su Wei's ear, and said softly.

"Wait a minute, someone got out of the car, let's have a look first." Su Wei's ears were so itchy from Cao Yuqing, he scratched them.

At this time, the Land Rover blocking the Lamborghini found that a woman got out of the car first. Although it was a bit backlit, Su Wei could tell that the woman had a pretty good figure, especially the headlights, which dazzled the eyes.

Then a fat man got out of the driver's seat, first tidied up his clothes, then opened the back door of the car, and got out with a box from the back seat.

"Boss Su, it doesn't seem like he's here to ask for trouble." Liu Qiang looked at these two people. If he beat them with his hands, it would be conservative to estimate that he would have no problem dealing with 7-8 of them, and it was still with bare hands.

"Then don't do anything when you call them over, I don't feel like looking for trouble." After all, if you really want to ask for trouble, how could you bring such a coquettish woman.

"Hello, I'm Wang Jinming, the deputy general manager of GE Bar. I'm taking the liberty to interrupt you this time because our bar is going to open this Friday. I want to invite Mr. Su over there to have fun."

(End of this chapter)

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