Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 149 Reputation Outside

Chapter 149 Reputation Outside
"Hello, I'm Wang Jinming, the deputy general manager of the GE Bar. I'm taking the liberty to bother you this time because our bar is going to open this Friday, and I want to invite Mr. Su to come and have fun." Wang Jinming looked at the co-pilot first, startled After a while, he realized that it wasn't Su Wei, and then he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Su Wei in the back row. It seemed that he should have seen Su Wei.

At this time, the three bodyguards hid their sticks behind them and surrounded the two of them.

When Liu Qiang saw that everyone was present, he got out of the car, and then forced Wang Jinming and his girlfriend to lean against the car next to them.

"Misunderstanding, I am here to send invitations." Seeing that Su Wei and the others had misunderstood, Wang Jinming hurriedly motioned for the small box in his hand.

Liu Qiang checked the box that Wang Jinming was carrying, and found that there was nothing wrong with it, so he handed the box to Su Wei.

"Are you here to deliver invitations?" Su Wei looked at the invitations in the box, and then called Wang Jinming over.

A few people spoke up at this time, only to realize that it was a false alarm.

Wang Jinming was indeed here to deliver invitations today, but Su Wei's whereabouts were a bit erratic, so he blocked him at the OT gate.

In fact, it stands to reason that there is no need for them to invite Su Wei when the GE bar opens.

After all, Su Wei has only come to Kyoto for such a short time, and there are so many cross-rivals in Kyoto, Su Wei is not the best background among them, but why does GE Bar have to invite him.

It was because last time Su Wei was at the OT Bar in Kyoto, he treated the audience to two bottles of Ace of Spades.

They used to hang out in bars, and the speed of information dissemination in their circle was very fast. Coupled with the news that everyone was invited to drink the Ace of Spades, their circle of friends was completely swiped that night.

It turned out that Su Wei came to the capital for the first time, and no one knew him.

Until someone left a message under the circle of friends of a mixed circle expert saying, isn't this Su Wei from Shanghai.

Only then did they know that it was Su Wei who spent a lot of money in the bar this time.

Although Su Wei feels that he is not well-known, in fact, he has always had his legend in the rich second generation circle.

After all, there are only four convertible Lafa in China, and he sent a video of picking up the car and posted it on the scarf.

It’s just that he didn’t go to see the scarf himself. Besides, besides many marketing accounts, there are also many gangster girls and rich second generations who followed him. It’s just that after he was disgusted by that gei’s photo last time, he didn’t go there anymore. I checked the private message.

And because Su Wei became popular in the bar circle in Kyoto because of this incident, many wealthy second generations also wanted to learn from him, but it turned out that even if they invited every table in the audience to drink a bottle of Ace of Spades, it would cost more than 70 yuan.

Hearing that it would cost more than 70, these little rich second generations were all scared, and those rich second generations who could afford to invite the whole audience to drink an ace of spades are already famous and don't need this kind of temporary popularity.

The GE bar opened this time, and the target is the OT bar, so for Su Wei, who is very popular now, they must invite him. After all, Su Wei also went, which proves that GE is very attractive to high-end customers.

If there are many high-profile customers, there will be many beauties. If there are many beauties, there will be many people. If there are many people, there will be many high-profile customers. This is a cycle.

But it's not easy to find Su Wei. After all, he is not familiar with the people in Kyoto. OT has his contact information, but it is impossible for them to give them.

So Wang Jinming bribed a few OT employees to help keep an eye on it, and if Su Wei came, he would notify them.

Wang Jinming got a tip-off today, saying that Su Wei reserved a box today.At that time, he was having dinner with his secretary. Hearing the news, he brought his secretary along before he finished dinner. The two of them stayed at the door of OT bar.

He just waited for an hour, and seeing that Su Wei hadn't come yet, he couldn't help but give his secretary a lollipop in the car.

Halfway through eating, he saw Su Wei's Lamborghini coming. He was in such a state that he couldn't go down to meet people, and he was afraid that Su Wei would leave.

It can only be that the Lamborghini was blocked by driving, and then the clothes were arranged in the car before the two got out of the car.

After the misunderstanding was resolved, Wang Jinming drove away with his secretary, and Xiao Xiao also came over at this time.

"Brother Su, I'm sorry, just now two colleagues have been dragging me to talk about something, what happened?" Xiao Xiao didn't know what was going on with his colleague.

At that time, when he saw Su Wei's car, he was planning to come to meet Su Wei.

His two colleagues kept asking him about things, and they didn't let him go until the Land Rover drove away.

"It's nothing, by the way, what I asked you to arrange, did you arrange it?" Su Wei saw that since Xiao Xiao didn't know, there was no need for him to tell him.

After all, GE Bar was here to send an invitation, and they were almost beaten by Liu Qiang and the others. If Wang Jinming didn't bring the secretary with him today, he would definitely be beaten.

"It has been arranged a long time ago. They haven't all arrived yet, and there are still a few on the way. Should I let them come in first when they arrive, or come later when they are all here?" Xiao Xiao knew that Su Wei was a convertible Lafa After the owner of the car, he really wanted to give Su Wei a confession. These thighs are really too thick.

"After they are all here, you can call them over again. By the way, there are no professional players this time." Su Wei does not discriminate against professional players, but every time he goes to bars and places like ktv, he doesn't like to have professional players around .

"Brother Su, don't worry, I guarantee that there will be no professional players in this time. I spent a lot of money to hire these people this time, and some of them are still students." Yes, they are really not professional players, but gold diggers are real.

With Xiao Xiao's guarantee, Su Wei put Lin Mengmeng and Cao Yuqing in his arms, and walked into the room No. 888 that Xiao Xiao had booked for him.

This 888 box, if you are not a big customer, you will not be able to book it at all. After all, other boxes are 901, 902, 888, and this is the only one.

Su Wei spent more than 200 million yuan in one night last time. If you say that he is not a high-flyer, who else is a high-flyer.

The OT saw that Xiao Xiao had booked a box for Su Wei, and without further ado, he released box 888.

It made the other salesman very upset. After all, his client wanted to book this box, but Su Wei had a lot of money, and his client was not that rich.

Usually it's not weekends, and when those big customers are not around, he, a client who spends more than one hundred thousand, can still take a private room on the Leopard.

But since Su Wei is here today, it is definitely impossible to give this private room to other people.

After all, after Su Wei became popular now, many things about him have also been exposed.

What spends over a million in OT in Qiantang, what 918, the owner of the convertible Lafayette.

There are also many rumors that belongs to his family. Fortunately, Su Wei didn't know, otherwise he would be pissed off. After all,'s market value is not as much as his assets. Isn't this insulting.

(End of this chapter)

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